Nov 25, 2021


Yo have a direction in life you have to know what your mission is, what are you really about? what is your main goal? was it to earn money, was it to feed your family? was it to put yourself on a better position? or to impress people and rub elbows with people you don't like? is your mission to look cute and make them feel that you're cool and perfect? is your mission to look rich and try to make them believe that you're one of the best but the truth is not. Or is your mission to become better and focus on being real? what's your real job? sometimes you don't know the main thing  because of trying to impress people too much. Stop trying to look cool because you're only wasting your energy by doing that, stop trying to impress people and using all of your money and energy to look rich but deep inside you're really poor. You have to know what your mission is, you can't be in the middle, you can't be wasting a lot of your time and energy focusing on some subjects that doesn't matter at all. If you're a single minded person then you can become successful, if you really know what you need to do, if you really know where to place your energy then good things will happen into your life. But the truth is you're wasting a lot of energy and time thinking about different things that doesn't contribute to your growth. 

You're focusing on a lot of problems that will never help you to evolve. You're thinking about your idol that was depressed, how will it help you to become a better person? You're thinking about the people that you don't like, you're focused on trying to discipline your neighbor, you're too mad about the government, you're trying to break a system that you can't break, you're mad at the dogs shitting on your place, you're focused on the past instead of focusing on the present, in other words... you're using your energy for different things that you can't control. You're trying to change their minds, you're mad at your disrespectful boss, you're complaining about your salary, you're complaining about traffic instead of trying to control your mind and emotions, you don't know what your real mission is. If your focus is to get rich, healthier and better then you will never give time to people and things that only makes you feel bad, you will focus on becoming great, you will do whatever it takes to get to the next level, you will never care about what's happening outside of you, you will never focus on what you can't control. If you really know what your mission is then you will ignore everything that is not pushing you to the top. Because a lot of things are distracting you and you don't know it, you have to stop giving too much energy on people and things that will pull you down, it's waste of time, it's a waste of energy, you're not becoming better by doing stupid things.

Stop talking about what you don't want, stop feeling something about the opinions of other people, stop getting affected by what other people are doing and focus on yourself, focus on enjoying yourself, focus on trying to get better each day. You will never get better if you're giving a lot of energy to different things that will never give you anything in back, you have to know what is the main thing. Do you really want to have a better life? do you really want to improve? do your really want to achieve the impossible? then you need to separate yourself to different things that are only slowing you down. It's simply about choosing the right actions and the right thoughts. Your future depends on how you think and what you're doing right now, it all depends on your next move. So if you keep on stopping yourself, if you keep on giving your time for free then you will never get on top, as simple as that. Star focusing on your life now and try to improve bit by bit instead of focusing on other people and hating them or trying to please them, know what really works. Yes it is fun to become negative, it is easy to hate and complain, it is easy to use your energy for entertainment that doesn't serve you but all it does is make your life miserable, all it does is make you weak. 

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