Nov 24, 2021


It is what it is, you have to force yourself to take actions or else you will never make a little progress. Life and success is simply about moving, good things happen when you move, improvement happens when you move. Make yourself busy everyday, never get complacent, never get stagnant, you have to stay busy all the time or else you're not going to become happy. Happiness happens when you move, you will avoid depression if you're taking actions all the time, you will feel much better if you're doing something positive. Most people were depressed because they're lazy. They want to get something but they're not willing to work hard, they want their lives to change but all they do is make dramas, they're not willing to struggle and make sacrifices. Struggling doesn't mean you're losing, struggling means you're trying, it means you're doing whatever it takes to succeed. Keep struggling, keep trying and never quit.. that's what it is all about. Keep pushing, keep hustling, don't worry about repeating again, don't worry about getting zero... just work hard and you will be alright, good things will happen to you, positive opportunities will come naturally. 


You feel stuck because you think you're stuck, you feel losing because you're focused on what's going out instead of focusing on what you have. Focus on what you can do, appreciate yourself because you're taking actions and not taking any day for granted, feel happy that you were able to move and not just watch life goes by, if you're trying to force fate then it means something good is already happening. Time will come and you will be able to have a break through, time will come and you will see the fruits of your labor, don't be afraid to lose over and over again because in the end you will still succeed. Struggling is the most beautiful part, it's the most fun part if you will just think correctly and never let any negative thoughts make you feel like a loser. When you grind and didn't money you still made a progress, if you give everything you've got yet still lose you still improve. It's a win win situation for you every time you bust your ass and force a little bit of progress. A small progress is still a progress, the fastest way to become successful is be slow, be patient and wait for your time to come. It will come if you believe, it will come if your intention was strong and focused. If you're really serious in becoming successful then you will become successful, you must always be on a sense of urgency and never waste any second, all of your energy must go to your desire. Remind yourself that it's ok to lose, it's to fail, it's ok if you're at the bottom. This is not a race, you don't need to look fast and dominant, you don't need to look great all the time, greatness means not giving up, greatness means you're doing whatever it takes and you're moving forward all the time. You're forcing yourself to do something even if you're tired and feel like breaking already... that is what greatness is all about. 


Even if it takes a lot of years, even if you can't manage to somehow create a small progress... still finish it, quitting is for the losers, you will never win if you give up, you have to keep trying, the universe is watching, you will get what you deserve in just a matter of time. So just work hard and let go, forget about winning so fast, focus on the process and never stop. Be relentless as you can be, ignore all the noises outside of you, ignore all the distractions and surrender to the process. Stay committed and never waste any single second for activities that will not help you to propel forward. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit:

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...