May 4, 2023


Most people doesn't want to be scared, most people will tell you "don't be scared, it's alright". But the truth is... you will be scared all the time no matter what. What you need to do is stop resisting that feeling and learn to feel it, embrace it. There is no courage without fear, be scared but take actions anyway. Emotions doesn't matter at all. What matters is you are pushing forward to your goals and you're doing the right thing. Emotions will stop you, it will derail your progress, forget about your emotions and start fighting for what you want. It's ok to feel anxious, scared, overwhelmed all the time. You can still do something positive even if you're feeling negative. 


If you're addicted to movement and trying then it's impossible to get scared for a long time, you will feel it but you will be able to overcome it fast because you're moving. Action creates confidence, inaction creates doubts and fears. Because the reason you feel like a bum is because you're not doing anything, you're stuck by choice. Wasting time will only build stronger fears in your system, you have to stay productive if you want to get braver. You have to keep moving forward even if there are lot of distractions. Just start it and never look back, don't worry about the future and just focus on what you can control, as simple as that. It's not the results that matter, it's taking actions. Because if you're addicted to movement then the results will get attracted to you. But if you're so focus on making it then you will get scared and overwhelmed, you will have a hard time moving. Just move and forget the future, fall in love with the process, trust that you will get something no matter what. Take baby steps, keep moving forward and never hold yourself back, never stop, you have to keep moving until you can't move anymore. 


Every time you feel scared, use your alter ego, an ego that's telling you that you need to take actions or else something bad will happen, subconsciously you need to move forward no matter how scary the situation is. It should be automatic that you will move every time you feel hesitant. Just go for it, time is not waiting for you. That's the key to success and progress... you have to start fast and embrace the discomfort because that is where growth happens. Stop being a diva, stop being a chicken, you're not special, you have to choose taking actions over overthinking. Because all the overthinking does is make you weak and more frightened. You have to force fate, force yourself to just do it even if you don't know what's going to happen next. Even if defeat is guaranteed... just take actions, your goal is to defeat your fears, overwhelmed your fears with massive actions. You will never feel scared anymore if your main focus is to just do it and follow through. It should be ab automatic to start fast whenever you are scared, keep pushing until you get comfortable with a scary pace. You need to adapt fast and it will only happen if you are open to pain and struggle. Don't be afraid to struggle because it's part of the process, it will make you grow, it will make you stronger. 


That's why most people can't change, it's because everything around you will also change. You will change the people you interact with, you will change your attitude and personality, you will change your timing, you will change your habits. It's very scary and boring because you will feel weird and tired without doing a lot of things. You will have to get rid of the baddest habit that you have that is entertaining and easy. That's why drug addicts can't change, their habits was so easy and fun, and eve if it's already too dangerous... they can't get rid of it from their system because they're so use to it. If you really wanted to change then get ready to embrace the mental pain, your mentality will change for the better but it will take time to change your beliefs, habits and subconscious mind. You really have to force yourself, you really have to dig deeper inside of you. 

The good news is... you can move as much as you can, you can become unstoppable, you can push forward as much as you can, it all depends on your mentality and level of hunger. If you are hungry enough to win in life then you will win, as simple as that. Don't be scared to take actions even if you are tired, don't be scared to force yourself because that is where growth happens. You will get to another level if you are moving all the time and facing different challenges like it's nothing. You must know that there is no way you can't survive anything, today maybe hard but tomorrow will get better. That's how life goes, it's like a rollercoaster ride and the ones who win are the ones who can enjoy the struggles of life. 


Aiming for perfection and guarantees will only make you scared even more. It will make you conservative, slow and confused. You need to take it one step at a time and be present. If you're still and in the moment then you will feel invincible. Never feel threatened about anything, remember that this is life, it's a journey and not a destination, remember that it's ok to make mistakes and fail a lot of times. You can fail a million times and still feel confident, you can make mistakes forever and still feel good. It's all in the mind, remember that you will never succeed if you're always holding yourself back. It's time to become something else, you need to make yourself a doer and not a thinker. Perfection is just an illusion, nobody can achieve it. You need to make your hands dirty, you need to fail a lot of times so you will be able to enjoy life. Nobody is a failure until he quits. Quitting is for losers, stop raising the white flag and start using the red flag. Go to war, move forward and fight for your dreams. 

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...