May 12, 2023


You feel like a failure because you believe what the society tells you. They define success for you, they manipulate your mind, they call you a failure even though you're just a simple guy and just trying to survive every single day. You should define your own success, just giving your best is a success already. Just go further and never care if you win or lose, never care about what the society is telling you. Society is making you weak and sick, they are poisoning your mind, they are trying to control your life so the best thing to do is to pretend that you agree with them so there won't be any conflicts but live your life your own way. Your rules, your style, your happiness, your life. Stop following the crowd, stop following what other people are doing and just be yourself every single day. Stop hurting yourself with the thoughts that are not even real. You need to  take care of your mentality and never let any information from other people enter it, what they say is none of your business, let them talk but never feel anything about their words. 


regrets is all in the mind, it's all about how you judge everything in your life. You didn't go to college, you made a lot of mistakes in the past, you didn't work hard, you didn't become successful, you weren't able to follow your parents' dreams for you, didn't go to europe, you're a bum for a long time. You didn't eat this, you didn't eat that, you didn't ask your crush out on a date. You're just making your life miserable, your life was not suppose to be perfect, you think you need to have everything and that's making you depressed even more. You're trying to love other people's lives on social media, you're trying to copy them, you're trying to be like them. At the end of the day, everything you miss or didn't do doesn't even matter, what matters is what you are doing now. There is no such thing as perfect life, even Vladimir Putin has a lot of regrets, nobody can't hide from it. But the good news is you can have zero regrets if you will not think about, stop giving it any value and it can't bother you anymore. 


Keep moving forward and be a little bit happier with what you are doing, if you know in yourself you're giving your best then there is nothing else to talk about. You don't need to prove yourself anymore. Starting now, never care about the results and just focus on the process, trust the process and protect your energy from energy vampires like negative people. You need to focus on taking it one step at a time because life is a journey, you need to love taking steps if you want to have a much happier life. Because most people are not happy because they're not moving, they're more worried about what other people are going to tell them. The best thing about this approach is you can do it anytime, you can do it anywhere with what you've got, with what you don't have. Moving forward is free yet most people don't want to do it because they want immediate results. They want comfort all the time, they're afraid to work hard if the results were not guaranteed. Pushing forward is the best privilege you have. You can move forward even if people hates you, doesn't want you or judging you, you can feel powerful by moving forward and not giving a damn about what they say. Doing this will give you a lot of confidence in yourself. 


The key to success is to know what you are capable of, to reach your full potential and to take risks as much as you can. You will never make a progress if you're not taking any risks. Don't waste your time for anyone or anything because it will make you miserable and lost. Your potential is flying away out of the window every time you waste your valuable time and not getting any growth from it. Stop being too complacent wasting a lot of your time for activities that will only make your position lower. You need to be selfish with your time and use it only for your own growth and development. You don't need to become super special to become successful, you just need a strong discipline and good habits to make a small progress everyday. Be patient, you will really have to make sacrifices but it is what it is, nothing is going to be easy, you have to face fire with fire. 


You want a better life, define who you are. If you're a hard worker you're a hard worker. If you're a lazy man you're a lazy man, don't stay in between. Define if you're a doer or just a dreamer like others. One small action at a time, don't be afraid to change your life. Change it while you still can. Just don't be lazy and that's it. It's easy to get lazy but the effect is very brutal and difficult. It's hard to work hard but the results are very rewarding. Roll the dice, don't just live your life living like a clown bum who only do stupid stuffs that weakens himself. You need to define what you want in life, set a goal and try so hard to achieve it. Make sacrifices, do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Stop losing your identity, once you choose something... live and die by it. If you choose to become a doer then work hard every single day even if you're not getting what you deserve. Remember, you need to stay disciplined and make a stand for what you choose if you want to win in life. 

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