Jan 28, 2022


Every time you think about someone else... you need to work, you need to stop that thought and go back to your work, this is one way how to become more productive. If you want to become productive you need to check your thoughts 24 hours a day, be mindful all the time, use your willpower to discipline yourself. It's your thoughts that will make your break you. 

Every time you find yourself starting to think about your Ex, neighbor, enemy, idol, you better stop it right away and go back to work. It's a trigger that you need to start taking actions, you better stop wanting information that are needed because it's a poison to your mind, it's making you weak and sick, it's making you a lazy bum. You don't need to know everything about them, you need to know more of yourself. You need to find out what you can do, you need to discover your full potential, you need to keep growing and watch yourself succeeding. You owe greatness to yourself and you can only achieve this by not getting interested with other people's stories anymore because it's eating a lot of your time and energy, it's not giving you the boost to level up. Yes, it's really entertaining and very easy to access but it will only make your life miserable in the end, it will give you a lot of regrets. 


It's your nature to love people isn't it? you always wanted to know what they're doing, you wanted to become updated with their lives, you wanted to please them, you wanted to impress them and this kind of mentality is bringing you down. You will always chase them, you will always get interested to them and this is eating a lot of energy from you, you're not taking care of yourself anymore, you're not getting interested with your own life anymore, you're starting to believe them more instead of believing in yourself. This has to stop now if you want to maximize your life, stop getting interested to them and give more time to yourself. Every time you find out wanting to search for a story about celebrity because you heard something about them... stop it. Every time you want to check your crush's social media account... stop it. Every time you want to check the results of a sports game... stop it, don't ever think about accessing those information because it will eat a lot of your time. 


Stop looking at them, stop being lazy, stop procrastinating, stop having too much fun, stop getting interested with gossips and negative stories. They are really entertaining but they will hinder you growth, they are stealing away your dreams from you. Who are they to eat your time? they will not even give you a good future, they will never give you money or something. Why will you allow yourself to become weak like that because of getting too interested with other people's stories. Work on yourself and make yourself a celebrity, idolize yourself, have fun grooming yourself, get better everyday, this is the way to elevate your status in life. This is the only way to live a different life. 

Because at the end of the day you will get bored with their stories too but it's hard for your to stop following them because you already get used to doing it everyday, it's already conditioned in your mind, it's embedded in your system. That's why you have to stop it now, you have to carefully select all of your thoughts and activities. 


If you do this style you will get bored because your mind was already conditioned to absorb useless but fun information like news, stupid celebrity stories etc. but this will give you a lot of time for yourself. You will feel uncomfortable and bored with your new lifestyle, you will feel stuck but that's ok. Keep pursuing your goals, it doesn't matter if you are slow just keep going and never stop. Never go back to your old self again, use your time wisely and never waste it for stupid nonsense information again that holds you back. Success is very simple, people who uses their time wisely will get it. It's not about how good you are, it's not about how talented you are, the only thing that matters is where you place your time and energy. If you will use all of your strength for chasing your goals then you will get it but if you will use your time for finding out what other people are doing then you will never succeed, as simple as that. It doesn't matter if you're already bored and your mind wants to consume easy and entertaining information, just keep disciplining yourself, it's really hard but it's the only way to have more time for yourself. Trust me, you will be amazed with your progress if you use your time for yourself only. Never mind what's happening to the celebrity world, never mind what your friends, enemies or the people you like are doing, just focus on making yourself better each day. Trust me, you will feel happier and stronger by doing this. 

Never waste your time because it will back fire at you in the end, you will end up being a loser. The funny thing is you will only get disappointed if you follow people but you don't like what they're doing, you will only feel bad if they are losing or doing some stupid things. They're just humans like you, never think that they're some kind of a special person or something. Nobody is special in this world, the only special are the ones who never die. They're just normal people like you, don't ever think that they're better than you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...