Dec 12, 2022


Do it fast, stop waiting for your girlfriend to inspire you and say I love you to you before you take an action. Stop looking for an inspiration or motivation and just do it fast, do it now, don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for the right moment because it will never come. Do it even if you feel lazy, hesitant or tired. You're really not tired, what did you do to feel tired? watch the whole season of Breaking Bad? stop fooling yourself because you're not really tired, you just don't want to do it because it is not fun. Something that is not fun will never make you grow, you have to focus on doing what is hard but has a lot of benefits in the end. Stop doing something that will make you weaker and slow. Start now even if it's too late already. If you will not do it now then you will never do it anymore, as simple as that. How many times did you said that you're going to do it tomorrow but you never did? stop acting like a fool, you're not in control all the time. If you want to have a better life then do what you don't like. Most people will tell you that just do what you life, that is something stupid. You want to watch porn all day, play video games, shopping all day, now tell me where will that kind of life gonna lead you? to nowhere right? You can't be doing what you want to do, there should be some balance. Because something that is fun and easy will never make you grow, it will never accomplish or finish something. Watching TV all day long is fun and easy, now tell me, is it going to give you an edge? can it give you some money or leverage? You have to be realistic here, stop hoping that things will get better if you're not taking actions. You will only progress if you're taking massive massive actions and not stopping all the time. You will never evolve if you will not push yourself, you need to take matters into your own hands and focus on what you can control. It's actions that you can control. You can never control success, timing, luck, what people are going to say to you... you can never control any of it. The only thing you can control is what you can do now. And what you are doing now will be the dictator of your future. If you're just drinking the whole weekend and is expecting to become a millionaire, will that happen? you have to admit that you're doing nothing good in your life if you wanted to change. It's hard, it's going to be a lot of work but it is what it is, what do you expect an easy life? 


Don't look for your shoes, just run. Don't look for a coach, just walk and move your body. Don't look for a tutor... just read the book, don't look for a girlfriend... just be happy. Start something without thinking, the reason why you can't start is because you're thinking too much, you think you're special. Who the hell do you think you are? you are nothing, stop caring too much about your emotion, stop looking to be perfect, stop trying to look cute. You're not a celebrity, you're not that handsome, start now and just do something. Get your hands dirty and just move forward, stop freezing yourself because you're not a frozen food, stop planting your feet on the ground because you're not a tree, you've got to be moving every single second if you wanted to become great. This philosophy is very effective and can help anybody. But most people are lazy and thinking that they are something, they think they are special that's why they're not taking actions. Forget your identity, forget why you are and just move, do something, may it be a small or big action... just do it. 


Try not stopping for a week. Just pure grinding and hustling and doing whatever it takes to get your goal. Just try it, do all the work, never look for an instant rewards, just pure hard work and hustle and I am sure you will feel much better. Stop complaining, stop looking for an excuse, just pure grind and hustle, try this for a week and let's see if you can't get a momentum to succeed. The reason why you're not making any improvement is because you are so slow, you're too soft and acting like a soft diva that is entitled for something big. You need to work, you need to be deserving if you want something big in your life. If you're not working and just hoping then good luck to you... you will never get anywhere in life. Push yourself to the limits for one week, test yourself, make an experiment with yourself. Discipline yourself for one week and do everything you can to get better. Trust me, you will feel the change, you will feel much better and happier, you will feel stronger because you are evolving. You may not see the results yet but you will establish a strong momentum that will carry on for your journey. 


Your min says stop, your mind says it's just a waste of time so don't waste your energy, your mind says it won't work. Stop listening to your mind and just focus on the work. Your mind is tricking you, it's stopping you from taking actions. Never let a small pain stop you, stop looking for an excuse and just find a way how to take an action. A small action will give you confidence, just keep taking baby steps, no matter he repetitive your actions were.... never stop until you win. Don't listen to your mind, block the thoughts that are stopping you from taking actions. Believe in what you do, believe in yourself. You need to follow what you want to happen, if you want your body to become healthy then stop following your mind. Your mind is telling you to eat junk food, your mind is telling you to don't exercise because it is very tiring. You need to follow what you want. If you want to become rich then stop following your mind, your mind is telling you to stop working hard because it is too tiring, your mind is telling you to just rest for a few hours because you deserve it. But you really didn't work hard so why will you give yourself the audacity to rest? Your mind is looking for comfort and instant gratification all the time, it's stopping you from taking actions all the time. Your mind is your greatest enemy. 


Visualize what you wanted to become. Visualize your work ethic, discipline, the foods that you're going to eat, the actions that you are going to take. That is how to train your mind, repeat these images over and over again until it's finally programmed into your system. Train your mind to overcome the challenges and temptations, make new connections. Make a new pattern. Train your mind to become powerful, feed it with the right thoughts that will empower you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...