May 2, 2023


Look for your excuse and stop using it, ignore it, go the other direction, it means you need to step up and take over. You become a coward buy staying on your comfort zone, you become a chicken by simple playing it safe and looking for an easier path. The more you stop taking actions, the more coward you become, as simple as that. You need to speak, take actions, decide, pick and take the risk... that's how to stop being a coward. Embarrassment and failure is just an illusion, it's just a judgement that you give to yourself by being too soft and emotional. You will never fail if you keep on trying, as simple as that. Just show up and do what you can do, focus on what you can control and never back down to any challenge... that's how to win in life, if you will keep on being a coward then nothing will happen to you, you have to take chances and allow yourself to fail, forget about the results, forget how you feel... just figure it out. 


You have to take matters into your own hands, stop counting on others to feel like a winner. You have to do it for yourself, don't rely on others to hand you the success, stop acting like a winner if you didn't do anything. You will only feel like a winner if you push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes to win, you will never feel like a winner or a champion if you didn't struggle or sweat on the floor. That's why most bench players who didn't play feel like so weak and useless after winning a championship, they're faking their smiles, they're acting like a champ too even if they didn't do anything. It's better to fail and giving your all than winning but not taking a single step. Because you will only get disappointed if you're waiting for someone to do it for you, you need to do it for yourself, start betting on yourself to do it and just see what you can create. 


Is now, when it's uncomfortable and risky. When you're feeling weak, when you're not sure about what's going to happen next. Stop waiting for the right time because it will never come. Stop being aware of how you feel. If it is hard then go hard, you need to put your mind on a different state, you have to believe even if the odds were against you, that's how to change, that's how to reverse the course... you need a little amount of bravery and push forward with all your might. You don't need to feel confident at all, you just need to do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. Keep going further, you have to keep pushing yourself to the limits, it's ok if you feel tired or scared, just don't stop and go all the way. Be happy if it is hard, it only means a breakthrough is about to happen if you decide to push forward and do it anyway. 


It's sacrifice and discipline, that's the only method to success. You do whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. That's why you need to stop all the foolish entertainment that is derailing you from improving, you need to make a stand to stop doing all the nonsense things that's only pulling you down. You need to guard your thoughts, you need to watch out every negative and useless thoughts that are making you slow and unproductive. It is what it is, it's going to get harder but you need to face the discomfort and pain if you really want to make a progress. You care too much about the nonsense and pointless that's why you can't improve and change your life. You need to focus on the things that makes you better, you need to start now, watch all of your actions and stop everything that is not giving you something. If it's not making you better and productive then stop dwelling with it. 


Even if the action is not sure, even if you're not getting anything from it, even if you're really getting bored... don't stop doing it. Keep trying, keep executing and go all the way, that's how to change your reality, that's how to create a new life. Don't stop taking actions and always think that you're on a different level. Act like a champion, talk like a real winner, think like a successful man. Don't exert a poor effort because it's not right, you will get use to it and it will become a habit. GO hard every single second and give yourself a chance to succeed. Just start and follow through, it doesn't matter how many mistakes you made... just keep pushing and grinding, that's all you need to do. Forget the future and past, stay in the moment and take it one step at a time. Endure boredom, endure the hard things and just keep moving forward. That's what your mindset should be. It's the volume of your actions that ill determine your success, stop acting like it's ok to become lazy and do nothing, you need to step up your game and give everything you've got. 


feel it, feel everything inside of you and never resist. Don't shy away from it, don't run away and deal with it. You don't need to react, you don't need to do anything, stay calm while feeling your emotions. Everything is a process, just take it one step at a time and never judge any emotion because it's normal, it's ok to feel that way, it's ok to feel negative. At the end of the day you will feel something, keep in mind that any emotion is normal and you don't need to react or make dramas all the time. Stay stoic, stay calm and be like a rock, be immovable, be steady and collected. Your thoughts will create any kind of emotion so always be aware of what you're thinkin. If you're thinking about negative all the time then you will feel bad but on the other hand if you stay hopeful, positive and optimistic then you will feel good and motivated. 


The future will come no matter what, time will run, the world will revolve. Nobody will wait for you so you need to be fast, do something that will give you a momentum. The clock is running, you need to force yourself to take actions and get closer to your goals. It's your duty to just give your best every single day, stay responsible and committed. Just give your best and endure every struggle or suffering that is happening in your life. You can endure anything, you are made of metal even if you have an onion skin, you are tough as nails even if you look so fragile. It's just a matter of making up your mind to never quit no matter what, just keep going and going and going. 

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