Jan 11, 2022


In whatever you are doing never accept that you can only do such, you have to scratch the whole surface and reach your full potential. What you have right now is not the only thing you can have, what you can do right now is not the only thing you can do. Most people live their lives without even reaching their prime. It's a big mistake not to push yourself to the limits because you will never know how far can you go. Greatness is fort everyone, it's not only for the chosen few. If they can do it so as you. You have to believe in yourself, believe in the power of hard work and focus.


You're powerful more than you ever thought, you just feel weak because you're not using all of your capacity. You can become unlimited if you will choose to push every second. Devour every opportunity and never act like you're unlimited. Keep jabbing, keep working, do whatever it takes to take your life and skills to another level. It's like pushing yourself to go to a higher place, be satisfied if you only upgraded a little bit, stay consistent and do what works everyday. 

Just because you feel weak doesn't mean you can't do anything, just because you feel tired and lazy doesn't mean you can't start. Force your body to take one more step, your body is your slave, mind is the master. 

Always give your 100 percent, never exert a weak effort. Make sure you are using all of your energy and don't stop until you're depleted, don't stop until there's no more left in your tank. 


Push yourself a little bit today then push again tomorrow, keep pushing until you go far, until you become very big. Never stop pushing, it's all you need to do, it's all you've got. If grinding and hustling is the only way then accept it with all your heart. The technique here is to forget the outcome and focus on the process, focus on the smallest step that you can do and execute it with joy. Always go to the next level. Going to the next level doesn't necessarily mean getting more results or money. It can be working harder, moving faster, deciding faster, making decisions smarter, equipping more knowledge, being braver. Always watch yourself if you're improving or not. There's no harm in trying, there's no harm in dreaming big, all you've got to do is work hard and be closer and closer to your vision and that's it. Make the process simple and easy, don't complicate it too much, know what you want and go forward without a doubt to get it. Commit to a little push everyday, one push at at time... do it. 

Just try it, if you're lost, if you're losing, if you have no hope anymore... keep pushing, try something and make it work. Make it bigger, give all of your time and energy to it, that little push can go very far. 


It's fun to see what you can don in a month, a year, 5 years and so on. Set a deadline, set a goal and push with all your might to get it. See what you can achieve, it's going to be a lot of fun testing yourself, see what you are mad of. Are you made of steel or are you made of soft cotton candy? Know who you are. You will only know it if you do the impossible and think the unthinkable, never under estimate yourself, believe in anything that you do. Have fun with your life, play with it, dream big and work as hard as you can. See what you can get by just outworking everyone, see what is possible in your life. You are so free to test yourself, anybody can test himself. Just do it, do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Clear your mind about failures and negativity, focus on what you want to achieve and be fearless in taking actions everyday. 

You can become a star, a millionaire, a businessman, a police, an inventor, a teacher, a successful entrepreneur, a scientist or simply doing what you love. You can be anything you want if you will allow yourself to get it. 


You're not born to become a slave or a loser, you are here to win, you are here to conquer. You can rise and shine, you can become something greater than what you are right now. All it takes is hardwork and commitment. Never give up until you win, never stop until you're satisfied with the results. You're not born to be a slave, you have the potential to become a king if you want to, step up your game and stop acting weak. Change your self image, change your attitude and mindset. You only have one life in this world, are you going to accept being a slave forever? level up, raise yourself and make the best out of your life. Level up your standards, do everything you can within your power to change your life. 

Get disgusted if somebody is disrespecting you and controlling you, you have to do something about it. Don't just let anybody abuse you and pay you less. You have to ask for your own price and never take lesser than it. 


Whether you're already 60 years old or 90 years old it's never too late to do something. There are some 100 year older who become successful and they only start at their early 90s. Nothing is impossible if you believe, nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. You still have a lot left in your tank, you should keep going and keep chasing for your dream. You still have a lot of time, just don't waste time, never believe the haters and always believe in yourself. Anything is possible if you believe, just work hard focus on trying to reach your ceiling. 

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