Dec 3, 2022


Don't ever beg, don't ever borrow, don't ever be needy, don't let the people or external things control your mind. Always believe that you can get what you want one day if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can get what you want if you will just learn to wait and work your ass off. Stop looking for help, stop looking for a sympathy, you have what you have because it's all you can get, it's what was given to you. But you can change your life if you will learn how to fight for what you want and stop looking for an easy way out, stop looking for shortcuts, stop looking for good feelings, learn how to be patient, learn to appreciate what you have and you will never feel like a loser anymore. If you can be ok with nothing then you will become very powerful, nothing can command you... ever. 


Once you ask for a help, once you beg, once you make them feel that you need them... you're in big trouble. They will treat you as weak and submissive, they will use you and you will become their follower. Stop asking something from anyone because it only means you're not capable of getting it yourself. And once you wish was granted, you will become dependent of them, you will never be able to stand on your own feet. The truth is you can get anything you want if you will just work hard and learn how to wait. The problem with people is they can't wait, they don't want to wait, they want what they want right away without having to work hard for it and that's why they're always being use by other people who can wait more than them. Life and success is just a waiting game, if you don't want to become a follower... learn to practice delayed gratification, stop being too needy and pushy, learn to wait and learn to be ok with having zero. 


You're not a beggar, you're not weak, you can do better than that. Stop acting like a weak person. You haven't done your best yet so quit complaining and focus on what you can do, focus on giving your all every single second. Accept the challenge, face the adversity. You can do it on your own, you can start something now and make it bigger and bigger everyday. You can focus on your own journey and create your own empire there. Nothing is impossible with hard work and belief. Just believe in yourself, believe in hard work and follow through every now and then, be relentless as you can be, never give up when something is hard, if it is hard... go harder and push yourself to the limits.  


You can never control the results, you can never control if they like you or not, you can never control when are you going to succeed, you can only control your own numbers. The number of hours you work, number of push ups you did, number of times you repeat, number of days you didn't give up, the number of hours you practice, the number of people you negotiate with, you can only control your own effort and numbers, you can never control success but you can attract success faster if you will focus on giving your very best. If you will focus on what you can control which is your effort and thoughts then you will realize how powerful you are. Control your own numbers, control what you can produce and you will go to a different level. 


success and failure is all in the mind. If you can create a new mentality then you will become very powerful and unstoppable. Entertain new thoughts, if you think small before think big now, think better now and always believe in the power of images in your head. See yourself winning, see yourself pushing, create a new mentality that will make you endure the hardest challenges of life. Always think that there is a reward behind these challenges, always think that you are getting better every time you face a difficulty. Condition your mind to keep pushing no matter what, force your body to move, force your mind to think the right way, think only about positive and successful thoughts. Never put any negative thought in your head. Focus on growing and evolving, focus on getting better everyday. It's your mind that will dictate your future, it's your mind that will tell you where you will go. So start developing a new mentality that will make you survive anything. 

Ignore what you don't want and focus only on what you want, there will distractions, there will be disturbances, there will be people who will try to bring you down and make you feel bad but if you will protect your mind and stop giving them any attention then you will become very powerful and successful, nothing can ever slow you down. Always remember that you can become very great by catering the right thoughts alone, what you think is what you will become, the dominant thought inside of your head will manifest into reality so be aware of what you're thinking and saying because it will be attracted to you slowly. 

Your mind is everything, it can be a powerful tool to help you to become a winner or it can become a destructive force to make you fail, the choice is yours, what are you thinking right now? every thought will manifest into actions, every though tis either making you productive or making you slow and weak. So watch your mind, guard it closely and try to clean it if it's full of negativity. Start seeing yourself winning and giving your best. So if you're feeling down, if you're always failing never look for what is wrong, never blame yourself or other people, look at your mind and try to reprogram it the right way. If you're losing then you're not taking care of the right thoughts, you're losing because the dominant thought in your head is about fears and defeats. You need to think better, upgrade your mindset and welcome the thoughts that will serve you. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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