Nov 8, 2021


If you want some real change, if you're so sick and tired of your garbage life the you need to do something. Change is painful, change is stressful that's why it's so difficult. The simplest and most effective way to change is to deprive yourself. Yes, you heard me right, deprive yourself. You've been doing the same thing over and over again, your life is too easy and comfortable, you already knew what's going to happen because you're not doing something new. If you're making an excuse that you don't know what to do in order to have a better life then just deprive yourself. Deprive yourself of comfort, social media, relaxation, sleep, unhealthy food, entertainment, useless games, procrastination, partying, alcohol, gossips and news. Deprive yourself of these junks and you will have a new life. It's because if you stop engaging with unhealthy things then you will start to become productive, your body will automatically do what is right because it has no other choice but to do what is right. 

Cross out the things that you don't need to do, cross out the toxicity in your life, cross out what's making you unhealthy and the doors for change will open.     


It's not about your feelings, it's not about what the situation is, it's not about how many hours you have to work, the only concern is to move forward and nothing else. Grind like hell so you can see heaven, it is what it is, you want a new life now right? you want to have better results right? you want to be on the best position right? it only means you need to sacrifice everything that includes your happiness and peace, that includes sleeping for 8 hours a day, you have to trim it down to 5 or 4 maybe. If you really want it then you need to be obsessed by it, you need to work for it and think about it 24 hours a day. That's how to create a burning desire, your mind should be occupied with the idea of you becoming successful and nothing else. It's about the push, it's not about winning or losing, it's about the push, it's about believing yourself that you can win your own way. 


Make your life, create your own life, get super interested with your own story. Don't get interested with other people's story because it's only wasting your time, it's eating a lot of your time, you could have been a president of the united states now, you could have been a playboy now or maybe a powerful entrepreneur but you choose to listen to other people's stories instead of creating your own fate and that's why you keep on failing. Your story was too boring because you're not enjoying it, your life is becoming a mess because you're not interested on it. What if you really watch yourself evolve and solve challenges? what if you really push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes to get on top? 


No matter how hard it is don't give up, no mater how grueling the process is... don't give up. That's all you need to do don't give up. Because you will never win if you don't try, as simple as that. Forget about everything, forget about how are you going to do it, forget about all the failures, forget about all the difficulty and simply don't give up. Give up now and you already lost, as simple as that. Keep pushing and you still have a chance. You will only win if you will go all out and do your very best. Never give an effort that is less than 100 percent, never exert a weak effort. Stop resting too much because it's making you damn slow, speed is the name of the game, success loves speed. Do as much as you can, stop thinking that you're just a human, you have to feel inhuman if you want to take your life to another level. 


You always wanted to feel good, you always wanted to feel relaxed and secured. That's what human beings always wanted... they want good feelings. Your emotions will always try to trick you, it will tempt you, it will ask for comfort. Don't prioritize your emotions, prioritize the process. Emotions are so overrated, you should not give it any attention. Just because you feel sleepy doesn't mean you need to sleep, just because you feel so bored doesn't mean you need to open a porn site, just because you're so jealous of what other people have doesn't mean you also need to buy it. 


You have not other choice but to work insanely hard, that's all you've got, that's all you can do. You can't be hoping for success but exerting a very mediocre effort. Things won't go on your way if you have a bad attitude. Hard work, dedication and staying focus is the only thing that matters, if you can't do any of these then you will fail, as simple as that. The only choice you have is to become faster, earlier, more passionate, more dedicated and try to become better everyday Watch yourself, are you sacrificing enough? are you doing whatever it takes to succeed? are you giving everything you've got every single day? Accept that you really need to go all in and give everything you've got every single day, accept that life is really hard, chasing success is really hard, you have to push yourself to the limits and become a beast if you want to get ahead in life. Make yourself extraordinary even if you're just an ordinary human being, make yourself something special even if you're not special at all. It can only be done through hard work and dedication. 


Success is not about feeling good. It's not about consuming a lot of food, not about consuming a lot of useless information and moly not about doing a lot of useless things. Stop consuming too much because it will make your system unhealthy. You have to stay focused on what you're trying to build, you have to keep on disciplining yourself and put yourself on the best position to succeed. Make sacrifices, stop thinking a lot about things that won't help you. Stop engaging on entertainments that will only waste your time. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...