Sep 1, 2020


If you're a doer then there is a big chance that you're going to become a winner. This world is full of procrastinators, waiters, watchers, spectators, dreamers, talkers, frauds and wannabes. Nobody is willing to pay the price, nobody is willing to work as hard as they can and become successful. If you will just start this day and do whatever you can to become successful then you will feel much better, you will feel stronger and your confidence will go high. A belief will start to grow, the belief in yourself will start to bud and that momentum will keep getting stronger as you work hard and push yourself. Pushing yourself is the only thing you can do if you're dumb, untalented and poor. The good thing about not having those so called "gifts" that most people talk about is you can still climb the highest mountain, you can still move and make your situation a little bit better than yesterday. There is something you can do and all you have to do is do it. Little by little you can rise like a phoenix, you can make yourself better, you can do something. You cannot do everything, you cannot become successful right away but you can always do something. The difference between a winner and a loser is a winner will always find a way even if his vision is blurry, he will force the issue, he will not just stand in the corner waiting for something to happen, he will take matters into his own hands. 


Success is a choice, you got to choose if you're going to chase it or not, you've got to choose if you will become a doer or just a wisher. What are you? are you always watching other people's success? are you wasting your time everyday day dreaming and wishing that things could have been different? If you are taking actions you will discover your power, opportunities will come and miracles will happen. If you're not doing anything you will feel weak and useless, you will become depressed and your mind will be filled with worries and negativity. Being a doer will make you forget all of your problems, your actions alone will entertain you, time will become faster, you will grow faster, you will become more experienced and a master of your own domain, how good was that? you have nothing to lose if you're taking actions, you will get more and become bigger. Look at those lazy people... they have a lot of problems, it's because their minds were filled with negativity, all they see is problems, they couldn't even start something that might change their lives. They were full of complaints and the list of their problems were very long, you couldn't even count the times they complain on their lives. 


Remember that the first step is the heaviest step but once you start and make it to the point to finish it no matter what then you will finish it. Try to focus, always see yourself if you're trying to do some other things. It's like training yourself to stick with the process no matter how boring it is. You have to stay disciplined all the time, that's the only way to get the job done. Most people will have the courage to start but will immediately do some other things once they felt the difficulty. You will feel bad every time you stop the process, you will feel so weak, sometimes you will even feel sick. You will only feel free and better if you start doing it now and also finish it now. That's the difference between a successful person and a failure, the successful person will keep pushing even if he doesn't feel right about the process, he is about finishing, he is about business, he is not playing around, once he start something... he will go further, he will go for the kill, he is a finisher. So if you feel weak, if you feel that there is something wrong with you it only means that you are procrastinating, you need to do something but you choose to not do it, you always think that you can do it tomorrow or later but that day never come. 


1. You will feel good, it feels like the pain go away.

2. You will have more confidence in yourself

3. You will have more time to do some other things

4. You will have a peace of mind

5. You get better as a person.


You could have been rich or successful by now but you let procrastination rule your life, you let it dictate where you are going to, you get addicted with it. It's the real enemy, it's the one pulling you down, not your lack of skills or abilities, not your lack of support system... it's laziness that is making your life ugly and worse. So train yourself to simply just start something, be fast and never rush, go for what you want, take it one step at a time, there is no need to hurry here you only need to stay consistent and focused. You will become faster if you will develop a habit of just doing it and just finishing it, trust me... I am a procrastinator before but my life changed when I stop procrastinating. It feels so hard when you're about to start but once you start everything else will become much easier. Be fast in taking the first step, never let your mind think, never let fear control you. You can do a lot of things today, surprise yourself with what you can accomplish by just working hard and not resting every time you feel tired or bored. Actually you really never get tire, you're just getting bored so it's your natural instinct to look for a more entertaining activity that won't help you at all.

There is nothing wrong with you, you are not lacking anything, you're just a procrastinator and that's why you can't make a progress in your life Try being a doer, try just doing it and you will feel your power, your self esteem will get stronger, you will discover how good you are, you're one decision away from becoming successful, you're one step away from changing your life. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...