Dec 9, 2022


Rather than conserving your energy and thinking about the future... it's more fun to go all the way, use all of your power, knowledge and skills. Stop conserving your power because it is renewable, you will have more energy later, just rest a bit if you need to and then go back to work once you feel a little bit of relief. You can become relentless if you want to, all you have to do is commit to it, work at your own pace then push a little bit, try to elevate your skills a little bit, keep going further and never stop, as simple as that.  


The path will be revealed, you will have more motivation to do it, you will become faster, you will become better. The reason why people can't finish something is because they don't even dare to try. 
Just do the work and forget everything else. Take the first step and follow through until you're done, you will find out that it's not really that hard, what makes it harder is your impatience and wanting to take shortcuts. There are no shortcuts to life, everything that is happening to you is all part of the process. No matter where you are, no matter how hard the struggle is... enjoy it, just enjoy the process and never give up, as simple as that. Everything is part of the design, your struggle and failures... enjoy it as much as you can because it's really a beautiful experience to make you grow. 


Life becomes hard because you think it was easy, the journey gets harder because you think success is easy. If it was easy then everybody would have been successful but most people were failures. No success was easy, you have to grind for it and sometimes even give more than you can give for it. Accept that success is hard and that you need to take a million steps to get it. Accept that you don't know when will it come and all you can do is work insanely hard to make the waiting time shorter. Just take actions and go further as much as you can, from the very beginning to the end... take more actions and never waste a single second. Because in the end when you can't take actions anymore you will regret that you didn't do more when you could have done more. Stop thinking that it's going to be easy, stop looking for shortcuts and never get jealous with people who are making it fast, you have your own journey, focus on your own and stay consistent until the end. 


Greatness for me is just pure hustle, it's about not thinking, it's simply about continuity, not stopping like a shark and keep moving forward all the time. It's about doing it even if I don't feel like doing it, it's living life and doing what is needed to advance or simply survive. Greatness for me is focusing on what I can control which is my effort and thoughts, it's nothing special, it's nothing complex, it's simply about taking actions and showing up while most people doesn't want to show up. Greatness for me is not about money, success or fame... it's about self development everyday and never ending search for that small progress. It's simply about being yourself and not letting anyone get in your way. You can take a small step anytime you want, stop holding yourself back like a coward chicken, use a little bravery, if it's time to move then move even if you feel lazy or scared, always remember that laziness is next to ugliness, everything in your life will get ugly if you will not force yourself to do something positive. 


Is the action and nothing else. Stop complaining, stop making excuses because none of those BS matters, nobody will listen to your pain, nobody cares about your problems, all people have their own problems, some people even have bigger problems than you. Every time you stop yourself from doing a lot of crap you get better and better, it's not the information that surrounds you that matters... it's your actions. Forget the people, forget the celebrities and stupid influencers, forget what is going on, forget what neighbors say about you... just keep moving forward because it's the only way to put yourself on top. Be aware of what you're doing and thinking. If you're doing a useless activity now... stop it and go back doing something that is more relevant to your goal. 


A boring, disciplined and focused lifestyle is the one that will work and will make you better. So what if they don't like what you're doing? so what if you're an outcast. Again, you need to simplify greatness, great people become great because of their focus, they only do one or two things everyday and repeat it a million times. The reason why you're not great is because you're too busy doing a lot of crappy things that is not even make you better, you have a lot of garbage going on with your life. You better get rid of the activities that doesn't matter and start focusing on what will make you better. Create your own lifestyle, stop doing what other people are doing, they're not great so why follow them? 


Once you start something... finish it with all your might, finish fast, start fast and do whatever it takes to wrap things up. You need to force yourself even if you are lazy, stop starting something if you have no intentions of finishing it. Don't be like others who were just good in starting or stalking but couldn't even finish something. You can finish anything, all it takes is determination and willpower, there is nothing special about it. Finish it because it feels better finishing it than letting it hang in the air. Go further as much as you can and never look for comfort, never look for an easy path because only weak people do that. 


You must know what comes in and out of your mind, you must know what happens when you execute a certain thought pattern. There's an equivalent behavior for every thought, if you can just study how your brain works and you are rewired then you will be able to make adjustments that will lead to a better life and results. 


Perseverance is one of the blessings that people often overlook. Persevering on something means you're a fighter, you're not a quitter and you know the real meaning of life. Perseverance is the key, you fight for what you want and you hang on, don't let go, think about it everyday and do whatever it takes to get it. At the end of the day, quitters will have regrets and tryers will feel better. You will never be able to sleep peacefully at night if you will quit. Just persevere so that you won't have any regrets in your life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...