Apr 1, 2020


Fear will never be erased in your life. You can feel brave today and become scared again tomorrow. It is what it is, fear is already part of your life. You have to learn how to play with it or else it will eat you alive, your mind will get poisoned and you will never achieve your full potential. Fear is nothing but an emotion, it is never real, it is a poison to your mind, it's making fun of you by telling you lies that you can't do it or it's dangerous, it is a traitor. It will laugh at you because it knows that it tricks you. 99 percent of your fears are not real, it manifest because you keep on thinking about it. But if you will just ignore it and do something about your situation... you will see in the end that you will prevail. Success is hiding beneath the most uncomfortable situations, so if you want to become successful... look for fear, look for what is scaring you and face it. You may win or lose but it doesn't matter anymore, what matters is you conquer your fear, it will really feel good after facing it.


If you can use your fear to take actions then you are evolving with your fear, but if you are letting fear to take over and do nothing about your situation then you are downgrading your life. You can become very productive and take massive actions because of fear. You must let fear push you towards the right actions instead of worrying about the future. Fear can either push you to move or freeze you up forever. If you will just think about the negative things that will happen if you don't move then you will be able to force yourself to take actions, as simple as that. For example, if you will just think that you are going to fail and your mother will spank you with a belt if you didn't study your lessons then you will study your lessons. If you will just think that your son will get hungry if you don't work then you will work, if you will just think that you're going to die if you don't work hard then you will work hard, let fear push you not stop you.

Because the truth is you can move anytime you want even if you're scared, you are just thinking too much that's why you can't do the right thing. Fear will make you grow if you can use it the right way. Evolve by letting it push you towards and not backwards your dream.


The only way to play with fear is to be aware with it, most people don't know that they are scared and that's why they are just going where the panic goes, they can't think anymore because they are not conscious, they can't make the right decisions because they were rushing, they are letting their emotions dictate where they are going. Be one with your fear, accept that you are scared and be in a slow motion, be aware of what's going on, think slow and move slow. While everyone is panicking you need to be slowing down a little bit and breathe. Learn how to be in the moment, if you are conscious and one with your fear then you can never go wrong, you will always maintain your composure and take control of the situation.

Realize that it's just another emotion, it is nothing, it can never kill you, it can only make you crazy if you worry and think about it too much. Stop thinking about it, only losers entertain fear, winners never make it a big deal, they felt it but they were comfortable with it.


You need to move and do something so that your fear will go away. It's simply about pushing forward despite of feeling stunned or scared. You can move, just don't think about what's going to happen next and you will be able to move. Stop anticipating failure and pain, stop thinking about looking like a dumb. Be on with the moment and never resist what you feel, understand it, feel it and let it run into your system. Once you accept something... it will never make you feel troubled anymore. Whenever you feel frozen by fear... do something, stop thinking and just do something. Be fast in taking actions, enjoy every movement that you can do. If you are busy doing something you will be able to forget your fears, you will enjoy your life even more, so do something that you life so that your fear will be ignored. You need to focus on something, focus on your strengths and not on your fears.


Every warrior was scared before going to war. But the most successful warriors learn how to overcome their fears. They do it by thinking about some other things, things that makes them happy and motivated. Some warriors simply never think at all, they just fight and allow themselves to use all their might. So don't be ashamed of yourself if you're scared right now, it's just fear, it is nothing. A man who has no fear is an insane man, he is out of his mind, he has mental problems. You can never live without fear because it gives balance to your life. So deal with it, face it and be scared but still moving and giving your very best all the time.


What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Always remember that no matter how frightening the situation is... you can survive it, you will only lose if you die. But fear can never kill anyone, it can only make you insane but if you stay relaxed while feeling it... it will turn into courage. Calmness will enable you to feel fear and move anyway. So breathe, relax when you need to and never let fear control your mind, don't resist it... feel it, feel it like it's just an ordinary emotion that will soon go away. Understand that you are scared now bu you will be ok in just a matter of minutes. 

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