Nov 4, 2021


If you have no job for now, if you are injured, if you got fired, if you are free, if there is no necessity to take action... don't ever waste your time. Use your downtime for making yourself better, use it for looking for a new job or getting stronger, or learning a new skills or simply do something positive that has a small chance of giving you something back in the future. Every second is an upgrade or downgrade. Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean you have the luxury to drink or party or do something stupid. Just because you're injured doesn't mean you have the right to become depressed, just because your boss fired you doesn't mean you have the right to make dramas and look for a sympathy in social media. You're better than that, there are millions of ways to earn money or become better, it's up to you how are you going to use your time. Are you going to use it to make yourself better or worse? it's really up to you. 


All you have to do is look where you want to go and do something to get there. Your body will automatically do a lot of things to get there, your body will take actions. Never use your idle time for nonsense things because you will lose your edge by doing that, use your down time to make yourself better, make your life better, never waste your time for nothing because it will backfire at you in the end, you will be the one who will suffer. Whatever you can think of that will make yourself a little bit better... do it, do it everyday May it be a little exercise, short time of studying, learning a basic skill or simply doing something for your big dream... do it, it will make an impact in the future if you don't stop. It's not about how great you are, it's not about how fast you are making some progress... it's about doing it everyday, it's about believing in yourself and enjoying these small steps that are giving you a chance to experience the glory.  


Patience is a virtue, most people can't start because they're always looking at the big picture, they want to win fast, they want to become successful fast and that's why they got overwhelmed once they learned that the process was so difficult. 


Go to the extreme, just go there, work as hard as you can. Give everything you've got for your dream, be relentless, feel unstoppable, bully laziness and never quit. Let's see what you can get by trusting hard work and dedication. Never do some other things that are outside of your goal. Train hard, study hard, prepare hard, push yourself to the limits. Push your body and push your mind, never take your eyes off to your goal. Set the actions you need to take and do it a million times. Don't quit, don't listen to distractions and simply work extremely hard. Always put yourself on a sense if urgency, go to a space of being alert and aggressive. Whenever there is a chance to take actions... take it, never think twice, never think about getting tired or thinking that your efforts will only be wasted, just do it, shut up your mouth and just do it. Quit making excuses, quit thinking negatively, just push yourself to do it and be patient while waiting for results. 


If you are really immersed with the process, remember it's not about the results, it's about doing whatever it takes to win, forget about winning or losing, forget about getting a lot and simply focus on taking actions. 


If you feel that all doors shuts down on you... never feel that way again, another opportunity will come, another door will be opening. You just need to believe and stick with the process, stay positive and keep working harder each day. Always remember that the harder you work the luckier you will get. Never feel down if you got rejected, injured, fired or failed. Never use your downtime for depression and making dramas, stop feeling like a loser, stop entering the victim mode, you need to move forward all the time, always remember that for as long as you are moving forward... you will be alright, taking actions is your security, it's the only way to freedom. Never let your mind and body be stuck on one place that is full of depression and bitterness, you have to take charge, move now as fast as you can and never back down to any adversity, conquer any problem, face it, don't run away from it, don't hide from it... face it. You have the power to conquer any obstacle, you have the willpower to survive and thrive. 


Make it a game to force your body to move whenever it feels lazy and heavy, if you can maser this then you will go very far, you will become something else... something 100x better than your old lazy self. Whenever you feel tired, whenever you feel stressed... force yourself to move, just do something positive, be productive, even if you are slow... just move. Don't worry because eventually you will become faster and faster if you keep moving forward. If you can master this simple but very powerful skill then you will become something special. Only few can force themselves to move when needed, only few are willing to move when they're tired, later or overwhelmed. Only few can make themselves look even worse by trying for just one more time, if you can be a man full of actions then you will be a man full of results, as simple as that. It's about who can move despite of feeling worse will win in life. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...