Nov 25, 2021


You will really feel that there is something wrong, problems will arise, there will be casualties, there will be a lot of resistance, something or someone will challenge you, that is life, it will never become perfect. It will never be convenient, it will never be easy and you have to get use to it. Even if you only have one leg, even if you're menstruating, even if the world is on fire, even if there's a snow on the road, even if you can't read, even if you don't have money, even if you don't have the skills, even if they don't believe in you, even if you have a chronic disease... still push forward, execute because your situation will never become perfect, you have to outgrow every problem you have, you have to be stronger and badder, you have to just do it no matter what. Stop looking at your excuses, stop acting like a weak clown and just do something. Start now and do whatever you can to make your situation better. Because it's simply all about doing it and nothing else. People almost forgot that actions will create results, actions will create improvements and not complaints and dramas. Avoid making dramas, avoid self pity, don't look for sympathy because only victims do that, you're not a victim, you're the suspect, you must be the executioner, you must be the one creating effects, you must be the one who's in charge. Because if you have that victim mindset then you will never take actions, you will just whine like a little bitch and stay in your miserable life. But you can do something, even if there's something wrong, even if they're not treating you like a normal person, even if you're the underdog, even if you're weak, even if your situation is really bad... you can still work, you can still take matters into your own hands. Don't be a pussy, don't be a weak clown who can't do nothing, stop playing sick all the time and just start now, make things happen and force your fate. 


Impatience and expectations creates a lot of resistance. You want to get the results fast without having to work really hard for it, you can't wait, you're itching to get success and money, you're itching to become popular but where is the work? where is the sacrifice? you haven't paid your dues yet. You have to enjoy the process of getting there, learn how to love struggle. Struggling is the best part because this is where you get stronger, this is the stage where you will know if you're for real or not. Are you legit or not? can you take actions despite of uncertainties. Stop looking for results and just focus on the process, stop trying to be perfect all the time, stay simple and just do what you need to do. Stay basic and never judge yourself, stop trying to become a winner right away and be patient with the process. 


Start now and push yourself to the limits, you can only display greatness if you keep pushing forward, believe in yourself, believe that what you're doing will make an impact in the future. stop being a loser, all you need to do is work hard and grind and good things will happen, forget about your emotions, forget about how you feel, stop being too sensitive and weak, you need to push forward no matter what. Even if you're slow, even if you're hurting so bad, you need to keep moving forward because that's the only thing that will take the pain away. 

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