Sep 3, 2020


If you really want to change your life, if you want to see something different... focus on hard work. Hard work becomes easier if you will do it everyday. Don't be afraid of it, don't be afraid of exerting your full maximum effort and going all in. WAKE YOUR LAZY ASS UP, your dream is already overdue, you have to make something happen now or else you will have a lot of regrets in the end. Your eyes are open but your spirit is not, your vision is still blurry, you have to do something about it or else you will never arrive at your desired destiny. Because there is no point in being lazy, it's waste of time and waste of life. And speaking of life, don't you know that you only have one? maybe you think you're a cat that has 9 lives that's why you're wasting it, or maybe you think you're a Contra game character that has a 30 lives, common man, the reason why you are boring is because you're not doing something. You're just going with the flow, and that is a bad thing because you're giving away your control. 


Control your mind, control your efforts, go all  in for something, give yourself a chance to succeed and you can only do that by becoming a different person... someone who's better than yesterday. Use your power, use any skill that you have, discipline yourself to become a fast starter and a strong finisher. The key to success is knowing that you've given everything you've got with all the time that was given to you. Your life is not a waste if you truly enjoy it and you know that where you are is all you can be. But if deep inside a voice is telling you that you could have done more then it means you wasted your life. It's time to take control, always remember that you have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. Be a doer, stop being a dreamer or a wisher... be a doer. Your life will never change if you're always remembering what could have happen if you do this or do that, it's time to let go of the past. Stop day dreaming all day and wishing to be a superstar, playboy, rockstar, super hero or something. It's time to face the reality, the reality is your life completely sucks now and you're not doing something about it. 


If you start something... finish it. Use your willpower to finish it, just being a finisher can make an impact to your life. Finishing something is hard because you want to finish it fast, what if you will enjoy every step on the process? what if you will forget the time and effort needed to finish it? you will become stressed in life if you're always rushing. Take your time, learn how to enjoy every work that you do. You will become faster if you will focus. Turn of the damn TV, drop your cellphone, unplug your playstation, block the porn sites that wastes your time. Focus on finishing what you've started. Success loves a finisher, it doesn't love a procrastinator. So you better hate yourself if you're a procrastinator and change to a doer. Do it do it do it, work work work. Finishing something is simply about using your willpower, it's disciplining yourself to stick with the task until it's done. 


Who are you to be waited for? You are nothing, you have't prove anything yet, the world will never wait for you so you have to start fast and do what is needed. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...