Jun 13, 2018


Temptation is a weakness, if you get easily tempted with things that are fun in the beginning but will give you a miserable life in the end then you will never succeed, you will be stuck in a rut forever.

Tempted to eat chocolates while you're on a strict diet, tempted to party even though you have an exam tomorrow, tempted to cut classes because you have a date with your girlfriend, tempted to spend half of your monthly budget for an Xbox 360, tempted to skip practice because you want to watch your favorite noontime show even if you're competing tomorrow, tempted to choose sleep over hardwork because it's a cold weather outside.

See... temptation will give you weak results, it is the root of all failure. If you follow it then bad things will happen to you in the next sequence, sometimes you already knew what is going to happen but you still bite the temptation, you still follow it.

Always be aware of what is going on, sometimes you are being tempted because you just follow your urge, you're not even thinking about it, you're too impulsive, you follow what you think is fun... you don't care about what will happen next.

It's sacrifice that will produce success and not instant gratification, it's delaying the happiness, postponing the fun that will get the job done. If you're always looking for an escape then you will never succeed in life, you will always face the consequences of your bad decision and you can't get away from it. You can't be just doing something bad and expecting that nothing will happen, of course something will happen you can't get away from your sins.

You will only succeed if you're willing to face the pain of sacrifice knowing that you will get good something from it, knowing that you will get the prize for doing something that is so difficult.

Don't get tempted easily, act like a grown up man, always think if something has benefits waiting for you, don't do something just because you want to do it, do something because it is necessary.

Stay focus on the grind, always choose hard work over lazy work, do what is needed now and you will reap the fruits of your labor tomorrow.

Never prioritize good feelings, if you feel good first then you will feel bad later but if you feel bad now because of sacrificing and delaying gratification... you will feel good in the end because you made the right decisions, you will be rewarded for doing the right things.

Look at those people who are always failing... they easily fall to the temptation, once there is an offer to them that looks so fun they will grab it right away, they will not even think, they don't even know that it's just a trap. They will have a lot of regrets in the end.

Mentally tough and successful person doesn't bite an opportunity to have fun in exchange for a better life, they will stick with the process even if it's hard, they will do what is necessary, they will forget having fun because they know they can have it in the end once they become successful.

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