Apr 19, 2020


If you're always looking for the right process and still you can't find it, there is only one way to find it... push yourself to the limits and never give up, it's all about trying for a million times and not losing your motivation to keep going and going forever. There is no other way out, you can never win if you will quit. Quitting is for the losers, quitting is for the complainers and cry babies. You have to go all out if you really want it. Stop looking for the right process, if your intention is really strong and you have no plan of quitting anytime soon... you will become successful. So don't be afraid to try a million times, don't be afraid to fail a million times, you will get it on the right time, the universe is watching you, you will be rewarded if you never give up. If you really want to see what really works then tr everything, keep failing over and over again, be happy if you are failing because it only means that you are trying.


Enjoy failing, enjoy making mistakes, it will make you tougher and smarter, it will make your skin thick, your mental toughness will improve and all of the resistance will go away. It's because you don't feel anything about failing anymore, it's like an ordinary day for you. The result is being relentless and doing more than other people. You will take massive actions, you will become hungrier and faster, you're like a crazy do that keeps on attacking until you earn that bone. Because you will only learn if you keep making mistakes, there is nothing wrong with that, you're just a human, you are allowed to make mistakes as much as you can. The more mistakes you made the more wisdom you get. You're already a winner if you made a mistake, just think of it as something that makes you grow, at least you already knew what to do next time. So train your mind to become like a beast, be relentless, upgrade your motor, don't stop until you get it. If the sun can't shine 24 hours a day, it's his fault. Be different, work 24 hours a day, don't be afraid to get exhausted, don't be afraid to go all in, it is what it is, it's going to get brutal, it's going to get really depleting but what else can you do? you're all in here right? you have no choice but to keep moving forward all the time or else you won't win.


Non stop like a robot that has an unlimited battery, like a hungry lion that keeps on hunting... you've got to keep going even if you look like a garbage already. Even if people doesn't believe you anymore or your process looks like an epic fail... still keep working. This is what your mantra should be... look for a work and work. Look for a task that is related to your goal and start it. You don't need to think too much here, all you need to do is work and that's it. It's not going to be easy but it will be easier if you keep on working. Work like hell and you will see heaven, all of your efforts will have an equivalent reward if you don't quit. Most people fail not because it's not for them, they fail because they quit. You can push now, even if you're tired... there is something you can do, forget everything, forget what may happen, release all the resistance and keep working until you succeed. Your energy is unlimited, stop thinking that you can't move forward anymore, of course you can still do something, stop acting like a vegetable who can't do something great. You are powerful more than you ever think of yourself. You can become great if you will allow yourself to take massive actions.


A: You haven't tried everything yet, you are lying to yourself. If you tried everything then you're probably successful by now, but you're not. It only means there is still missing in your process. Maybe you are trying to weak, maybe there is still some other things that you need to do. So keep trying, don't get tired of repeating. Just enjoy your life by pushing yourself to do what you think will work. Try everything, try every possibility. There is no need to rush here, be patient. Look at yourself, are you moving forward or not? are you really serious with what you're doing, you have to be dead serious here, you have to give everything you've got or else nothing will work . So stop fooling yourself, if you really trued everything then why the hell are you still at the bottom? you should be on the top of the mountain by now if you really give everything you've got. Always remember that the right process can only be revealed if you really try everything. So if you haven't figured it out yet it means you still need to try something that you haven't tried. Try everything, don't be afraid to fail for one more time. People who were not afraid are the ones who will become successful, as simple as that.


A: It's ok if it will work for you and if you will love it, you will feel it if it's not the right process for you. It's ok to imitate, there is nothing wrong with that. If it works for you too and you are having fun with it then why not? no need to feel ashamed of yourself if you copied someone's technique or style. What matters is you are working hard too and you are serious about getting successful. But always remember that not all copy cats succeed. Most of the time people who copied someone didn't become successful because the reality is they didn't like the process that they are copying, they just want to try it because it's making other people successful. Imitate someone but work harder than him, imitate someone but still put your character and true color into your work. 

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