Dec 1, 2022


Life is happening now, there's no reason to worry about the future. Thinking about it only creates anxiety and fear. It's too early to worry about the future, besides... why worry about it? there's no such thing as future, it's not real, life is only happening in the present moment. You have to ignore the future and forget the past, focus on what you can do now and carry on, as simple as that. It's getting harder and harder because you're focusing on what you can't control. It's too early to worry about the future, you haven't seen the worst yet, you don't know what will happen next, even if it is too evident that you're going to fail... still trust, still believe because life can change so fast, the situation can change so fast so you better be prepared all the time and stick with the moment. Time is running, what will happen will happen so what is the point of worrying in the future, it's still early, you, can still do something, you are still breathing, there is nothing to worry about. 


Worrying is simply thinking, you can replace the thoughts that is running inside of your head right now with more positive thoughts. Just believe in yourself, believing is also simply thinking, if you have to think why not choose believing instead of worrying? Believe in yourself that you can overcome anything, believe in yourself that you have the power to win, believe that everything will be alright and every path is the right path. Regardless of any circumstances believe in yourself. Believing in yourself will make you feel much better, motivated and focused. Affirm everyday that you are doing better, see yourself winning, focus on the moment and try to make the best out of it. All it takes is taking it one step at a time, believing that you can win and being patient. Never rush the process, if you feel stuck so be it and jus keep moving forward. You will never become stuck forever if you're pushing yourself to the limits, you feel stuck because you're too lazy and passive. You need to be aggressive when it comes to taking actions and always do what you can do to make your situation a little bit better. 

Power comes from feeling yourself, being aware of your thoughts and actions. Cross out the negative thoughts, never mind the people and things that bothers you and you will become very powerful. You will be able to push forward if you're watching your thoughts and actions. Discipline will become very strong, motivation will go above the roofs. You just need to stay conscious all the time and remind yourself what matters the most. It's not them, it's not the situation... it's what is running inside of your head. You will feel more powerful and stronger and tougher if you will focus on yourself. Stop focusing on the external things and remind yourself that your life is simply about feeling your emotions and doing what is best for yourself. 

Madness, fear, hatred, reacting too much will never help you... it will only make you worse. Remind yourself to become mindful all the time and focus your trajectory on things that will make your life better. It's not about them, it's about you. Let the people do their thing, worry on yourself only, focus on getting better mentally and physically, focus on evolving. At the end of the day what you feel doesn't matter at all, if you really wanted to improve then you better stop dwelling on things that will never help you to go to the next level. Stop giving people any of your attention, stop worrying about what they do and just focus on your own life... that is where you will discover your true power. 


If you decided to go all the way and give everything you've got, if you decided to change your life by focusing intensely on what you want then you will never care about time anymore, you will just go and go and go. There is no stopping on you. You will just move every time you find yourself not doing anything, moving will become your nature, it will become your number one habit, it will become your system. You don't care about losing, you don't care about winning, you don't care about what's going to happen next... you're simply addicted to making a small progress, and even if you're not making any progress at all... your culture is about moving so you're going to move forever, the result is a good life, a strong mind and body, there will be no more worries and insecurities, there will only be progress and action. Life will become easier and more fun if you will decide to not stop, define what you really want to get and chase it relentlessly, work as hard as you can, use all of your time and energy for getting it. 


You're really good in terrorizing yourself, you're a master of worrying even though the problem hasn't arrive yet. What will happen will happen so be it, but keep in mind that you are being hard on yourself and punishing yourself every time you're fearful of what you don't know. You can never predict the future, focus on the present moment, focus on yourself and feel good even if there are some  problems and challenges. It's up to you to feel good today, you can even feel thankful even if you're tired or sick, you can even appreciate some things even though you don't like what is happening now. Be kind to yourself, if outside of you is not good then stop feeling bad about it, stop being scared and just let go, be kind to yourself and never punish yourself again by creating negative emotions through something you have no idea about. Don't be afraid of the unknown, embrace it and stay positive all the time. 

Because at the end of the day you will think about something, why not think about abundance, health, success, money, healthy relationships and anything that you want? why scare yourself about the subjects that you don't want to attract in life. It's up to you how do you wanted to think. Let go of the fear, let go of something that doesn't motivate you, never think that everything is against you, always think that everything is supporting you. Be kind to yourself and always do what is best for your life. 

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