Mar 12, 2018


Experience is the best teacher, experience will kill your fears, it will make you very confident. It will put you to a different level where fears cannot touch you anymore. If you want to become really brave then have a lot of experience, experience different type of experiences.

That's why a lot of warriors who were so experienced in different battles were unbeatable, they look so invincible and indestructible and they really feel that way, they were so confident, they were so intimidating and you wouldn't want to trade axes with them.

You will become scared on your first try and your second try, a little bit on the third and 4th try but you will no longer be scared on the tenth try. The more you try the more fear will vanish, it will go away like a scared little bird not wanting to get shot.

Keep experiencing fear again and again, it will soon go away, it will never bother you anymore. You should look fear into its eyes and feel it, repeat it again and again until you learn how to manage your emotions.

Confident people were not born fearless, they were just full of experience at something that's why they were not bothered by their fears anymore. Sometimes they even want to feel it so that they will enjoy the challenge even more.

If you can experience something for a hundred times then you will no longer be afraid of it. The best way to destroy your phobias is to experience it a lot of times, let yourself be scared, don't be scared to get scared.

Getting rid of all of your fears will not be easy, you need to have a lot of experience so that you will be immune to it.

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