Jun 22, 2022


This is a very simple technique that anyone can do... just keep pushing until something finally work. Try and try again, use the trial and error method. Never stop, never quit, never rest... keep pushing until you finally made a break through. Because at the end of the day all you can do is try again for one more time, there is no easy way out, you really have to face all the challenges and embrace the the defeats. The good thing is... you can try a million or even zillion times and not get executed for it. That's who privileged you are, you are free to dream and chase it as long as you can, nothing can stop you, nothing ever will. You're the only one who can stop you, you're the only one who always stop yourself. Never feel disgraced or unmotivated by a series of defeats, be proud of yourself if you keep failing because it only means you're trying. Most people couldn't even try. They were scared to take the first step for unknown reasons, they were so scared to fail, they were so allergic to critics. 


You only lose after defeat if you felt like you really lose. Success is all about the feelings, if you feel like a winner for simply trying then you are. You have nothing to lose if you keep pushing, you have everything to gain, you're getting better, you're learning more. DO it your way, do it now, choose action over inaction. Choose doing something over waiting. You can start something now, just don't think about the perfect details and just create something. It's ok if you fail again, just try again, time will come and you will be able to catch a break. You have to keep the momentum alive, you have to stay hungry for working, you have to be itching to make the next move. Pushing is fun, pushing will make you a better person. This is just a game, you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. Think of it as something that is nothing to you but you're just trying to get it. Never give importance to your goal, give importance to the process and enjoy every step of the way. 


Think big and always do big, shoot for the stars all the time and never give up. That's it, you only have one life so why settle for less? you can get anything you want if you don't give up. Shoot for the starts and never be afraid to fail. It's ok to miss, just try again and try again harder next time. Keep pushing until something clicks, it's only just a matter of time before you figure out what will work. Have no conscience in trying, just don't give up and you're good. Dream about anything, dream about millions, dream about becoming a start and dedicate all of your life to get it. It's not about winning right away, it's about doing whatever it takes and being very patient to get it. 


When things are really stressful, when it's too hard, when you're about to give up... it means you're very close from winning, it means you're almost there. So keep trying again and think about your dreams, hold on to your vision and give everything you've got. Don't waste time, stop complaining, stop being lazy, stop making excuses and just go for the kill. Don't give up if you don't want to start again, make a stand, just do it over and over again even if you can't see any progress at all. When you're about to give up the doors will open, unexpected help will come, a miracle will happen, a sudden breakthrough or glitch will happen so don't give up, when the going gets tough... keep going. Most people can't become successful why? because they give up easily, they don't know that the only game plan that will work is perseverance and facing the pain. When it's already too painful... add more pain. Keep going until you can't go anymore, as simple as that. So if you can still move, if you can still breathe then never complain, it only means there is a long way to go. You must come to the point where you're so sick and tired of it and you don't want to do it anymore. But you still have to do it, there is no other way around. Quitting will only make your situation worse. Yes it will give you a comfort or relief but that is only a temporary feeling because you will regret it later, there will be a lot of questions in your head. You will ask yourself what would happen if you continue. 


Always remember that your potential cannot be measured, you can keep improving everyday, sky is the limit for you, there are no boundaries, there are no barometers. You can become bigger and bigger everyday, you can become closer and closer from your goal, it's up to you if you want to win or fail. It's on you to make yourself a winner, you owe it to yourself. The sad new is nobody is going to help you but the good news is you can do it by yourself. What are you waiting for? start now and do something. Life is fast so don't waste it, time is fast so manage it very well. All you have to do is focus on getting to the next level and that's it. It's not that complicated, you can do anything you want to get there, you are free to become very creative. You can have an amazing life if you will focus on yourself and focus on the next push. Never mind what's going on around you, just keep pushing and never give up. Do whatever it takes to succeed, make yourself unlimited. 


If you want to make something work then you need to choose work over entertainment, as simple as that. Most of the time you want comfort, you want an easy activity, you want to have fun but these activities are only derailing you. It's not making you better. If you're working for your dreams you are progressing. If you're just playing you're putting yourself on a bad position. You can drown yourself with stupid entertainment and gossips and shows that kills your time and make you forget your problems for a while but trust me... these problems will never go away, it will only get bigger and bigger. You have to face the pain of boredom now and do whatever it takes to succeed in life. You will only get better if you make sacrifices. 

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