Sep 14, 2020


You're black, you're blind, you're disabled, you're an Asian, you're a nurse and suspected to Covid 19, you're an ex convict, you're a former drug dealer but already changed, you're a prostitute, your mother is a bastard, your father is irresponsible, your brother is stupid, your sister is a gay, your friend is a corrupt, your family is poor, your girlfriend is a muslim. Who cares? if you care about this then it will only affect you, if you're being discriminate and you feel about it then you're already a victim, this is normal, I'm not saying this is right but it is what it is, discrimination will never go away anymore, it's already part of the cycle of our lives. Even barrack Obama was discriminated, even Jesus was discriminated, and even if you're white or the richest person in the world... some person will still disrespect you. Nobody is fully protected from it. Life is mean, you have to deal with it but the good thing about it is you can still become happy, there are still lot of things where you can be happy about, it's all up to you where you want to place your focus. 


The best weapon for it is ignoring. Just ignore what you don't want to hear, because what you always resist persist. Don't talk about it, don't cry about it, don't joint he rallyists about it, don't make dramas in facebook if you've been disrespected... ignore it and focus on the better things in your life. Because dwelling with it will only hurt you. Forget about it, if someone disrespect you just forget it and go back to your life. Focus on appreciation, appreciate the good things in your life, never focus on the bad things because for sure there are some things that are really good in your life. Just let it go, don't be afraid to let it go, you don't need to have revenge, you don't need to act like a savage and fight for your case, you already heard what has been said, it's time to let it go because it will only hurt you for a long time if you dwell on it too much. Because the more you look like affected the more they will come after you, they will attack you, they will see you as a weak person. Just laugh at it and take your focus to things that are more and really important in your life. You know yourself, you know who you are, you don't need to fight for your right, you don't need to feel getting stomped on, you don't even need to ask for justice if you're not hurt physically... just let it go and never talk about it anymore, don't think about it, focus on some other things. 


Every time you feel like a victim... you're really a victim, stop  feeling that way. Change your perspective about something that you feel so disrespectful. You're not a victim, stop making dramas, stop looking for sympathy. Just move forward, show them that you're strong, show them that you're unaffected. Because the truth is... you should only be fighting if your life is in danger, but if it's not... show them no feelings, show them that you are here to make a stand for what really matters in your life and that is your values, family and dreams. Nothing else matters other than those things. You are strong and you have to remind yourself about it, only weak people make dramas and look for sympathy. It's not that you don't care about what's happening, it's just that you're doing the right thing for your life and that is to focus on the positive and never focus on reacting violently. If you have a victim mindset then you will always find situations where you're looking like a victim, you will always put yourself into trouble. 


If life is perfect then it will be very boring. Let's face it, some negativity gives spice to our lives. If there is no negativity and it's all perfection then life will look so plain and easy. And we don't want our lives easy, that's the truth, if we want it then why are we making it so hard? we are the ones making our lives hard no matter how much we look it on different angle. We are the ones punishing ourselves with activities and thoughts that put us on misery. Just embrace the imperfection of life so that you won't feel bad every now and then, move on every time you feel disrespected, think about the better things, entertain thoughts that are more meaningful and healthy to your mind and body. Because no matter how much you try to make your life perfect... you will still see some problems, sometimes you don't need to solve your problems, sometimes it's much better if you will just accept it and focus on some other things that will make you feel much better. Sometimes the issue or the problem will go away by itself if you will let it go and stop making dramas about it. Never wish for an easy life because it will make you weak, wish for more strength to endure everything, this is what Bruce Lee taught us and it really works, you will become weaker and weaker if you're wishing that life should be perfect and easy. Life is hard, if it is not hard then it is not life, there will really be negative people around you, there will be problems that you don't deserve that will come into your life. It is what it is, you have to accept that life works that way. 


Life will become much easier if you will focus on what you can control. Focus on your effort, thoughts, dreams and actions. Stop reacting too much, stop trying to control everything because it will drain your energy too much. You're wasting time dealing with a problem that even a president can't solve. I'm not saying that stop caring, all I am saying is it's much better if you will just focus on making yourself better and stronger instead of feeling bad about a problem that only time can solve. Don't worry about any issue, time can erase the pain, time can make everyone forget. Because you will feel much better and stronger if you will focus on what you can control, because you can do something about it, you don't have to wait, you don't need to become needy, you don't need to beg for something. Focus on what you can control and you will regain your power back. 


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