Jul 23, 2019


rugged breed

If you want a powerful combination that can make your life very successful... use motivation plus action. Motivation and action works for each other, you take action and you will become motivated, you push yourself and you will be able to go further. Motivation, once you feel it you need to take actions right away because that motivated feeling of yours may go away instantly, you have to catch it and use it while you are still feeling it.

Once you move, you are already motivated, keep that momentum going and never stop until you finish the task. Always remember that it's a work, it's all about working, motivation is useless if you're not working, you can have all the motivation in the world but if you're not moving then you are still wasting your time, you will never accomplish anything in life.

So once you are done watching a motivational film... start now, act now and never wait, do whatever it takes to finish the task. Just do it, it doesn't matter if it feels right or not... just do it, if you will not do it then you will have the same life over and over again, if you want a different result then you need to do a different process, you need to have a different mindset. Be faster than yesterday, be more aggressive this time and never take any single second for granted. Push yourself to the limits like you've never push before and never stop until you succeed... that is how to become a winner in life.


Bad feelings will become good if you're taking actions, just move now, just start now and give your very best. Stop holding yourself back, stop acting like you can't move. You have to move now and take matters into your own hands, you have to force fate and give everything you've got. At first it is difficult, you will feel heavy but eventually you will feel better once you find that rhythm, once you find that momentum... keep it rolling until you reach the finish line. So make it a habit to push through when you're feeling bad and motivated, make it a habit to still take actions even if you feel so lazy. Success is simply about defeating laziness and overcoming fears. Your fear of taking action, you must conquer it, you must think that everything is achievable and there is nothing that hard work cannot accomplish.

If you're feeling bad it means you need to do something but you're so hesitant to do it, if you're feeling lazy it means you want to finish the task fast without having to undergo feeling the pain. There is no such thing as easy things, if you really want to accomplish something great then you need to feel the process and never take shortcuts. Bad feelings will become badder if you never push yourself to take actions, so start now and finish fast, never let that feeling of laziness trick you. It's just a feeling, don't believe in y our emotions. You will be able to conquer any kind of fear if you will move and do what is best for your life.

Never prioritize your emotions, prioritize the process. Emotions come and go, any negative emotion can change quickly. Just focus on doing the process and eventually you will love what's going on.


Start now, quit thinking and start executing. What are you waiting for? there is no much time needed for making a decision. Once you start something, never quit on it, develop a perseverance that will last, develop that patience and endurance that will help you to accomplish greatest things in your life. Start now, stop over planning, stop thinking about what will happen and just enjoy the process even if it's hard or easy. Start quick, don't give up when it's hard, stop when you're already done. Some people cannot become successful not because they don't have the skill but because they quit easily and start making excuses. Excuses are always available when you need one, of course you will make yourself believe that your excuse is right just to feel better and avoid feeling guilty but the question is did that excuse of yours help you to become successful?

Successful people always start fast, they never let their minds think. They have no conscience when it comes to taking actions, they don't even plan at all, they just do it, they just make adjustments later of needed. They were all about movement, they never wait for the right timing, all they know is they have to take actions now.


Motivation will become stronger and stronger if you're not stop taking actions. You will become more confident, you will fall in love with the process, the difficult task will become easier, you will develop stronger patience and you will have the power to finish what you've started. Your mindset will become different, at first you just want to start and make a decent effort but as you keep pushing you don't want to sleep anymore, you're not even thinking about resting, you are willing to work forever, you don't mind how long it takes to become successful anymore, you are ok working for so very long just to become successful.

Motivation is unlimited, motivation is powerful, it will never run out if you move right away once you feel it. So they secret ingredient to make your motivation unlimited is to stay consistent everyday when it comes to taking actions, always show up, do what your responsibilities even if you're not feeling well, stop making excuses when it's uncomfortable, just do it and cultivate a habit that is very hard to break.

So move whenever you just feel a little motivated, a small motivation is all you need, you don't need to become fire up to take actions just a little motivation is enough to accomplish something. And even if you're not motivated at all... still take actions because motivation will start to show once you're moving. Start now whenever you feel that you need to move, never wait, never believe in the word tomorrow because it will never happen, it will always be in a pending status if you believe that you can do it tomorrow.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety to live a BETTER LIFE click this link: https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

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