Dec 4, 2022


Take more risks, take more actions, do more and never stop. If the results are not showing then it means you need to go harder and harder. Never stop, never think about quitting, push forward as hard as you can and do whatever it takes to get to another level. Go harder and harder each day, make it as your culture. Eliminate what slows you down, get rid of the thoughts that are not making you better. 


You don't know what's going to happen, it's uncomfortable, there's an element of surprise. The best time to move is when you don't want to move, when you're scared, when you're hesitant. These negative emotions should be a trigger to you that you need to take actions right away. If you want to become a massive action taker... take these negative emotions as signals. When you're making excuses, when you're about to take a sleep after doing nothing, when you're about to quit, when you're about to just call it a day, when you feel like just watching TV, when you're so scared of nothing, when your instincts are lying, when your mind is starting to invent an excuse... that's the best time to move. When you feel tired, when you feel like losing already and about to give up, when you think that the day is over, when you feel like there's no more hope... that's the best time to move. When it's really uncomfortable, heavy and frustrating... that's the best time to move. Because that is where growth happens, when you don't want to do it but you need to do it... do it now and never wait for the right feelings, never wait for a motivation, never wait for a coach to manipulate your mind. Execute now and simply give your best, take it one step at a time and never stop. 

When you feel stuck, when you feel you're on a plateau, when you feel like the whole world is limiting you... that's the best time to become a rebel and take actions. Push forward as hard as you can and never hold yourself back for a second. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if nothing good is happening... just don't ever stop, don't waste your time for nothing, it's better to be moving and failing than relaxing and wishing for a luck. Luck will never come to you if you're not pushing yourself to the limits, forget your boundaries, forget that you have a limit and do what you haven't done before, exert an effort that was not exerted before. 


Make your actions come from everywhere, take random actions every now and then. Try a lot of things, experiment everyday. Try to mix things up and don't be afraid to make mistakes. You need to manipulate your fate by doing something different each day, surprise life... don't let it surprise you. You need to do something randomly, do it when you don't want to do it. Try something even if you feel that it won't work. 


If you don't want to change the process, if you don't want to change your style then simply increase the intensity. Go harder, go faster, go to the extreme, exert an effort that most people were so afraid to exert. Give your very best and go 100 and ten percent. Sometimes all you have to do is be earlier, be faster, work harder and be more disciplined and success will come to you. You don't need to change the process at all... you just need to increase your intensity and become a little bit aggressive this time. You need to demand a greater and stronger you. You need to believe that you can do more and stop accepting less in your life. 


You can never work hard, you can never go hard if you're always distracted by a lot of things, subjects, people, information, news etc. You need to be good in ignoring, ignore the temptations. Be good in ignoring what is making your body and mind weak. When someone is giving you a dessert ignore it. When you found an attractive gossip on social media, ignore it. When a stupid person is trying to make you feel bad, ignore it. When your frenemy invited you to a party, ignore it. When past is hunting you, ignore it. When you're about to eat a cake, ignore it. When a person that you don't like is infront of you, ignore it. Be good in ignoring what you don't need and you will become powerful and fast. You just need to focus your time and energy for activities that does really matter. Ignore all the stupidity surrounding you and just focus on what will make you grow. Focus on what makes you better, the thoughts and actions that makes you better instead of wasting your power to nonsense people and subjects that will only make your life worse. 


success is waiting, you will feel it, if you can't feel it then it means you're not moving fast. It means you're too slow and wasting a lot of your time, success is moving towards you if you're working hard and giving your very best every single day. You need to double your speed and sacrifice more, do something different this time, stop giving the same amount of effort everyday and go harder than yesterday. You will keep evolving if you're making yourself uncomfortable all the time. Embrace the discomfort that going hard gives because it is the only path to growth. You need to go faster and faster everyday and never mind your mistakes because it will be corrected automatically. Don't worry about you failures, don't worry about repeating again and just move forward as much as you can. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...