Nov 16, 2021


If you really want it then you will never waste time for some other things, you will never be a nonsense guy, you will just work extremely hard to get it. Because the truth is... you don't need anything to inspire you, you don't need an idol, you don't need an inspiration, you will make yourself your own inspiration. Because most of the time you're studying other people's success, you're watching other people's lives, you listen to life coaches that doesn't really help you at all. You watch your idols winning, you wanna know their story, you wanna know how did they do it, you wanna know everything about them and it's completely wasting a lot of your time, you're becoming lazier and lazier by doing it. 


Create your own story, a simple but interesting story, chase a goal and relentlessly pursuit it, don't stop, face all the obstacles and believe in yourself. The reason why you have a boring life is because you don't believe that you can do something great, you're not chasing an impossible goal, you're not thinking big, you will never win and have freedom if you always follow other people's stories, your time will only be wasted and go for nothing if you're always minding other people's business. You have to take care of your own business, handle your own shi* and never mind what other people are doing. Even if they are succeeding, even if they are losing... forget about them and get interested only with your own story. Direct your life, change your fate, do something that will impress yourself. If you will believe in something why not believe in yourself? why not bet on yourself? Believe that you can also do some magical things, you can do a miracle, you can make a breakthrough. Just focus on what you're doing and never compare yourself to others, never mind what other people are doing and simply give your very best every single second. 


Your action should be the motivation itself, you should feel good every time you move, every action is the right action, if your intention is positive then never doubt every single step that you take. Feel happy that you were able to move, you should feel stronger and stronger every time you are moving because it means something good in happening in your life. Let the process be the prize itself and never stop working hard. You have to feel good working hard, that is the key. That's why successful people were so successful... they never get tired, hard work is their fuel, they even get more stressed if they can't work. They love working even if they're not getting anything from it. The failures hates to work, they hate to exhaust themselves because they wanted to win fast, they want shortcuts, they don't want to struggle. 


Struggle is all part of the game, it's part of your life. Don't be afraid of it because it simply means that you are trying. Struggling will make you strong, have you ever seen someone who keeps struggling and yet he's not giving up? have you seen someone who's a spoiled brat that is strong? none right? because all spoiled brats were weak, they always feel depressed whenever things didn't go their way, they always feel like a victim whenever they didn't get a special treatment. If you will not struggle then you will never learn and if you don't learn then you will never make a progress, as simple as that. The key to learning is not books nor teachers nor school, the key to learning is experience and nothing else. You can know all the terms and words but if you haven't experienced it yet then you will never gonna learn it. 


If you want to feel more powerful you need to focus on the present moment, don't worry about the future, don't worry about success or failure. Worry only about the things that are within your control. 


You are training yourself every second what you will be in the future. If you're always procrastinating now then that will be your life in the future, you will get worse and worse. But if you are working hard now and pushing yourself then that will be your future, you will become successful, you will be in control. What you are doing now, what you are thinking now is the mirror of your life will be. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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