Sep 30, 2020


In the you tube game if you want to earn money you should be the one creating content not the one watching their content, there is nothing wrong being a watcher but the lesson here is if you want to be the one succeeding then you should be the one who is being chased. Life is all about using your time for your own growth, don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong if you're just a watcher or the one who wants to always get entertained, there is nothing wrong with that but if you want to reverse the course then you need to use your time for yourself, dedicate it for your goal, never waste any second because time is too precious, you can never get it back anymore once you wasted it. 


Success is all about who is using his time the right way. If you are giving your time a lot of people and things who doesn't even matter then you are losing, you are going down. So if you are giving your time to your enemy by always thinking at him then you are losing, as simple as that. If you are giving your time watching other people's lives then you are putting your own life in an ugly situation. You must be the one who is getting their time, it means you need to be the own who's being watched. Create a product, create an idea, create a program, create anything that will make them invest. Look at the rich people in marketing, the successful people in entertainment business... they never give their time, they are the ones getting your time. So if you're the one being chased then you will become successful because you can get their time. And if you're the person who can create something that catches attention then more opportunities will come to you, success will be attracted to you. That's why stop wasting your time for stupid things that will not even help you to create your own empire, be smart enough to know the difference between what is helping you and not helping you. Success is simply about doing the right thing every minute. If you're always doing something that is fun but not helpful then your life will become miserable, if you're always wasting your time for the lives of others then you're already failing. Time must be something that you must be selfish of. 


Get better, become a creator, produce a content. Make yourself interesting, you can only do this if you're creating something and getting better everyday. So stay consistent with what you do because you're already progressing every time you repeat it. Getting better is simply a repetition, it's simply doing it a million times, doing it until you become a genius. Just like what Lil Wayne says "repetition is genius". All you have to do is repeat it and that's it, you will go to another level, you will become a different animal. You will become faster and smarter, your moves will become smoother and well polished. Be something different, work the hardest. The hardest working people are the most interesting people, why? because they have a lot to offer, they're on a different level, you can't see them always because they're always working, they were different because they're operating on a higher level. If you want to make yourself very interesting then only use your time for yourself, use it to build a product or a method or a program that will help you to have a better life. Time is more than gold, it is everything, you need to take care of your time because every second matters. If you want to become really great then spend all of your time for yourself, never dare to use it for stupid activities that will make you slow and rusty. 


They will come to you, they will get interested at you, they will even ask you how did you become successful. So stop chasing them, stop pleasing them, trying to get close to them. So what if they don't like you, so what if they hate you, it's none of your business to know how they feel about you, it's none of your business to know a lot about people, you need to know more about yourself and you can only do that if you will spend all of your time trying to create a new personality... something that is strong and uncrushable. So if you're ugly, broke, loser, not interesting... never lose hope, they will chase you once you're already successful, they will kiss your ass, they will rub elbows with you like they know you for a very long time. Just work hard now and stop giving your time to other people, always look at the bigger picture, chase your goals and once you're getting successful a little bit... people will chase you. 


There are only 3-5 things that you need to do everyday. You have to cut all the junks that are making your life miserable, you have to get rid of the habits that are making you slower and weaker. Me, my list of activities are: Exercise, writing, meditation, you tube content, chatting with my closest friends and family and nothing else. My life is simple and easy because I know what to do and I stick to my game plan. The problem with most people is they were too busy doing stupid things that are not even helping them at all, they're too busy being a slave of fake entertainment. If you will just do what you need to do in order to evolve then success will manifest faster. Don't make your life complicated, make it simpler, don't do a lot of things just because it's fun because it will back fire on you in the end. Know what really matters, prioritize only the activities that are helping you. 



What's your job at the moment? it can be sweeping the floor, sending an email to a client, calling a friend, selling something in facebook market, applying for a job, creating a content in you tube, or simply taking a bath. Once you start have that killer instinct to finish it. Be a finisher, be a doer, be someone who is willing to go the extra mile. The greatest people on earth knows how to finish, they know when to change gears, they go stronger once they smell blood, there is no stopping on them, they are here to make a statement. Because it's not about how you start, it's about how you finish. Most people have a very strong start, they were very good in the beginning but they can never finish. Once they feel uncomfortable... they will quit, they will never wish to continue anymore, this is what most people do... they quit, they were just good in talking but very poor in executing. Focus on your job at the moment, define it and focus on it until it's done. Whether it's about sweeping the floor, making projects, typing work, solving a math problem, creating a you tube channel or website... do it now, start it and finish it, as simple as that. This kind of mindset will make you very productive, it will make you a finisher. 


I don't care how you finish, never care how you finish. Even if it's ugly, slow, unattractive, brutal, disgusting or what. Just finish, it's better to finish than to not finish at all. Because you will feel so low if you didn't finish, there will always be questions there will always be regrets. I don't care if you stumble, I don't care if you look like a trash, I don't care if you're so damn tired, I don't care if you have no chance at all... just finish what you've started and forget about anything else. The main goal is to finish, keep that in your mind. It's not to look cute, it's not to look amazing, it's not to look great and feel better... it's to finish at all cost. So you have to keep moving forward and follow your game plan. So stop trying to look cute all the time, stop trying to look fresh and get dirty finishing the job, do whatever it takes to accomplish it, just do something, start now and finish it.  


1. You want to finish fast, you get bored once you learned that there are lot of works to do.
2. You're not focused, you're thinking about a lot of things that are not even related to your task. 
3. You're always looking at the clock, you're worried about the time so much. You're worried about the time you wasted and the time remaining. The truth is.. time doesn't matter, if you really wanted to finish then you will work no matter what, you will never let anything stop you even the time. 
4. You're trying to look cute, you're playing the soft game, you're not working hard, you're not pushing yourself because you don't want to get tired. Just like in playing basketball, you can't finish because you're trying to look cute, you don't want to look tired, you don't want to play hard because the lead of the other team was so big, you don't want to look like they're toying on you and that's why you don't want to try anymore, you just want the game to get finished. Success is not like that, success is a mindset, it's not about winning or losing it's how you approach any challenge. The truth is people will love you more if you're going hard all the time even if the lead was so big. you can't be quitting when you're already losing because that will reflect on any areas of your life, it will become your habit, it will become your system. 


If you want to finish then you need to face the pain, because part of you will always look for comfort. Your mind will trick you and tell you that it's hard and that you need to stop. That's why you need to fight your mind, you need to face the pain. Move forward even if you're slow and feeling heavy, move forward even if you feel so tired. Because the truth is you're not tired, the mind never gets tired if it's conditioned the right way. The truth is you want wanted comfort, you're too soft, you're too weak. And if you want to have a new life then you need to make yourself a finisher, you need to go back to your work and believe that you can do something great. This is the only key to make yourself a mover, you need to face the pain little by little, feel it, don't be afraid of it because the only thing that it can do is make you grow, it can never kill you. It's so painful disciplining yourself light? it's so painful doing the first step right? especially if you know yourself as being lazy for the past few years. It's time to destroy your present identity and create a new identity, it's time to become a finisher. Are you so sick and tired of your life? do you feel so weak? it's because you can't finish something. Start fast and just finish it no matter what, no matter how long it takes... take it one step at a time and try to enjoy the process even if it's so difficult and grueling. Forget about how you feel, even if you feel tired or out of gas anymore... just finish it. There is something you can do, even if all you can do is just a slow and little step... do it anyway, do it despite of fear and fatigue. 


Losers are just starters, sometimes they couldn't even get started. The real winners are the ones who can finish no matter what. They can finish on a cold weather, they can finish in recession, they can finish in traffic, they can finish even if the volume of stress is very high. They just don't care, they just wanted to finish. They don't care about their feelings, they don't care about what's going to happen next, they just wanted to finish because it really feels good making a plan and executing it, you will feel successful if you do what you say you're going to do. 


Sep 29, 2020


In life no matter how lazy you are, even if your DNA is about being slow, stubborn and useless... something will still force you to move, something will scare you to take actions. It can be your mom, your professor, your situation, your bills, the bank, your father or even the people that you don't like... something will force you to move and that is great, it is helpful to your life no matter how much you hate it. 

My mom is always forcing me to study hard when I was young, of course I didn't like it because all I want is to play, party, drink and have some fun. But if she didn't do it then probably I'm just a garbage collector or some kind of a random criminal by now but because she was able to force me to study I was able to finish in college and I am a good man now, I am decent, I have morals and doing good in life. 

So don't feel bad if something is forcing you to move, another example is the bank always calling you because you're behind in your mortgage payment... it is good, it is irritating but it is good because it will force you to work harder to get some money to pay what you owe. It's scary because anytime they can  confiscate your house or car or any appliances but it's good because it's making you responsible. 

An athlete has a rivalry with another athlete, they are competing against each other and trying to prove the world who is better. It's good because it's forcing them to train harder, both of them doesn't want to lose so they were training harder each and everyday. Another example is a noisy and disrespectful neighbor always ruining your day, it's not telling you something but the reality is it's forcing you to move to another neighborhood that is much quieter and more peaceful, it means you need to work harder to get money and leave that place, it is not for you, you deserve more than that. That noisy neighbor is just a reminder that life has so much to offer for you so don't settle for less, look for more, look for a better place. That disrespectful bastard is forcing you to move, you need to use your anger and frustration as a fuel for your success. Don't let your anger stop you, let it move you, it's a sign that you need to be in a sense of urgency. 


If you're lazy, if you have no direction in life... look for something that is annoying and irritating, it's a signal that you must take care of your business very well, it's a sign that you must start now and do something to avoid getting trapped in that situation forever. If your son is always complaining about his stuffs that are already too old and useless don't spank your son, see if it's really too old and cannot be used anymore, if the case is true then do something to have an extra money to buy him the stuffs he needed. If all of your friends are making fun of you and not treating you right and not giving you respect it means you don't have something to be respected for, you are a trash, you don't have anything that commands power. What you need to do is either you get rid all of your friends or become better so that they will respect you. Become better, earn more money, have a good job, be braver, you need to show them that you're not a joke so they will not treat you as a joke. 

What annoys you can either make you or break you, it can stop you from growing or it can make you grow if you will push and do something about it. Don't just let things remain the same, don't just let an annoying thing punish you forever, do something about it, it's a sign that you must move and make your life better. 


It can be simple things, it can be disgusting things such as a dirty kitchen, it will force you to clean it because you don't like it. It can be a dirty shoe, it will force you to clean it because you don't want to look like a trash, it can be something that you wanted to change or improve. If you're a basketball player and always getting benched by your coach because you don't have something that makes his mouth watery... do something about it. Practice dribbling, elevate your mental game by reading books that improves your mental toughness, make your leaping ability higher by strengthening your legs, practice shooting better. There is something you can do, you can take it personally, let your anger fuel you to change the outcome of your life, don't be like a stupid person forever that can't do anything about his life. You have the power to move, you can take matters into your own hands, it all depends on how you see things, it all depends on what are you doing to do if you get annoyed at something. 

So whenever you feel lazy, look at your surrounding, find what is annoying and find a way how to fix it. If someone is instructing you to move like your mother telling you to study or your father forcing you to find a work... follow them, whatever pushes you to do something positive is right, it is good for you. Always remember that in order to change you need to do what is hard, some things are not hard it just looks or feels hard because you don't want to do it but if you will start it then it will become super easier. Moving is a matter of choice, always remember that if you want to have a better life then you've got to be moving forward no matter what, you can't be stuck in the same place forever wishing for luck or brand new life. 



You will feel more free if you're working rather than just waiting for the results. It's harder but it feels much better, doing nothing is more stressful and that's the reality. Look at yourself, whenever you're procrastinating it feels so stressful right? you feel so weak, you are a little bit worried because you knew something bad will happen because you're not doing the right thing. Worries will go away if you are working and doing what you are suppose to be doing, you will feel secured, you will have more confidence, all the worries will go away. So start now and pull the trigger, if you need to work then just work, as simple as that. Life will become simpler if you will never procrastinate, laziness is next to ugliness, laziness will give you a miserable life, it will pull you down, you will become stuck in a mud forever. Always moving forward will give you freedom, the main reason why people feel stuck is because they always wish for a better life, they always wish for a progress but they are not even willing to work as hard as they can. Just work hard and goo things will be attracted to you, give time to make yourself better, focus on doing the process to attract success. 


Just begin, what is stopping you? nothing can stop you if you have the right mindset. Always remember that you can only become successful if you are working. Wishing for results, checking your status, comparing yourself, worrying about the future, getting frustrated for having no results will never get the job done. It's simply abut working and showing up. So if you're not getting your desired results then it means you're not working. Or maybe you're working a little bit but that's enough, you need to take massive actions, you need to lose your mind and get obsess with the process. Just do the work and never look back, forget about failing, forget about getting tired but getting nothing... just work. Time will come and you will get the momentum and results you've been waiting for. Just be patient, appreciate every work that you can do, feel happy because you are moving, feel grateful because at least you have a direction and a game plan. Stop fooling yourself that you can do it later or tomorrow, you have to do it now, stop procrastinating and that's it... you're already a winner. You can start now, even if you don't have anything... you can still do something, so start now and never look back, once you start... don't stop and that's it... you will already become successful in just a matter of time. You can start now, you can start a very colorful journey now, you can do something because it's your power... to move and give yourself a chance to become victorious in life. 


Never pamper your laziness, never take care the part of you that is always looking for comfort. Comfort is for the weak, it's for the lazy people that never make any progression in life. Your emotions is tricking you, it's manipulating your mind, don't believe how you feel and you will be able to work harder and move forward. Never mind if you're tired, forget about failing, don't worry about what people will say, don't worry about the future, don't believe in your fears. Because at the end of the day, the only question is... did you give your all? if you can answer to yourself honestly with yes then it means you're successful, it means you have no regrets in life. This is not the best time to become sensitive, you want to become big right? if you want to get your dreams then stop feeling sensitive, never care about your emotions, never care of you're feeling bad and just do something. Never care if you're feeling so down and low, it doesn't matter if you don't have confidence anymore... just keep moving forward and that confidence will go back. It's normal to lose your confidence but never lose your mindset... a mindset of trying again and again until you become successful. Trying until you find out what works for you. You will never get a clue if you're always hesitating to move, you will never make a tiny progress if you're holding yourself back, just keep moving forward and the right pieces will fall into your hands. 


It's just a work man, what is there to be afraid of? You will get better with any kind of work if you will feel it bit by it and think that your mental toughness is getting better from it. Because that's the truth, if you're not complaining then it means you're enduring the work you are welcoming the strength that was being offered, your mental stamina is getting better. Look at the winners in life... they never complain, look at the losers... they always complain that the work is hard, they were so worried if the task in front of them is too much to handle, they get overwhelmed if they need to exert an extra effort to learn or finish something. Work will save you so don't be afraid of it, it will give direction to your life, it will entertain you and keep your sanity in place. Some people go crazy because they don't know what to do, or sometime they already knew it but they couldn't start for whatever pathetic reason. Stop being a diva and just work, feel blessed because you can work, feel happy because you can do something. Working is freedom, it's not slavery, it's not abuse... it's a blessing, it all depends on how you view your work. And if you don't like your work then why the hell are you still doing it? if that's the only work you know then start loving it, start trying to grow and expand from it, it's an opportunity to build something better, it can become a bridge to a better work so give your best and never complain, you will be rewarded one day. 


Try to be playful and creative, try to enjoy it as much as you can but don't ever take it for granted, don't be sloppy. Being playful means you're seeing something from your work, you are trying to squeeze more from it, for example if you're working at the office you are trying to find a love life from your team or maybe you can also try to sell something that will give you extra money. If work is getting boring then you need to put something on it, just make sure it's not affecting the business. You can also strive for promotion, you can compete against your co-workers secretly in a healthy way, try outworking them because you are pursuing a goal. 

You can also learn how to love your work by making it as a mean to make your life better. Use it to buy a house or a car, use it to chase another bigger dream. Everything can start from your work, it all depends on how creative your imagination is. You can even build a new company from your work, just copy what the owner do, copy what your boss do, master the whole nature of the business and build your own copycat company. 

Your work can give you a lot of freedom and leverage, it all depends on how you use it. So think the right way and feel bless because you are working. 


Sep 28, 2020


If you really wanted to change you must be willing to feel the fire second by second because it's a serious thing. Change will not happen as fast as you wanted it, it will be done second by second. Change your thought second by second, change your habits and attitude second by second. Change your whole personality second by second to experience a new reality. It will be a lot of work, you need to endure a lot of pain, I'm not scaring you but it's the reality, if you want a new life then you better change the way you speak, think and move. Change your attitude, change your perspective, change your focus. 


The reason why people can't get what they want is because they are afraid of what they want, as simple as that. They want t change but they are afraid of change, they were so afraid of the pain that it may cause to them, they were so afraid of the process. People can't have work because they are afraid to work, they were so lazy, they were making excuses. If you really want it then embrace it, don't hide, don't go anywhere else, embrace it now, do what you need to do now, second by second feel it, don't shy away from the moment because you only need the moment to change. You don't need anything to change, you only need what is in front of you, you only need your life, you only need what is going on. Embrace any kind of situation, don't try to escape from it and give your best... take full responsibility of your life, stop procrastinating, stop looking for comfort... this is how to change your life. Second by second do it, you hate your old life right? you hate the way you feel? your feelings will only change if you will change the way you handle things, your feelings will change if you're not doing the same crap over and over again. 


Change is a process, it is a forever reminder that you need to discipline yourself and never go back to your old bad habits again. Just because you stop smoking doesn't mean you're not going to smoke again, there is a chance that you might smoke again if you don't guard yourself enough to not smoke. Sometimes you will say to yourself just one cigarette is not bad and you will not smoke again only to find yourself smoking everyday again. Change is a process, it is a forever discipline and commitment, you will have to work on yourself everyday if you really wanted to change. Just embrace your goal, embrace your life and give your very best... as simple as that. Don't rush the process, you only need to make the best out of what is in front of you right now, appreciate that you are trying to change yourself, be happy that you are trying and giving your all to make a new life out of your ugly life. The process will be forever, it's a forever commitment to think the right way and act the right way, it's uncomfortable but for sure your life will improve, the quality of the results you will get will be amazing. 


Life is not about how fast you are it's about how steady you are . There are lot of people who were making fast progress, they become successful fast but where are they now? some are lost completely, some failed again, some don't know what to do with their lives anymore. You don't need to become successful fast, you don't need to change fast, just be steady, take it slowly but surely and consistently, this is not a completion, life is a battle of who is the most tough and persevering. So don't get jealous with other people who are making it fast, just do your own thing, trust the process and forget the results because it's not coming anyway, just focus on the process, the result will come in the future if you already paid your dues. Just embrace life second by second, do the process second by second, discipline yourself and for sure you will go further in life. Take your life slowly but always steady, you will become fast too if you're consistent and following the game plan daily. You don't need to compete with other people, you don't need to compare your life with other people, just embrace what you have and try to improve it one day at a time. Start with what you have, start now and never take any day for granted. Everyday is an opportunity to make your life a little bit better, everyday is a chance to experience something different, all it takes is the discipline and courage to face the unknown. 


An illiterate man can still learn how to read at the age of 60, a notorious criminal can still become a priest, a broke spender can become a minimalist and saver a lot of money to become rich. Change is hard but anyone can change, it's just a matter of forcing yourself to do the right thing, it's facing discomfort and pain. You need to reinvent yourself, do something you haven't done before. If you feel like working hard but not making any progress then do something different, tweak the process a little bit. Just become a little bit better, work harder, start faster, focus sharper. The little things that you do will make a big change if you take it seriously. Don't ever think that you already hit the best life that you can have, there is lot of room for improvement, you can get more and be more. So give yourself a chance to change, put yourself on the best position to succeed. 


Anything can happen, anything is possible if you work hard. Just because you're getting the same results over and over again doesn't mean you will get the same again today and tomorrow, anything is possible if you take everything seriously, don't ever think that you already worked hard, the truth is you only give your 50 percent effort or maybe even lesser than that. You can give more, you haven't given your all yet, give your all, give everything you can give. 


Sep 26, 2020


Life will become so much easier if you are ready for everything. Ready to win, ready to fail, ready to get embarrassed, ready to lose everything, ready to feel the pain, ready for the process, ready for surprises, ready to try again. Life is so simple if you will embrace, embrace the good and the bad situation. Don't worry about anything else because this is life, anything is possible, you may experience a surprise tragedy or unexpected victory, just brace yourself hang on because it's going to be a long and fun journey. 


This is the truth about life, no matter how much you prepare there will be doubts, there will be fears. You will never become so sure of yourself, you will always doubt yourself no matter how great you are. The mindset should be like this... you are willing to give your best no matter what, you should be willing to embrace everything that may come to your life. Great people doubted themselves but they never let that negative emotion control them, they fight it, they use their willpower to become successful, they embrace everything and they just enjoy whatever chaos is going on. Build a mindset that is ready for everything, you just do it, you just embrace it, you don't care at all... you just feel everything and you are ok if something unlikely happens. 


Always think that nothing is bad, everything happens for a reason, every adversity or discomfort is only making you stronger, it's making you grow. Nothing is really bad, your perception makes it bad. The way you feel towards something makes it bad, you just don't like it but the truth is it's teaching you something, it's helping you to grow, it's guiding you to become a better person. So if you think that something is bad think deeply, think longer, think better and you will come to realize that it's not really that bad. Sometimes the reality is you're the one who's bad. The only worse thing that may happen to you is if you die, but if you're still alive then you're super lucky, there are plenty of things that you should be thankful of. 


The reality is... no one has a very comfortable life. No life is perfect, it's your mind that will make you comfortable or not. If you can just adjust your perspective then you will have an easier life, stop judging negatively and judge positively. Success requires you to go to the extreme and that means discomfort, if you want to make a rapid improvement then you need to feel uncomfortable. Feeling uncomfortable means you are doing the right thing, it means you are evolving and improving. Life is really like this... it's going to be hard so you have to deal with it, accept it with all your heart. It's ok being uncomfortable because it will make you tough, it will make you stronger. Look the spoiled kids who have a very comfortable life... they were cry babies, a little pain is freaking them out, a little discomfort makes them go crazy, they don't want to feel the pain, they don't want to hustle or endure the ugly situation and that's why they were so weak and cannot do something great in their lives. 


You can shine anytime anywhere if you will just throw yourself out there. Just show up and give yourself a chance, devour the moment, face the challenges and always give your very best. People who are ready to face everything wins, people who are willing to take huge risks are the ones who experience greatness. Because you can only win if you will try, you can never win or experience greatness if you will always shy away from the moment, never think that anything is big, always think that it's just another normal story in your life that you can win. 


Always be present, this is the key to enjoy life more. Creative people never look at the future, they always stay in the moment, they always embrace everything even the hardest situations. Greatness will come out if you're not thinking about what's going to happen next, be spontaneous, believe in the power of now. Because you will have more power to do things if you will take it one step at a time, you will never make mistakes if you're not worried about what's going to happen next. Feel everything, enjoy the present because that's where life is happening. Life is not happening in the past, it's not happening in the future, you only have now. And why worry about the future? you can never control it, you don't know what may happen, just give your very best and have fun with what's going on. 


You can always enjoy any work or any challenge, its up to you how are you going to think about it. Your mind is everything, it can give you pain or happiness. So if your mind is so positive and appreciative then you can have fun with everything, it all depends on your perspective, you can have fun with everything if you will enjoy it and look at the positive thing about it. There is always a positive on a negative situation, all you have to do is look for it. 


Every hard situation is an opportunity to grow. There is always a lesson in everything, all you have to do is look for it. If you got rejected by a company it means it's an opportunity to look for a better company, if you got rejected by a girl it means it's chance to look for a more hot girl. If you're struggling then it means you need to learn something to make the process easier, if you're sick it means you need to take care of your body and make it stronger. Everything is an opportunity to grow, just think positive and feel optimistic all the time, I know it sounds crazy but this is the mindset that will make your life better. Because bitterness and feeling like a loser will only give you misery, it's not healthy for you, you better think correctly if you want to thrive in this game called life. 

Sep 25, 2020


Your dream requires you to give your all, it wants to see you crawling and crying, it wants to see you wanting to quit, it wants to see you changing and transforming into a beast. It requires a lot of work, frustration and stress. You need to be super patient and that's why you need to condition your mind to handle everything before it breaks you. If you're not giving your all the you will never get it, as simple as that. So look at yourself, are you giving your all or are you just giving your 50 percent?. Don't lie, you can fool the public but you can never fool yourself, you know in yourself if you made a shortcut on the process, you know if you're completely lying to yourself. Because if you really give your all then probably you have your dream now. So stop complaining because you are the reason why you are failing, your undisciplined mind and bad habits put you on a worse spot. 


Go further as much as you can, do something that you haven't done before. Don't be afraid to get exhausted, don't be afraid to give your all and get nothing. There is really a possibility that you will lose but it doesn't mean you must be afraid of trying. Give yourself a chance to experience greatness and you will only feel it if you will face your fears and put yourself into extreme exhaustion. Once your tired keep pushing for more, don't be afraid to take one more step. One more after the other step, step by step... do it. The universe will reward you for the extreme effort that you exert, you will get a share of piece of cake, don't worry because you will always get what you deserve.  If you need to catch bullets with your mouth then do it, if you need to work for 3 straight days without eating or going to the comfort room then do it, the level of your success depends on the level of your hunger. If you really want it then you will get it because you will do the most unimaginable things that a normal human can't do. You will become something else, you will become a beast, you will separate yourself from the pack. You can do everything, you can try anything, it all depends on your willingness to pull the trigger and try. The reason why most people don't want to try is because they were so afraid of failing, they don't want to work hard unless they have an assurance that they will become successful. People only work hard because they are sure they will get something, they will never work hard if there is no guaranteed money or success. So if yo can work hard without being sure that you're going to get something then you're one of a kind, you're cut from a different cloth. 

Just try, there is no harm in trying, you will never die if you try. You will grow if you try, you will learn more if you try so just keep trying and never think about the future, always remember that you will only become successful if you try, you already won if you try because you will know what's working or what does not. 


You really don't know how good can you become unless you keep pushing. So keep trying and go all the way, stop making excuses and just give your very best. You will become better and better each day every time you commit to action. Don't stop and just do it, just keep moving forward all the time... allow yourself to become an extra ordinary. Stop doing useless and nonsense things, you must know what you really want, stop being idle, stop being lazy and just go hard, force yourself to take actions now. It's easy to become great nowadays because most people are lazy, they are weak, they can't push themselves to the limits. So if you can make yourself the hardest worker in the world then you will see and experience your full potential, you will get something you thought you can't. Don't ever waste your life, don't let it end not knowing what you can really do, execute your ideas, start now and force something to come out, you will only know what you can achieve if you will try everything you can try. So even if it's a ridiculous idea, even if it sounds useless and sure to fail... still try it. Try it even if it's obvious that you're going to fail because you never know... it might be the process that will work for you. 

Show them how great you are, show them that you come from a different breed (rugged breed), show them that you're not a joke, show them that you are willing to die for your dream, display a different kind of work ethic, sacrifice big time, go all in for your dream. 


It's hard to win a championship, it's hard to become a millionaire, it's hard to become the number one, it's hard to change your life. Success really requires going to the extreme that's why it's hard. Because if it's easy then everybody will do it. But only few are willing to die for his dreams that's why only few become successful. You need to cut parties, useless friends, toxic thoughts and behaviors, entertainment etc. Basically you need to cut everything that is stopping you from progressing. Because success is small progress one day at a time. It's not a fast thing, it's not something that you can get whenever you want. So feel happy when it's hard, feel happy if you're feeling uncomfortable because it means you are very near from it. Keep pushing when it's hard, don't complain when it's hard... embrace the difficulty and do whatever it takes to win in life. 

It's hard because you're so needy of the result, you want it fast, you don't want to take the necessary steps to become successful. Just be patient, you don't need to wait for so long if you're so comitted to the process. 



Your life is for you, everything that you do should be for you. It's not for them, it's for you, that's how to become successful in life. You need to be a little bit selfish and close minded. That's what great artists do... they work for themselves and not for others. Because at the end of the day some people will not be very happy with your work, but if you are happy doing it then there is no more argument that should be done. Everything that you do should be dedicated for you, you do it because that's they way you want to do it, you do it because you think you can get something from it, you don't do it to please people, you don't do it to impress other people, you do it to impress yourself. 


If you're not happy right now it only means you're not doing it your way, you're following the crowd or maybe there is a boss instructing you to do something you don't like, you want to make a rebellion but you can't because you're too worried about the future, you're too worried about what your wife or maybe the people around you will say. Try working for yourself and you will become very happy, you will feel powerful and free, and with that kind of feeling... good things and opportunities will manifest. Because you are here to work for yourself, you should be doing it for your own good, you should be doing something because it makes your body feel good, don't do something because you need to do it. 


Hell no, don't every say that line, don't ever underestimate or belittle yourself. You can find your talent, you can find the place where you're good at. You just need to be observant, you need to find your strength and believe in yourself more. If you don't have the confidence and experience yet then do the work you hate just to earn money and get some momentum but once you feel that you can already create your own destiny and manage your fate then leave everything behind, slap your stupid boss and pay him his damage fees, pack your bags and create your own empire. Stop playing the stupid game, you know something, your skills were good enough to start anywhere, look for what you can do and just begin... never stop, always push through no matter what. 


Embrace your fears, look it in the eye. The reason why you can't start a new life is because you're so afraid of confronting your fears, you're always backing down. Every time you confront your fears... a new beginning will come out, a new opportunity will arrive, good things will happen to you. Fear is the only thing that's stopping you, the good news is you created it and you can also destroy it, fear is nothing if you will look it in its eye and move anyway. Fear is a trick, it's not real. How many of your fear are real, you are so scared of it only to find out that it's not that bad and you can survive it. But it's already too late, the opportunity was already gone, it's because you didn't act while you're scared. That is the thing, that is the key... you have to act during the most uncomfortable situations, if there is a need to take risk take it. Don't wait, don't look for your confidence because you will never feel it, you will only feel a little bit confident once you're already moving, and that slight confidence will go bigger nd bigger every time you take small steps moving forward. 


Take it one second at a time, stay calm, feel everything, do it despite of being scared. Don't worry about the future, stay in the moment and don't worry about what will happen next. Just do it, start now, begin now, the more you postpone what you need to do the more your fears will grow, it will become stronger and it will take over of your life, it will control your mind and you will be frozen and stunned, you will never be able to move from one spot to another, there will be no improvement. Just do it, stop thinking and just do it. Even if you fail, are you going to die? of course not. Nobody dies from confronting his fears. Once you confront your fears... you're already on a different level, you're a better person now, someone who's braver and stronger, someone who can take matters into his own hands and change his reality through stepping up.  


What may work for others may not work for you, and what may work for you may not work for others. So just keep looking, be aware and observant, look for what is working for you that you really love and master it, that's how to start building your own empire, that is how to start working for yourself. Something will work for you, something will click, never lose hope and just keep moving forward, one day at a time, devour each day with hard work and dedication. All the mistakes will be erased once you figure out what is working, but you can never figure it out if you will always be afraid of failing. So just keep failing because it's just temporary, you will discover later what will give you something, you will find that rhythm and the process will become much easier. 


You can work for a company, you can have a boss instructing you to clean shits but at the end of the day you got to choose if you will still follow or not, you should know when the line was crossed and if you're already been disrespected. You have a choice to leave, you always have a choice to look for something better. There is a nicer place waiting for you, just give yourself a chance, work harder and be stronger, stop playing the weak game. Be ready for everything, be ready for challenges, be ready for sacrifices and success. 


Sep 24, 2020


You always find a way how to fail. You're always finding an excuse, you're always doing the same thing over and over again and that's why you are failing. Maybe this time you need to do different, maybe this time you need to tweak your habits a little bit and force progress to happen. Same habits, same mindset, same actions will produce the same results. You need to do something different, don't change your goal just change the way you operate, change the way your body and mind operate, it's going to become uncomfortable but for sure you will get a different result. Embrace the discomfort, do something different today, if what you're doing is not working then it's time to do something different. 


You always think that time will run out, you always think that the day is done and you already need to sleep. You think you're tired, you think there is no more change of winning and that is why you keep losing, you're not pushing yourself to the edge. You have a lot of time, it all depends on how you utilize your day, the reason why you're always running out of time is because you're too focused on useless activities that are derailing your progress. You will have more time if you're focused and dedicated to your goal, you need to make an inventory of yourself. Watch where your time goes and you will discover how much time you squander. Having no time is not a problem, the real problem is you... you waste so much time, you think that time is not valuable. Start fast and always finish strong, go for the kill, have that killer's instinct, always smell blood, always look for the finish. The key here is to do only the things that will help you to make a progress. Checking your favorite website will not help you, gossiping in social media will never help you, interacting with toxic people will never help you, spying on someone's life will never help you. 


At the end of the day you can never fool yourself, you know in yourself if you really give your best. The best way to feel successful is to give your all, once you give your all you will feel great and accomplished, you will feel really good, you will feel confident. It's because all of your energy was used the right way. The only way to feel successful and great is if you're giving your best, if you're giving your best then good things will come, and even if you come up short you will still feel proud of yourself because you did everything you can. Look at those bench players in the NBA who didn't even play... they feel like a loser. Look at Jeremy Lin, this poor little kid is crying because he didn't get a chance to play in the championship game even if the won the title. You will feel weak if you can't use your energy, you will feel sick if you can't release it. So forget about having an easy life, don't get jealous with other people who looks like having an easy life, it's the same... they will have a problem too in the future, just feel happy giving your very best every single day so you won't have any regrets in life. 


If you don't know what to do then just try working harder, produce more, do more, give everything you've got. Focus on your work, stop focusing on other people's work and just focus on your work, as simple as that. You can make a difference if you will just work harder. So keep pushing and never stop grinding, go all the way everyday. You have what it takes to become successful, it's just a matter of disciplining yourself and getting rid of things that doesn't help you at all. If you are really working hard and not wasting any second then you're already there... you will become a winner, it's because you will become very productive, you will do more, you will get more, you will attract the best opportunities. Hard work will never fail you, if you've been a weak worker before then just try working harder this time, a change will happen if you commit to real hard work. Hard work plus speed will make you unstoppable, you will even be surprised with what you can accomplish by just being fast and grinding like hell. 


Life will be full of chaos, even if you're disciplined and has a very good situation... life will still be full of chaos, and you have to accept it, deal with it. Sometimes your mind will go crazy, you will be stressed, a lot of distractions will try to test you. A friend will call and ask you to party, a relative will ask for your help, the baby will cry, an issue will try to mess up your mentality, a disrespectful neighbor will make you feel bad, your brother will ask for money, recession, stocks will fall, your car's aircon will not work etc. etc. But that doesn't mean that you have an excuse to not give your best. You can still thrive in a chaotic world, you can enjoy it, that's the biggest challenge... to keep your focus sharp even if a lot of things are trying to mess up your mind. Because life will never become perfect, there will always be something that will try to disturb you no matter what and you have to fight it. If you can just accept that nothing is easy and life ain't easy then it will be easier for you to chase your goals, you will never dwell on things that doesn't even matter, you will just be yourself and do whatever you can to reach your goals. There will be a lot of noise, there will be a lot of things that will make you feel bad and you have to be ok with it, remember the main thing... keep the main thing the main thing, trash everything outside of it because you have a lot of work to do, the journey is still very long so embrace everything, be ready for everything and never let anything stop you. 



Are you frustrated because you're not getting something in your life? do you work hard everyday? do you show up but you feel like being stuck in a mud forever? do you feel like the world is unfair and you feel like a victim? well, you shouldn't be. There is a time for everything, maybe your time is not yet now so you have to wait while working hard. You have to be patient, put your mind back on the right mental state every time you get frustrated.


Stop feeling like a loser, stop having that victim mindset. Things are not going well right now because you did some wrong things in the past, you should blame yourself and not others. Because your thoughts make your life harder. The more you worry and entertain negative thoughts the more your life become miserable because you will attract negative situations and people, you will feel lazier and unmotivated. Don't think negatively, just don't and always remember that everything happens for a reason. Because negativity is ruining your life, it's making your body weak, it's poisoning your mind and making you depressed. 


You need to grind now because it's grind season for you, you should know it. That is the main reason why you are suffering or struggling, you need to work, it's grind season, it's not yet the season for reaping, you need to work like hell because you are required to do it. If you can don't have money, if there is no money coming in then it means it's grind season. If you're always failing, if you can't get an opportunity or break, if the bills are so many, if the food on the table is not delicious then it means it's grind season in your life. Just grind, hustle, do whatever it takes to win... all of your efforts will be rewarded in the end. 


Just because you already worked hard doesn't mean you will get it right away. It's still grind season for you so don't cry whenever things are harder, just put a smile on your face and go back to grind again. Enjoy the process because it's the only way to make your life easier. Don't ever think that the grind season is over, it's not over until you see big results. So you have to keep going, keep pushing and never stop. That's why it's called grind season, it's not a stop season, it's not a rest season, it's not a relax season... you have to use all of your energy for your work until something finally work. Never regret that you're working hard and getting nothing, it is what it is, you really need to find a way out of no way, you need to create your own light through darkness. 


You just feel that you're too far but the truth is you're almost there, you will get it, you will become successful. The grind season will end and soon it will become reaping season, you will harvest a lot from your hard work. One step at a time, you're almost there so keep going. If it's super hard then it means you're very close from it so just keep going and never think about quitting.... ever. A lot of people quit when they were only a few steps away from success, and in the end they regret it. Take another step, it's alright to feel a little bad because you're not getting anything despite of working but just take another step, you're almost there, you just need to trust yourself, you just need to believe more. Have faith with your chosen process and technique, level up your confidence even more. 


If you can just keep this in mind, if you can just make yourself believe that no matter what happens you will be fine then life will become much easier. You need to work, you need to move, it's hard because you feel entitled of becoming successful fast, you think you deserve something big, if you really deserve it then why the hell it's not coming to your life yet? Wake up, leave your fantasy and just work. If you're still alive then you're still good, you're in a best position to succeed so keep working and never stop. No matter what happens you will be fine. You have nothing to lose here, you are gaining whenever you are working so keep going and do something, never let laziness take over of your life. 


Never play the victim role... ever, don't try to embrace the victim mindset because that will put you on the pedestal of falling down. There is always a chance, there is always a way, if you have to grind it out centimeter by centimeter then do it, of you need to get burnt out then do it. It's all in the mind, you can choose to move or you can remain idle forever but what does idleness can give to you? a miserable and full of regrets life. You have a lot of power in you, your gas is unlimited, the moment you choose to become unstoppable then you will manifest success, the process will become easier, you will see opportunities and big breaks that you can't see before. Never underestimate your power to move, that power is your most powerful power so use it.


For as long as you're trying, if you're really working hard and giving your all then it's too impossible to fail. It's only just a matter of time before you succeed. Time is the only gap between you and your dream, just keep working hard every single day and success will be yours and that is guaranteed. People fail because they don't want to try again, they think they are working hard but the truth is they're exerting weak efforts. Always remember that you will never fail if you are 100% all in. 

Sep 23, 2020


It's a straightforward action without any hesitation. No thinking, no worrying, no fear, no attachments, no thinking about the future, you will just do it. Most of you think that you really want  it but how come you're still not doing anything by now? how come you want to procrastinate more then taking actions? you think you want it but if you really want it then you will do the most hypocrite moves just to get it. You will force everything, you will beg if you need to, you will go all the way and forget about anything else, all of your energy will go to what you want, you will do the impossible and make yourself very close from what you want, you will never see any obstacle, you will just beat it, you will never get tired... you will keep moving forward and your energy never runs out. So stop saying that you really want it if it can't be seen through your efforts, if all you do is wait and procrastinate then you want something else. Maybe comfort is your priority, maybe laziness is what you really want and not your dream. 


Most people need a lot of things and conditions before they start. They want comfort before they start. An aspiring body builder wants to have a gym coach before he start. A person who wants to cut his weight needs a nice shoes before he run. A spoiled student wants a reward before he start studying. A failure wants an assurance that he's going to win before he start. A cry baby athlete wants to have a good teammates before he start competing. A procrastinator wants some food or entertainment before he start. An entrepreneur wannabe wants to attend a lot of seminar before he start. A showoff dreamer wants approval before he start. Most people were soft nowadays, they don't want to just jump in and use whatever they can use. Most people doesn't want to just even try, all they want is assurance that they're going to get something before they start. You don't need anything, you're just looking for a way to postpone what you need todo, admit it... you're too soft. If you're hard then you will improvise, you will just do it, you will work. 


You don't need a fancy shoes you need to run. You don't need a self development coach you need to work. You don't need to have a perfect situation you need to appreciate your life. You don't need a skill you need to develop the skill. You don't need approval from other people you need to allow yourself and be the authority, you need to approve yourself, it's your life, you can do whatever you want with it. You don't need money you need to create money. Everything you need is already inside of you, what you need is to work and not to have a list of wishes. Stop acting like a child and take full responsibility of your life, learn to adapt and improvise, learn to us what you have, and even if you don't have anything... find a way, always remember that you can do something without anything. 


You don't need an assurance, you don't need comfort, you don't need guarantees, you don't need something before you start. You can start now with whatever you have, you can start empty handed, you can start broke, you can start looking like a fool, you can start from the bottom. The problem with people is they want to become great before they start, they don't know that they need to start in order to become great. It's not about being great, it's about doing everything you can to become great. Powerful and successful people never look for something before they start, they will grind their way to the top. They will not make dramas, they will never look for help. All they gonna do is find a way to succeed. So if you find yourself looking for what is missing in your life then you're a cry baby, if you can't get it now then just accept the fact that you can't get it now but find a way how to get it tomorrow or in the future. Start now, stop looking for what is missing in your life. If you will not start now then when? time is fast, things will get harder the more you postpone something, you will feel heavier tomorrow, you will feel lazier tomorrow until you grow old and accomplish nothing. So start now, forget about failing, forget about what's missing and just start. 


Happiness is all in the mind, it's all about looking on what you have and not focusing on what you don't have. You can feel happy without anything. You can start without anything, it's all about accepting your life, being happy with what you have even if all you have is dirt and problems. Be appreciative and try your hardest to turn things around. If you are ok having nothing then you can have everything, as simple as that. You can really feel happy without friends, money, house etc. I am not saying that get rid of your friends and just be lazy, my point here is what if you don't have a real friend? are you going to let toxic people use you? what if you don't have money or anything? are you going to let life stop you? The point here is you can still make your life better even without those things, you can still improve, you can still work hard, you can still succeed. You will meet the right people, you will get what you deserve if you will appreciate having nothing and just start now. The help may or may not come but nothing can stop you if you will choose to become unstoppable, so just do it, just start and do whatever it takes to succeed in life. Always remember that every pain, struggle and suffering is all in your head, you can never feel it if you will focus on greatness, focus on the process and enjoy every action that you are taking. 

Ask yourself if you really want it, ask yourself what you really want. Forget about everything and focus on what you really want. If what you really want is being lazy so be it but don't ever think about success, don't ever think about what IFs, don't blame anything if your life is going downward spiral and don't even try. Because you will have a harder time if you try, if being a failure is what you want so be it. But if you have an idea, if you want more, if you're dreaming of at least becoming a little bit better then choose the harder path, do it now, take actions now, stop killing time, stop squandering opportunities and just start now. 


Your excuses is what's stopping you. I'm feeling tired, I don't have this, I don't have that, too many people are already doing it, I don't have the skill, nobody is helping me, it's already too late, it's too dark, I might get sick, I might fail, my mon abuse me, my dad doesn't care, my shoes are wet, I am too ugly, I didn't have the education. These excuses are destroying your life so you better destroy all of your excuses. Destroy your excuses and you will build a new life. 


Sep 22, 2020


If you're having a hard time finding the strength to accomplish big things in life this is an effective technique to try... copy the energy of successful people. Look at their body language, study how they talk and move, what are their habits? what are their philosophies? how they do things? what work ethic do they have? if you can just copy an energy of a successful person that you know then you will get the same results. Because everyone can become successful, it's just a matter of what kind of energy do you have? do you feel motivated or do you feel weak? do you trust yourself or are you always doubting yourself? it's not bad to imitate, it's not bad to look for an inspiration. This is a blueprint that will give you a better life, if you're sick and tired of your life and you don't know what to do then just copy someone's energy, do what he is doing and you will get the same results. This what Kobe Bryant did, he copied the energy of Michael Jordan and that's why he got almost the same results, he win championships, he became an MVP, he became an all star. He copied the way Michael Jordan speak, move, work and handle different adversities, and that's why he is the closest person to Michael Jordan when it comes to greatness. You can look for someone that will show you the path, there is a person that will inspire you, just imitate him and you will get the same results. 

This path was done by a lot of successful people, they also copied the energy of other successful people when they were just beginning and it works for them, and they are not ashamed of it. So if you are feeling weak and lacking the energy to do something great... look for a person that is successful and is proven, copy everything about him, you will become like him, you will get the same results that he have. Because if you will not do it then what will you do? you are lost right? swallow your pride and just imitate someone's energy. 


That's why it's critical to be aware of who's the people in your circle. If you will associate yourself with losers then you will become a loser too because you will be forced to copy their energies, you will behave the same as them, you will not be inspired, you will go down like them. But if you will associate your life with winners and hard workers then you will become a winner too, you will be forced to adapt to their pace, you will be inspired, you will know a lot of things and methods how to win. Surround yourself with lions and you will become a lion too, you will become your environment. 

Some people give themselves no choice but to hang out with people who are not helping them to progress, they don't give themselves a chance to pick the group that will help them to evolve and that's why they were stuck in a place that they don't want. So if you want to be a lion then go to the lion's den, if you want to become rich then talk to millionaires, if you want to become strong then associate yourself with strong people... as simple as that. Don't ever think that you don't have the power to choose the people in your circle, it's your life you can do whatever you wanted to do, if you want to change then it's time to change everything in your life, leave your toxic friends, leave the people who are pulling you down, their energies are not good and helpful for you. 

Never let someone who is destructive and unhelpful to your growth destroy your life, leave that bastard behind and just focus on people who will lift you up. Stop thinking about that bastard, stop talking to him and just focus on greatness. That person is not worth it, why will you make yourself feel bad just because of him? focus on feeling good, focus on what you can do. 


Then be a loner, don't bond with them don't talk to them. Just stay in your home and do your thing, stop listening to them, stop getting affected by them and just focus on trying to make your life better. Don't worry because time will come and you will be able to move away from that environment. It's in your mind, it's what you see, if you always see them and getting affected by their noise then you will have a hard time turning your life around. There are thousands of stories about people who came from a bad and dangerous environment but still manage to change their lives, if they can do it then you can do it too. Stay away from the losers, stop rubbing elbows with fake people who can't work hard and just focus on improving your life. Because at the end of the day it's still your choice, it's your decision if you're going to be like them or become someone else. Environment is a big factor in molding your character but it's still your choice if you want to become a mediocre or great.

It's better to be alone than being with people who are not inspiring you, it's better to do it your way rather than failing with them. If you can't become inspired with the people around you then isolate yourself and look for an inspiration, if you can't see an inspiration then be the inspiration, make yourself great, make an unbelievable story out of your life. 


Always remember that you are the creator of your life, you create your fate, you design your destiny. At the end of the day it's your small decisions that adds up to create the life that you have now, so don't blame some other things if you're going down, blame yourself. Look at what you're doing now and be honest with yourself... it is taking you to another level? is it helping you to become a better person? be honest with your answer. So make the right decisions, stop doing stupid things that are pulling you down, focus on your work, focus on improving yourself and you can only do it by using the right energy and being with the right energy. 



Enjoying your life and your own journey will make you manifest success easier. It's the only way, you have to focus on your own activity and not other people's activity, you have to focus on your own actions and not other people's business. Look at the successful people in this world, are they watching other people? are they looking at your facebook profile? hell no!, they will not even care about their neighbor's burning house, they were too focused on what is going on with their lives. They enjoy their lives and they enjoy the process too much, they don't mind what is going on with the world. Because you need a lot of time for yourself if you want to prevail. You have to enjoy the process, enjoy what is going on with your life, be aware of what you're doing and thinking every singe second. If the subject that is running in your head is not about your growth then stop thinking and look for the thoughts that will help you to become a better person. So be mindful ever now and then, always guard your thoughts. 


Forget the stories of other people and create your own legendary story. Become a legend, do it your way. Do something that not all people can do, become one of the best in your craft. You want to become successful right? you want to become great so do everything in your power to make your dreams come true. Work hard every single day and focus on becoming better. Hone your skills, groom yourself, focus on improving and evolving. Focus on your own life and never mind what other people are doing, it's none of your business to know what they do, they are just eating your time. Stop trying to know who win in the NBA, stop searching for the latest pregnant celebrity, stop trying to know what is Tom Cruise's favorite color, these information are useless and consuming a lot of your time. Always remember that every second is critical to your success and you have to avoid killing your time if you want to go to another level. It's going to get hard and uncomfortable but it's only in the beginning, once you get use to an uncomfortable lifestyle then it will never be a pain in the ass anymore. So train yourself to work hard every single day and try to create as much progress as you can. 

Always believe that you can create a legendary story our of your life, you can make yourself significant, you can make yourself big, it's just a matter of believing in yourself and enjoying every action that you take. Challenge yourself to create greatness, bet on yourself, place all of your money on your own story. 


Create your own domain, master something, know where you're good at, if you don't know it yet then pick something were you can be good at and work every single day to become the greatest. Be patient, it's ok if you're slow but make sure you are doing something for your life, focus on your own evolution, focus on your own success and never waste your energy for something that will only derail your progress. You can become a master of anything if you will just give time and effort. It's just a matter of wanting it so bad and willing to make sacrifices for a better result. Your life will change if you can master your own domain. Enjoy the grind, feel happy with every action that you take, and speaking of action... every action should be related to your goals only, never do something that will not take you to another level. You have to do something everyday to make yourself better, you have to work harder and move faster, as simple as that. The game plan is too simple... work on yourself, enjoy your ideas, enjoy your creativity and focus on having fun with your life. Make it a game to enjoy yourself and your journey as much as you can, this is the fastest way to become successful because you will do everything to make your life better. You can become the best on something if you will choose to, it's a matter of deciding that you're going to be it. So start now, focus on your journey now and live the life that you want. 


Learn to maser your mind, learn to discipline yourself because most of the time you don't know what you're doing, you're in an auto pilot mode, you know what you're doing is not right but you're still doing it for the sake of little entertainment. Your mind can work for you or work against you, it all depends on how you tame it. If you're not aware of what you're thinking then something will control your mind, you're not on the driver's seat anymore. Cultivate thoughts that will make you stronger and more motivated, stop putting thoughts to your head that will only make you weak and slow. Use positive affirmations, visualize the images that you want to attract into your life.

Teach your mind to think, pick the right thoughts to put in your brain. Avoid negativity and toxic ideas, forget the problems, ignore the people you hate. You have to shower your mind with wonderful thoughts that will help you to make progress. Negativity and hate will make you stuck, you have to avoid hating and planting anger to anyone if you want to make significant strides. It all starts in your mind, enjoying yourself starts in your mind, you have to have a healthy mind, you have to have a strong mind that can overcome any obstacles. Your mind is everything, it will be your reality, what you have in life is because of the thoughts you entertain so prioritize fixing your mind, improve it, make it stronger and healthier, plant positivity on it and never entertain poisonous thoughts. 



It doesn't matter if you're failing, just keep trying. It doesn't matter if you're ugly just ask the hot blonde girl out on a date. It doesn't matter if you can't read notes just keep playing. It doesn't matter if you have no skills just do it, it doesn't matter if you don't have anything just keep moving, it doesn't matter if you're an underdog just keep fighting. What matters is you don't see what you don't have, what matters is you don't focus on what is lacking in your life. Always think that it doesn't matter and then all of the resistance will be released, everything that is stopping you will be erased. Because nothing else really matters, you don't need anything, all you need is to have fun and do the process. Just doing it, just showing up will give you a chance to become victorious. 

Always think that it doesn't matter and you will haver power. It doesn't matter if you embarrass yourself, it doesn't matter if you look like a fool, it doesn't matter if you fail again and again. Just show up and try, most people can't even try and give themselves a chance to shine. It's because they were so afraid of what people might say, what people say doesn't matter at all. If you will always think that it doesn't matter then there will be no pressure for you to perform perfectly, you are allowing yourself to become free and more expressive. Because it really doesn't matter at all, what matters is you try and you allow yourself to give your best. There is no pressure to win because you can never control the outcome. Because even the greatest ones fail, even the greatest ones were embarrassed in front of the crowd.

It doesn't matter if all doors are closing what matter is you keep on banging another door until it opens. It doesn't matter if you're left behind, what matters is you're slowly narrowing the gap and doing whatever it takes to reach your desired destination. The only thing that matters is your heart and your fighting spirit, if you have these things then you will become invincible, you can achieve anything you want. 


You already won if you try, it's a great feeling to be trying, it's a great experience. The questions inside of your head will be erased. Questions such as: "what could have happen if I tried?", "do I have a chance?", "Am I better then them?", "do I have what it takes?", "was it that bad if I fail?". You see in life, you will have a lot of questions to yourself if you didn't try. You will always wonder if you can do it or not. The process is already the prize, if you can show up and be not afraid of failure then you're already one of a kind, most people were afraid of trying, most people were afraid of expressing and that's why they can't evolve. Be a tryer and not a procrastinator, not a man full of regrets. So every time you see yourself losing... just try, try again and you will never be on the loser's lane again. A trier is different from a loser, a loser is complaining and whining and not doing anything. A winner is a mover, a trier is a mover, so if you keep on trying then it means you're on a winner's lane. 

If you can just fall in love with trying, if you can really love it with all your heart then it means you're rewarding yourself with a golden opportunity to become successful. It means you really love yourself and you are going all in for your own journey. Because one day success will submit itself to you, it will be checked mate, it can't hide from you anymore, it has nowhere to go, it will fall into your lap and you will cradle it like your slave. It can never escape from your hands anymore, you will be in control, you will have the power. So just keep trying, never stop, this is the best reward you can give to yourself, this is the best gift you can give to yourself... looking for what is possible and going beyond your limits. Because nothing can stop you if you want to, you are unstoppable if you will force your fate, never accept your situation, never accept that it's the only thing you can do, you can do more and achieve more, you just need to become confident and move fast. Stop wasting time, stop squandering your life, you have what it takes to get it, all you need to do is get it and want it so bad. 

Remember that it's all about the process, it's all about what you do with your life, it's all about giving yourself a chance to become successful too in your own way. 


You're always judging yourself, you're always counting yourself out, you're always seeing what is wrong with you and not doing something on what you have. Stop looking for perfection, stop worrying about what's not in your hands, stop focusing on what you can't do. Forget the past and focus on the moment, dominate this day, forget that you suck, forget that you look like a fool, forget that you don't have any talent and just give yourself a chance to succeed and become great. See how it feels to become great, do it your way, always believe in yourself, do whatever it takes to win in life. Never focus on what you don't have, never focus on what might went wrong and just focus on giving your best and being confident all the time. Because you don't know what may happen until you try and give your all, you don't know how close you are until you push yourself and destroy all the boundaries that are limiting you. 


You come to this world with nothing so why are you afraid of at least getting something? you are empty handed when you were born as a baby, you don't even have clothes, you're butt naked and helpless but look at you now... you have a lot. You can speak, you have some money, you can take actions, you have something on your hands, you can grab something in your life so why are you afraid if trying, you have nothing to lose because you literally have nothing when you were born. And for the record... you will die one day and you can never bring something with you so why are you acting like you have something to lose? The default is zero and you will end up having zero so just give yourself a chance to win, just try and experience how it feels to become great. 



Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...