Nov 24, 2021


If you said you're going to do something do it, stop acting like you didn't say something, stop acting like you're just joking. You have to be responsible for anything that you say, stop being about words, be about actions. If you say you're going to get rich then get rich, if you said you're going to win then win, if you said you're going to work hard then work hard. Stop talking too much because it is for losers, if you want to become a winner the be all about movement. Quit wasting your energy trying to impress people. Stop boasting about your plans but not doing it, stop acting like a winner already, stop thinking that you're something special... go out and do it. If you said something you must be serious in making it a reality, don't be like others who were just good in talking but cannot even start. Once you said it... start now and make it happen, stop waiting for an opportunity... create your own opportunity, find a way by using your willpower, persevere until you finally taste the victory. 


Even dogs can talk, even babies can talk, even a crazy individual can make people believe. Talk is cheap, it's for the weak, if you really want to do something then you will never talk about it... you will just do it. Talking is for the losers, it's for the arrogant, it's for people who can't take actions that's why they choose to just bark and make people believe that they're something special. There's no special about an individual who's just good in talking, never believe someone who just make promises but not making it real. Stop being a politician who all does is talking and not executing. Be about your goals, be an action taker, never wait for the right time, make the time now right. All the talking does is make you weak, it's not helping at all, stop fooling yourself, stop fooling the public that you can get this or get that, you have to show results and not potentials. There are only few people who can talk and really do what they said, if you're not something like that then quit talking and start processing. Do the work instead of acting like you're entitled of something without even have to sweat for it, stop thinking that you're too good if you're not willing to grind and persevere until you win. Everyone is a talker nowadays, there are only few people who are real. If you're really that good then you need to prove to yourself that you can make results and be what you are talking about. 

Quit being a talker because it's a disgrace, it's the weak people's game, it's for people who can't be trusted. Always be accountable for your words, always do what you said you're going to do without excuses. 


A monster, a beast, someone who's not thinking and just focused on grinding. Grind like hell, push the envelope, do something that most people can't do and can't even imagine, do something that people were afraid to do. If you need to grind every second of your life then do it, remember that it's better to be moving and trying than overthinking and procrastinating. Your time is precious, every second is an opportunity to become successful or at least create a very powerful momentum to win. Become a beast, stop playing a sick role, stop playing weak, you're better than that, you can go hard as much as you can and not even feeling tired, you can take massive massive actions and not feeling bad every time you fail. Become a beast, someone who's not afraid to take risk, someone who's willing to do whatever it takes and sell his soul just to win. Get super interested in taking actions and stop daydreaming, stop hoping that you're going to win one day and just put yourself on the best position to succeed now. 

A beast will never quit, a beast doesn't accept defeat, a beast will find a way out of no way. Anybody can become a beast, all it takes is a burning desire and will to win. You have to make sacrifices, you have to choose the right choices. Because every second is an opportunity to make yourself better or worse, it all depends on the choice of actions you pick. Aren't you sick and tired of being a loser everyday? aren't you sick and tired of not pushing yourself to the limits? you have to think bigger and do more. You have to grind like hell and see what is possible for your life if you choose to be relentless and unstoppable. 

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