Apr 5, 2020


What can you give for your dream? can you give your 100 percent? 110 percent or just 22.7 percent? some are just giving their minimum effort even if they can give more. Sometimes you are selling yourself too short, you think you can do less even though you can do a lot. Stop entertaining the thoughts that you are weak, you can travel your journey by going slow. It's ok if you're not fast yet, what matters is you're not stopping and you keep finding a way how to move a little inch forward.


What you are doing now is working, even if you can't see results yet... what you're doing is working, so keep working on it, just grind, do everything you can for your dream. Those dots will connect in the end, everything you are doing is counted, it has a role, it's making an impact even if you can't notice it yet. Don't worry if you can't make huge strides of progress. Always remember that if your intention is good then every effort you exert is correct. Never judge yourself that you're wrong if you can't see results, the results will come in the end, it will come out naturally. Just keep working harder and do whatever it takes to win in life. Every process, technique, strategy, work and effort is working. You need to stay consistent and fast, never think twice if you need to do something... just do it. Always take the next step, start fast and never stop taking the steps needed to get your dream. So don't ever think that what you're doing is not making an impact at all, you may not see the fruits of your labor yet but eventually you will see it later, just be patient and keep on working for your dreams, sooner or later the universe will notice you and you will get what you deserve.


Go hard, go all in, never think about exhaustion, never think that your efforts are going to get wasted. Just go all in all the time, push yourself like you never push before. If you can give your best today then you can give your very best tomorrow and so on. Full maximum effort is what you need if you want to succeed in life. Victory will not be seen if your effort is too weak and mediocre. Go all out, you will not die if you go all out... you will even discover your true nature of strength, you will be shocked at how powerful you are. There is a hidden strength inside of you, all you've got to do is summon it and unleash it. The moment you wake up and start your day... attack your dream immediately. Don't think, don't blink... just attack it, have no mercy, go all out and give everything you've got until the end of the day.

You are gaining something every time you take an action so don't be conservative, if you know something then do it, if you feel that a particular step can help then execute it so fast, don't wait because waiting is the number one habit of losers, stop wasting your time and execute now... Success is waiting for you, your dream is simply waiting for your arrival, go and get it.


So what if it's difficult? so what if it's making you piss blood? it doesn't mean it's impossible. All you have to do is enjoy the difficulty and keep pushing forward, you can push even if it's too hard, you can still take the first step even if the resistance is so strong. Nothing can stop you, it's your mind that's stopping yourself. All pain will subside, it maybe painful for now, it maybe so difficult now but that pain will go away and will be replaced by victory. So don't ever complain if it's difficult, you want it right? so show them how bad you want it, show them that you are willing to die for it. Don't worry because it will become easier later once your mind and body already memorized the feeling, you feel that its' difficult because you haven't felt if for a lot of times yet. One you were able to adapt with a particular level of difficulty... it will not be difficult anymore, it will be so much easier.


Give your money, give your time, give your full maximum effort, give your life, give all of your energy and focus for your dream... that is what real legends do, the never stop, they stay committed, they were so hungry to take actions, they were relentless everyday even if they feel so bad. You can give your all, never mind yourself, never mind your emotions and happiness. You will become happy forever once you become successful. Because the truth is you're not succeeding yet because you're not giving your all, you're always waiting, you're always holding yourself back, you're wasting a lot of days. Be ready to give your all because success is requiring too much from you, it is asking for your full maximum effort and commitment. So ask yourself, what can you give for your dream? time? money? can you sacrifice big time? can you afford to lose the comfort that you have now in exchange for a bigger reward? the choice is yours and will always be yours, if you can just forget your emotions then you will be able to take more actions.


No matter what happens, even if you're losing big time, even if you're failing over and over again and the frustration is so real... keep struggling, one day is going to be your day. You can't stay at the bottom forever if you're pushing forward. Don't give up on your dream, don't let go... make it yours, chase it forever. Even if you're lost, even if you're running out of ideas and energy... just keep moving forward, the struggle will end and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

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