Sep 5, 2020


They say you have to believe it to achieve it. While it's true that your belief is your ticket to success but it's just one of the tickets. There is another ticket and that is hard work, and if you're missing this ticket then you will fail for sure. You need to work and move your ass, you can't just be believing and just sitting on your couch waiting for luck. Luck only comes to hard working people. You will ever become lucky if all you do is wish but never exert an effort. Because you can believe all day long but if you're not moving your body then you're just waiting for nothing, your hair will become grey achieving nothing. If you're about all belief then you will still never become successful. You have to stop waiting and start executing. 


You can act like a confident man, you can pretend that you really believe yourself and the beauty of your dreams. But if you're not working hard to feed your dreams... your belief will fade anytime soon, it will become a doubt. You will doubt yourself, fears will start to take over mainly because you're not doing anything and you're not making any progress. If there is no improvement then you will start to question if what you believe is really true. There is nothing wrong in being overconfident but you have to back it up with relentless actions. Because the food of your belief is actions, if you're not feeding you belief with actions then it will die, it will turn into doubts, you will no longer believe in yourself. Look at the hardest working people in the world... they have strong confidence, their beliefs were unshakable, you can never rattle then because they just knew they can work hard anytime they want and make results. If you're acting like you know everything and can do anything but you're lazy like a snail your belief will be exposed, it will evaporate like an alcohol, as fast as that. 


Every belief is real if you will not stop working for it to make it come true. If it is real then it will never stop, as simple as that. So if you really believe in something then you need to push for it, you need to chase it even if it takes forever to do it. It is real, you just need to work hard to put it into reality. So don't be afraid to believe in something, if you can promise to yourself that you will give everything you've got for that belief then it will become true. It's only just a matter of time before it become real. You can believe in anything, it doesn't matter how big it is, what matters is you really believe in it. You have the power to believe, you also have the power to take actions, combine these two and you will become unstoppable.  


Are you about talking or about doing? you'v been talking for a hundred years but couldn't even get started. Your mouth can never get you anywhere, you feet does. Shut your mouth because your breath stinks, you better use your hands and feet. Do something now, force your fate, being arrogant will never help you. Talking about your dreams or what you can do only puts pressure on your shoulders because people will watch you and you will become cautious about your decisions, you will lose your creativity. Opening your mouth is too easy, doing something incredible is hard. It's fun to do the easy things but it has no rewards. You can talk in social media, you can talk during gatherings, you can fool everyone but if you can't produce results then the people who knows what you've talked about will laugh at you, they will never trust you again, they will see you as a joke. 


1. They think it's easy, they haven't tried anything yet, they don't failed big time yet. They think they can do it until they really try. The haven't face nay adversity yet. 

2. They were blinded by the idea that all you need to do is work hard and will become successful. Success is more than just a hard work, it's a battle between you and your mind. 

3. They were just pretending that the are confident, it's just a cover up, they just want to impress people. They just wanted to fool people. 

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