Jan 10, 2022


No social media, enemy, past, ex lover, neighbor, trend, critic, comments, hate, fear should own your mind. It should be free from any of these things. Because your mind defines your life, if it's full of shit then you will never succeed, you will never make a progress, you will become stuck on the same place, the worse is... you might get worse. Own your mind, it's yours, you should never let anything occupy it especially the negative thoughts. Your mind can be too powerful if you can control it and can be too weak and destructive for yourself if you feed it with negativity and pessimism. Never let your mind be crowded with a lot of disturbing information, stop looking at those images that will corrupt your mind and will put you on the wrong path. 


You may let your mind be controlled by unwanted subjects, your attention may get caught with nonsense information and you might lose a lot of time doing that but you have to come back so fast, you have to go back to your better mind. It's ok to slip down a little bit, it's ok to get undisciplined a little bit but go back to the right track as soon as possible and never let yourself be stuck in a mud again. Get disciplined again, focus on the process of getting better and forgive yourself whenever you made a mistake or get tempted with these negative thoughts and habits. Come back fast to the real you, get back on track and never let any disturbances slow you down again. 


Something will always try to disturb your mind and it's your duty to fight it. Depression, anxiety, being overwhelmed, confusion, laziness, negative information, fear, fake news, etc. These things will always try to poison your mind and you should fight it. You have to set yourself free from these useless information because it will affect your mentality, you will become scared and anxious, you will become a worrier, your life will be on a bad position. Make sure you will never let these negative thoughts and habits control you, never let any unhelpful things take control of your life. You have so much potential to be linking yourself to downward spiral activities, you should know what will put you on top, you should focus on what will make your life much better. The good news is you will never lose if you don't give up, just keep fighting, there will be a lot of distractions and negative voices that will try to seduce you to do the wrong things but never let your guard down, always know what you're doing and thinking, always choose discipline over instant gratification. 


You should always be aware of what you're thinking and never get too emotional about it. Never let it control your system. Never let it be the driver of the steering wheel. If you are mindful and thinking consciously then you will be in control. Stick to your philosophy, always breathe and focus on the thoughts that you must think. Never let the outside influences control you. Stay calm all the time and never let any poisonous thoughts take over. Feel the air, feel the sound, feel the light, feel the stress, feel the pressure. You will become invincible if you will learn how to feel and never look for the future because you will be able to think clearly and make the right decisions. Your fear will go away, you will feel more confident and you will have more energy to withstand any kind of storm. 


Whatever you did in the past, whatever you didn't do in the pat, whatever mistake or bad choices you did in the past... let it go. It's still messing your mind up to now. Have no regrets so you can move forward. Regrets can be erased, it's only in the mind. Forget everything and just move on with your life, just be happy, have peace with your past because there's a lot of good things to come. It's  waste of time to have regrets, it will only destroy your peace, it will disturb your life. Always remember that your life is happening now, not in the past, not in the future. You haven no power in the past, you can only become happier and more successful in the present moment. So forget everything in the past and just focus on the present moment. 


Focus on what you can control, focus on what you can do... that's how to feel powerful. There's nothing you can do if nobody likes you or your work, there's nothing you can do if people were disrespectful, there's nothing you can do if you constantly fail, there's nothing you can do if what you want hasn't happening yet. It is what it is, crying and whining like a bitch will lead to a miserable life. You have to focus on your own power and that is moving forward without judging what you have. That's all you can do, keep living your life, be happy with what you have and still try again. Keep trying, there's nothing wrong if you keep failing, it should be fun, this is a journey, one day you're going to have your time. One day you will see yourself winning but your situation will never change if you keep on complaining and blaming things. Take full responsibility of your life, what's happening now was the results of your choices yesterday so just move on and focus on your own power. Never mind the results, don't worry about what will happen in the future and just place your energy on the next step and keep pushing, keep going further, you will become powerful if you will focus on what you can do. 

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