Apr 15, 2020


When you're stressed, focus on the imperfections, I mean accept that you need to accept that life is imperfect, you need to do a mediocre or ugly work just to make a little progress. Because you can never make any progress if you will not accept that your work needs to get criticized or something. Sometimes you become stuck in your life because you're focusing on greatness too much. You need to accept that your work may suck or you may fail, it's ok. It's better to be moving forward rather than staying stuck in one place and overthinking too much, that will only make you go crazy. Just do something and never waste time, the more you squander time the more you will become stressed, as simple as that. So move now, be in the moment and take actions, move your hands, use your brain, take it one step at a time and just give your very best. You don't need to rush, it's better if you will enjoy every step that you take by feeling it, feel every sensation that is going on inside of your body. Feel your arms and legs, be aware of what's going on inside of your head. Your work will become much faster if you will enjoy your work and simply give your best every single second.


The truth is... you can push every second. There is no way you can't move, forget about feeling tired, forget about how hard the task in front of you, just do it, give your very best and just do it. Because at the end of the day, it's not how difficult the task is... it's how hard you work. Every second is a chance to move, all you need to do is focus on the next task, focus on just doing it, regardless of how bad you feel... just move. Because at the end of the day, you still need to do it. You can delay it for now but you still need to do it later, you're just making it more difficult every time you procrastinate. Just push it, once your mind is thinking that you need to do it... do it fast, start fast and finish strong. Never let your mind think twice if you're still going to do it because you will end up not doing it, you will overthink, you will procrastinate and make excuses. So once you feel you need to do it... move fast, start something, never mind an ugly start... just start and keep going, sooner or later you're going to finish it.

So regardless of how you feel, regardless of what the situation is... push whenever you have a chance. Don't be scared to push because there is always a reward waiting for you if you push like never before. It's hard but it's going to get easier if you embrace it and enjoy it. You can enjoy any hard moments, all you have to do is change your perception about it.


You don't need to confuse yourself, just make a decision and never think about anything else. Never think if your decision is right or wrong. Stress happens if you're always changing your mind, you have to know what you want and you have to stick with it. So to avoid confusion... just follow your instincts and have no regrets, it is what it is, never listen to what people say, if your heart says do it then do it, never blame yourself if you made a mistake or if your decision is wrong because you can always correct everything later. So stop confusing yourself, once you made a decision... make a stand for it. And even if you don't know what to do, if you're about two choose between two options... just choose something and never regret that decision. You choose it because you choose it, no need to explain your side, no need to compare your actions with others.


Negative emotions, anxiety, getting overwhelmed... this usually happens because you're not aware of it, you just go with the flow without even thinking why are you feeling it. You need to remind yourself that there is nothing to be stressed about. Life is really not perfect, there will be challenges and problems, there will be ugly things that will come into your life. So always be aware if you're stressed and remind yourself that everything is alright and you can always get away from the situation you are in. Stop rushing everything, give yourself a breathing room. You will only become aware that you are stressed if you will slow down and look around. Look around, notice that there is nothing to worry about, no need to become anxious about the future, no need to make the world perfect, you don't even need to feel good all the time. Just embrace what you feel and you will feel much better in a while.

So try to slow down if you're caught in a chaotic situation, just breathe, forget about everything, forget about having a perfect life. Be aware that you are stressed and never resist it, believe that it will go away anytime soon. Just keep moving forward and do what you need to do at your own pace. Never mind what's going on outside of you and just focus on how you feel, focus on embracing it, accept that you are stressed and don't every try to escape from it by drinking coffee, eating food or procrastinating, embrace it, it's good for you if you're trying to feel it. Just feel it little by little and it will go away anytime soon.


Stay still, breathe and relax, don't run away from the situation... be one with it, love it, don't resist and just feel it. Breathing and feeling your body, understanding your mind and accepting the situation will make your stress go away. Slow down if you need to, there is no rush in here, just be yourself, you don't need to do what other people do, you don't need to compete against them, you just need to be yourself. Stay still while living your life and doing your work, everything is alright. Breathing is a very powerful thing, all you need to do is breathe and you will live, you will survive any kind of stressful situation. You can let go if you want, you can have peace with your situation, accept it and you will be able to control it. 

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