Sep 6, 2020


It's not building success, it's not building money, it's not building houses... it's all about building the mind. Once you have a powerful mind you will never become depressed anymore, you will never feel incomplete, you will never feel the lack, you will always feel happy and fulfilled, success will come to you as fast as expected. Your mind is the best thing you can ever have if you can make it very powerful and filled with positive thoughts. Your mind is everything, your thoughts become a reality, the most dominant thought in your head is what you will see in your outside environment. So be aware of what you are thinking of because it will affect your reality. If you're thinking about lust all day long, how do you think will it help you, if you're thinking about having a revenge to your enemy how do you think will it help you? what you keep thinking about will open up similar situations. So if you keep on thinking about money and getting it, sooner or later you will find a job or will be able to build a business or even create a small process that makes money. You become what you think about, as Earl Nightingale said


Secure your mind, protect it, remove the weeds of negativity. As Abraham Hicks, the master of law of attraction said... your focus will be your reality. If your mind is optimistic and positive then you have 99 percent of becoming successful. You will rise to the top, you will fly like an eagle and dominate like a lion. Your mind is everything, you have to stop looking at your surrounding, stop minding your ugly situation and start grooming your mind. In the book think and grow rich, you can learn more about the infinite powers of your mind that you haven't discovered yet. 


Think about what you want and fill your life with thoughts and actions how to get there, that is how to get there, that is how to live a life with direction and sense. Keep pushing, be like an ant... all you know is how to work, you never stop until it's time to stop, you're like an energizer battery... you keep going and going and going. You are unlimited, you never quit, you always take actions just to make small amount of progress. Little by little, inch by inch... make your mind stronger than ever before, make it powerful, make it unbreakable. Feed it with the right information, feed it with the ideas about greatness. Everyday is an opportunity to become strong, every second is a must, own your time, be selfish with your time and never give some time and energy for useless and people and things that are only pulling you down.


If their business is disturbing and distracts you... don't give it any attention. Always thinking about what other people are doing or saying will only clutter your mind. If you really want to succeed in life then you need to be focusing on your own journey. Even if other people are winning, don't give it any attention, because you will only get jealous, and if not jealous then it will only eat your time, it will give you information that you don't even need in the future. Minding other people's lives is really fun but it's just a waste of time, you will never grow from it. Because their business is none of your business, you've got your own business to do. 


If there is something you don't like ignore it. If the person beside you is bad breath ignore it, if your neighbor is noisy ignore it, if you got disrespected ignore it, if your crush snob you ignore it, if your mom is scolding you for no reason ignore it, if your coach shouted at you ignore it, if your boss embarrass you ignore it. If you can ignore something it will lose its power over you, if it can't make you feel bad then you will end up being a winner. It's who can ignore and not react that will win. I know a boy named Rusty, he is an adopted child, his foster mom hates him so much and always abusing him. He was mentally abused everyday, his foster mom is shouting at him, saying hurtful words that anyone can't take, he was always being shouted at, he is being cursed, always emotionally and mentally abused. But this boy's power is incredible, he simply ignore his foster mom, he is not saying anything, he is not reacting, he is not even looking at her foster mom's eyes. The result is his foster mom was the one getting hurt, she doesn't have a peace of mind, she's always stressed, she is hurting Rusty but she's the one always looked hurt. The moral lesson of the story is... if you can let them feel that you are not hurt then you will prevail in the end, if you will not react and simply live your life then you will be the one who will succeed. Ignore something and it will go away. 


Strengthening your mind should never stop. Endure every stress, face every problem, meditate during tight situations, stay calm during the storm. Never react and just act positively, you have to take full control of your mind. Discipline your mind everyday, if you want to become successful and great then you should be aware if you're messing up with your own mentality. You should be strict, you should have a structure, you must follow the game plan. Because if you will stop building your mind then one day a negativity might test you, you will break your mind's habits and if your mind is not ready for it then you will go back being a bitter or negative person, all of your sacrifices and effort will end up in nothing. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...