Jul 15, 2019


rugged breed

Being productive is the key to success. If you can produce more and do more then you will get more results, as simple as that. But why are people unproductive? why do people feel lazy all the time and looks like they're lacking the energy? the answer is very simple... they were too comfortable, they don't feel that there is a sense of urgency. They feel that they can become productive tomorrow or they can change their lives tomorrow, they always feel that they can give their best later and they were allowed to become lazy now. If you want to double your production then you need to feel uncomfortable, you need to focus and use your willpower to avoid getting distracted by small things.

Doubling your production is one way to change your life, it's one way to reverse the course and make a dramatic improvement to your journey. It is very simple, it's only a little bit hard but once you get use to it you will never feel any difficulty anymore. Train your mind and body to double production, use your willpower and forget the uncomfortable feelings that you are experiencing while working hard.

1. Just start it and never stop until you're done. Once you start it... finish it, push through, be patient. The right steps, words, actions, solutions will follow if you stick to your work enough and never quit. Once you start it... focus on it, it doesn't matter if you're slow, it doesn't matter if you feel a little bit stuck... just finish it and never look back. Most people were just good in starting but they don't have the will to finish. Be different, have a killer instinct, have that mamba mentality, always think that what you're doing is a serious business and you don't have the right to stop whenever you want to. Relax when you are getting bored but don't ever stop until you're done. Stay with the course and do whatever it takes to finish it. Never change tasks, never make an excuse that you need to have a break because you're so stressed and you need to have a drink with your friends. Remember that when it's already too painful it means that you're almost there.

2. Shut down all the social media connections. The facebook, twitter, messenger, Instagram... these were all distractions. Every time there is a notification you will stop what you're doing and believe that it's important. But the truth is it's just a post from your friends showing off his new tattoo or new dog. Shut down all your social media for the whole day and you will see how productive you've become. I know that it's hard but it is what it is, what do you want? a change in your life or comfort. You better think right if you want to live differently and double your achievements this year. According to research, 43% of the time of an average person goes to social media everyday, imagine that! That was too large of a time and that time could have been used to learn new skills or do more what that is important.

3. Be in the moment. You want to stop you work because you got bored with it, you feel that it's too difficult and impossible to finish right away. But if you will practice being in the moment and enjoying step by step of it then you will finish faster. Enjoying it and changing the perspective of it will make you work faster. Just imagine that you are developing as a person every time you practice focusing on your work and not letting anything distract you. Feel every second that you are working, enjoy every second that your mind is thinking and body moving. Don't rush, don't panic when it's hard or there is a problem, just be in the moment because everything will pass, you will be able to finish everything once you put your mind into it.

4. Set a quota. Set your own personal quota so that you have a direction where to go. If you can finish 5 task today then always do 5 task, don't break the quota, don't make excuses that you can't do it anymore or you're already tired. Once you mastered doing 5 tasks and it already feels effortless to you... you can add more task, you can increase your own personal quota to 6 or even 7. Doing this will push you to become better and faster, your level will go up, you will be able to master your work and find ways how to get it done faster but still better. Set the quota and never fail to reach it no matter what, don't break the rules, remember that you are making yourself better here, the moment you make an excuse is the moment you start breaking a good habit in working.

5. Have time for everything. There is a time for a break, time for eating, time for relaxing a little bit but don't ever relax or slow down when it's time to work. When it's time to work then it's time for work, no need to do extra curricular activities. Stop opening your cellphone, stop talking to your co-employees, stop entertaining the greatest news that pops up on your notification. There is a time for everything and when the time for fun is over then it's already over, never extend the period of time doing something you love, when it's time to work... just work!

6. Never check your status in work. Never check where you are, it doesn't matter if you still need a lot of hours to finish your work. Don't rush and never feel bad if other people were fast and you are slow. Remember that you are working because of the love for work, you are working because you feel good about it and not because you need to prove yourself or you need to compete with others. Don't feel bad if you still need to work for 5 hours in order to finish something, 5 hours or 8 hours... so be it. Do whatever it takes to finish your work and never look how far you've already got.

7. Don't get satisfied. Always stay hungry, always look for more. This is the best way to double your production, always be on a move. Even if you become successful now and did something good on your work... still be hungry and always strive for more, always look for an improvement.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...