Apr 1, 2020


Maybe you're too bus watching other people's lives. Maybe you're more interested with their success rather than creating your own. Maybe you hate your life, you don't love yourself and that's why you're too busy watching other people chase their own dreams. There are only two kinds of people int this world, one is the doer and the other one is the watcher. Are you a doer or just a watcher? you have to know your role in this world. You can't be in between. Athletes were paid to play because they are doers, they are not watchers. Celebrities are paid to entertain, again they are doers and not watchers. There is nothing wrong in being a watcher, if you really like it so be it. But if part in your heart is dreaming a little bit and believing a little bit that you too can rise then you need to forget being a watcher and start being a doer. You can watch them all day long, you get entertained by their journey but how does that help you? how can it improve your life? did you learn something from it? It's time to make a rebellion and stop watching other people's rise, it's not about being jealous or insecure, you're just giving yourself a chance to rise too and get a slice of the cake.


Stop giving your time, stop wasting your time for people and things that will not even help you to succeed. You're better than that, why are you so generous with your time? they are not even paying for it, you need to get paid for giving them your time, and you can only do that if you will work on yourself now and be the best that you can be. Be someone who has a lot to offer, be someone who possess something that is very hard to buy. Elevate your skills and get paid for it, create new talents, invent something, discover a new process. You can do a lot with your time, so stop wasting it and use it to make your life better and happier. If you will not be selfish with your time then people will get t easily from you. They will distract you easily, they will get your attention, they will try to control you for their own good.

Do you think the celebrities really love their fans? of course not, those were paid actors, they really don't love their fans, they are just using those stupid people who keeps on cheering their idols. Do not do something for a person who will not return the favor to you. Stop giving too much of your time to people that will never do the same to you. Be smart, your time should be spend with yourself and not for other people. Your time is very precious, if you know how to value your time then your value will go high. You can do a lot of things with your time, you can become big by just simply using your time the right way.


If you love what you're doing and you feel that you have a future with it... keep doing it and never stop, keep going, keep improving all the time. You gotta keep going, you gotta push yourself to he edge, push the boundaries, push yourself to the limits, look for something you can do to improve the process and yourself... be passionate, work even if you're not motivated, always start fast and finish the day strong improving your skills and doing what you love. Your focus will be your number one weapon to compete and succeed, if you're focused enough and you are doing whatever it takes to go to the next level then you will succeed, as simple as that. Most people were talented enough, they have the right resources and support to succeed but they quit easily and that is why the never see their full potential. If you want to know how great you can be, if you really want to live a different life... always push, stay consistent and never stop what you've been doing. Time will come and all of your hard work will be rewarded, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel, just keep going and never give up, always do the next move, if you don't know what to do then just do something positive, do something that is related to your goal.


If you are consistent and focused on your dream... you will rise, you will never even notice that years already passed, you will become successful fast, you will overcome those frightening obstacles, you will never even notice that you already made it to the top. Time is slow if you are not working, time is slow if you keep on checking for results. So never look at your situation and simply keep moving forward all the time, do whatever it takes to go to the next level, ignore what is making you feel bad, ignore the things that are not helping you to grow, be a man on a mission, ignore all the things and people that are only making you feel weak and unmotivated.


Never accept other roles that you don't like. If you want to become a star then be a star, don't wish for being a sidekick forever, don't be satisfied with the small roles that you are getting. At first you can be a a sidekick or an extra but never settle with that position, you need to upgrade your status. And you can only do that by being professional, early and super skilled. You also need to be prepared, that is why you need to sacrifice a lot of your leisure, you need to sacrifice a lot of your time for your craft. If they see that you are good then you will get more, you will get a larger slice of cake. But if your value is so low and you're just a one trick pony then you will never succeed, as simple as that.

If you want to become rich then be rich, never accept any role. Do what rich people do, and that is working hard, taking risks and learning a lot of things. Never do what poor people do like overspending, not practicing delayed gratification, being too flashy and wasting a lot of time. You need to do what most rich people do if you want to get their role. Because adapting their habits and attitude to your life will make you get the same results as them. So stop playing the role of poor people like complaining too much, being needy and emotional, being lazy and not preparing for the future. Most poor people were happy go lucky, they were too emotional, they help other poor people even if the can't help themselves. If you really want to help other people then you need to help yourself first, you need to take care of yourself and make yourself big so that you will have a lot of resources for helping. How can you help someone if you can't even feed your own family. Be selfish in the beginning and be generous when you're already successful, a simple as that. It's not about being selfish, it's knowing your role, if you want to become rich but all you do is give your money to your relatives and toxic friends then you are not playing the role of a rich guy, you are playing the role of a martyr and broke person.

You can only rise if you know who you are and if you know where you are headed to. If you know your path and you have the right direction then you will go there. But if you're doing a lot of things and playing a lot of roles then your energy will be scattered, you will never arrive at your desired destination. 

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