Sep 18, 2020


How many of us is trying to use the law of attraction but can't figure out how to make it work? How many of us is hoping that one day our lives will change through law of attraction? The question is... is law of attraction really true? or is it a hoax? the answer is... it's really true. But it doesn't mean it's very easy to use, it doesn't mean all you need to do is believe that what you want will come to your life and it's going to be yours. The power of belief is so amazing, that's why you need to focus on grooming your belief first and then take actions right away. 


Look at the images you wanted to attract into your life. Never look at images that you hate or disgusted about. Only look at the images that makes you feel good. Focus on what you really want, you know what you want and you better use your energy only to what you want. Because sometimes you're entertaining a lot of information and subjects that are not even related to what you want. Just because you're happy about something doesn't mean it's contributing to the attraction of what you desire. Focus means you think about your desire 24 hours a day, it should be embedded into your system, it should be your soul. Focus is not watching sports, focus is not looking at hot girls on the internet, focus is not making your brain explode by playing war craft 10 hours a day, focus is not getting angry with your neighbor, focus is not resenting that you didn't do what you are suppose to do. Always remember that every thought you entertain is either pulling you away or making you closer. Every though that is not related to what you want is pushing you away from success so be aware of your thoughts, always stay mindful, always discipline your mind and get rid of unwanted thoughts that are not helping you right after you discover that it's not helpful. 


Difficulty makes your belief change, stress makes your belief weak, jealousy with other people's success makes your belief change. Your belief is changing all the time, every negative feeling is affecting your belief. So you should always be aware if you're doubting yourself already and start strengthening your belief again. Doubting yourself is normal but you have to stay solid to your belief no matter what, be aware if fear is starting to take over and take a deep breathe right away and meditate so that your mind will be reset. 

Just because you are confident now doesn't mean that confidence will never diminish, of course you will still doubt yourself, it happens to every great person. But what separates winners from losers is winners can revive their beliefs as fast as they want it to, they can always find and choose the thoughts that are serving and giving them advantage. 


It's so obvious that in order to become successful in something you really need to believe it from the bottom of your heart. You can never have it if you will not believe it. Just believe even if the law of attraction is not working at the moment because it will work later. Keep in mind that a weak belief will manifest weak results and a strong belief will manifest bigger results. Take care of your belief, protect your mind from negativity and fear. Guard yourself, guard your mind, be aware if a negative thought is already poisoning your mind and start thinking about positive things again. So protect your mind, make it your priority, feed it with the most beautiful and positive thoughts that you can ever have. Stop watching news, stay away from negative people, stop focusing on subjects that are giving you bad feelings. 


What you want will not be attracted to you as fast as you want it to. There is always a delay effect, that's why it's not that easy. Your belief and faith will be tested, your perseverance will be challenge. Always remember that just because there is no progress now or whatsoever doesn't mean it's not coming, it's coming, it's only delayed a little bit. Law of attraction is playful, sometimes it will come on the moment you least expected it. Time doesn't matter, so what if it's delayed for weeks or months, always remember that it's already yours. Being impatient and hot headed will only make the manifestation even slower. Make yourself believe that it's already there and all you need is to take actions, there is no need for waiting because it's already there, stop looking at the clock, don't worry about the date... it's already in your life. 


Believe that all of your actions are contributing to the progress. Believe that everything you do is making you one step closer from what you are dreaming of. And that's why you need to get disciplined in everything that you do, all of your decisions must really contribute to the manifestation of your desire. You know if you're doing something stupid or not, you know if it's drawing you closer from what you really want. Because it's better to be taking actions rather than waiting and worrying. Taking actions will make you entertain, it will make the time faster. Worrying and procrastinating is trimming your chances of winning, stop being idle and always make yourself busy. Take one positive action at a time that is related to your goal, be happy and appreciative, this will make the manifestation faster. Always believe in what you do, appreciate that you are working hard, be your own number one fan, trust that every decision coming from you is right and is taking you closer and closer from the finish line. 


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