Mar 18, 2018


Which do you think is better? which do you think will get more results and make more progress? a doer or a thinker?

You can think about the most detailed, plan you can read all the books, you can attend all the seminars and learn as much as you can but if you will not apply it in your life... where do you think will you go? you will remain in the same place before, you will never evolve nor make a momentum.

Thinking is for people who doesn't want to move, they just want to think and pretend that they're doing something, they are pretending to be busy. If you will always take baby steps rather than thinking about big ideas then you will achieve more.

Thinking will not give you anything, it will only eat a lot of your time. It will give you worries, doubts and fears... that's why it's called analysis paralysis.

MOVE NOW! do something now and never wait for the perfect moment. Be a doer not a thinker, a thinker will only create hype, it will only create fake news. A doer will always achieve something, he will reach the top if he is persistent enough to follow his dreams.

Be a doer, just do something, never think because you are only making your life even difficult by doing that. Be a doer, do more, do it now, never hesitate nor procrastinate.

Life will be easier if you will take massive actions, it will become hard if you will always think about what is the perfect plan to execute. Just take actions and that's it, moving will give you happiness, it will take away all of your doubts and fears.

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