Sep 30, 2020


What's your job at the moment? it can be sweeping the floor, sending an email to a client, calling a friend, selling something in facebook market, applying for a job, creating a content in you tube, or simply taking a bath. Once you start have that killer instinct to finish it. Be a finisher, be a doer, be someone who is willing to go the extra mile. The greatest people on earth knows how to finish, they know when to change gears, they go stronger once they smell blood, there is no stopping on them, they are here to make a statement. Because it's not about how you start, it's about how you finish. Most people have a very strong start, they were very good in the beginning but they can never finish. Once they feel uncomfortable... they will quit, they will never wish to continue anymore, this is what most people do... they quit, they were just good in talking but very poor in executing. Focus on your job at the moment, define it and focus on it until it's done. Whether it's about sweeping the floor, making projects, typing work, solving a math problem, creating a you tube channel or website... do it now, start it and finish it, as simple as that. This kind of mindset will make you very productive, it will make you a finisher. 


I don't care how you finish, never care how you finish. Even if it's ugly, slow, unattractive, brutal, disgusting or what. Just finish, it's better to finish than to not finish at all. Because you will feel so low if you didn't finish, there will always be questions there will always be regrets. I don't care if you stumble, I don't care if you look like a trash, I don't care if you're so damn tired, I don't care if you have no chance at all... just finish what you've started and forget about anything else. The main goal is to finish, keep that in your mind. It's not to look cute, it's not to look amazing, it's not to look great and feel better... it's to finish at all cost. So you have to keep moving forward and follow your game plan. So stop trying to look cute all the time, stop trying to look fresh and get dirty finishing the job, do whatever it takes to accomplish it, just do something, start now and finish it.  


1. You want to finish fast, you get bored once you learned that there are lot of works to do.
2. You're not focused, you're thinking about a lot of things that are not even related to your task. 
3. You're always looking at the clock, you're worried about the time so much. You're worried about the time you wasted and the time remaining. The truth is.. time doesn't matter, if you really wanted to finish then you will work no matter what, you will never let anything stop you even the time. 
4. You're trying to look cute, you're playing the soft game, you're not working hard, you're not pushing yourself because you don't want to get tired. Just like in playing basketball, you can't finish because you're trying to look cute, you don't want to look tired, you don't want to play hard because the lead of the other team was so big, you don't want to look like they're toying on you and that's why you don't want to try anymore, you just want the game to get finished. Success is not like that, success is a mindset, it's not about winning or losing it's how you approach any challenge. The truth is people will love you more if you're going hard all the time even if the lead was so big. you can't be quitting when you're already losing because that will reflect on any areas of your life, it will become your habit, it will become your system. 


If you want to finish then you need to face the pain, because part of you will always look for comfort. Your mind will trick you and tell you that it's hard and that you need to stop. That's why you need to fight your mind, you need to face the pain. Move forward even if you're slow and feeling heavy, move forward even if you feel so tired. Because the truth is you're not tired, the mind never gets tired if it's conditioned the right way. The truth is you want wanted comfort, you're too soft, you're too weak. And if you want to have a new life then you need to make yourself a finisher, you need to go back to your work and believe that you can do something great. This is the only key to make yourself a mover, you need to face the pain little by little, feel it, don't be afraid of it because the only thing that it can do is make you grow, it can never kill you. It's so painful disciplining yourself light? it's so painful doing the first step right? especially if you know yourself as being lazy for the past few years. It's time to destroy your present identity and create a new identity, it's time to become a finisher. Are you so sick and tired of your life? do you feel so weak? it's because you can't finish something. Start fast and just finish it no matter what, no matter how long it takes... take it one step at a time and try to enjoy the process even if it's so difficult and grueling. Forget about how you feel, even if you feel tired or out of gas anymore... just finish it. There is something you can do, even if all you can do is just a slow and little step... do it anyway, do it despite of fear and fatigue. 


Losers are just starters, sometimes they couldn't even get started. The real winners are the ones who can finish no matter what. They can finish on a cold weather, they can finish in recession, they can finish in traffic, they can finish even if the volume of stress is very high. They just don't care, they just wanted to finish. They don't care about their feelings, they don't care about what's going to happen next, they just wanted to finish because it really feels good making a plan and executing it, you will feel successful if you do what you say you're going to do. 


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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...