Jun 26, 2022


Success is very simple, it's not a complicated process... just stop wasting your time and use it all of it for growth and improvement. It's not something that only the chosen one gets, it's too easy to get... just stop wasting your time for a lot of BS that's not even giving you something in return. The funny thing is you're more interested with sports, gossips, porn, neighbors, toxic people, video games, negativity, news, problems of other people than with your own life, you're not all in, you're not locked in, you're easily tempted with fun but useless information. What separates a successful person and a failure is a successful person allocate all of his time and energy for something that is useful to him. He never give any attention to negativity and procrastination, he never waste his energy thinking about other people's lives, all he think about is making his position a little bit better than yesterday. 


Most of the time you don't know what you're doing or thinking, you just automatically do it, you're in an auto pilot mode, you're not thinking consciously, you're thinking subconsciously, you let your old software run your system instead of trying to create a new one. Be mindful so you won't be wasting your energy for nonsense things and subjects that will only make your life worse. Something easy and accessible will never make you grow, you have to discipline yourself and face the pain if you want to live a new life. You will only become powerful if you're mindful and always in the present moment, you will make very good decisions if you're not letting your emotions take over. 


Everything is seducing you to become weak. Porn, food, useless but fun activities, negativity, news etc. It is seducing you to waste your time for them. Yeah it is fun and easy, it's giving you pleasures but it's making you weak and slow, it's making you unproductive, it's making you a soft and weak person. If you want to become better then avoid instant gratification. Avoid watching movies, avoid video games, avoid people that's not contributing to your growth. Everything is trying to eat your time, everything is trying to seduce you. "use me, bite me, watch me, purchase me" Everything around you is trying to seduce you but if you're not strong or disciplined enough then you will fall into their trap. You must what what is really important, you must never give time or energy for something that will put you on a worse position. It's easy to spend your time and money, it's easy to relax and take it easy but it will never make you a better person. It will only make you weak and useless. If you want to become powerful then avoid seductions, avoid being weak by giving your power to them, you must run your own system, run your own life, not the people and things that creates havoc into your life. 

Protect your mind from pleasures, never bite the trap that the society offers you. You have to know what will make you better or worse, avoid comfort and easy things, avoid shortcuts because it will only make you weak. You have to stay focused and committed to things and habits that makes you better. Its' easy to become lazy but it's harder when you're already broke and losing. It's hard to get the momentum back once you lost it so stop being too comfortable, stop thinking that there's always a tomorrow to get back your life. The time is now, you have unleash the beast in you and smell blood like a shark. Once you bite... never let it go, once you feel that you're winning... never let that momentum die, make it bigger and stronger, make your desire stronger and hungrier, never feel satisfied, never get complacent and sure. Because you never know what might happen next, surprises might stun you if you are not prepared. Be prepared of the worse things that may happen but still hope for the best and always work hard because that's the only thing that will keep your momentum alive. 


It's hard if you're winning because you have to maintain that level or even surpass it and it's also hard if you're losing because you're losing your mind and confidence. The question is which hard do you want more? which path are you willing to take? Winning takes a lot of sacrifices, it's hard in the beginning but it will be easier in the end. Losing is hard too but it's easier in the beginning because all you need to do is be lazy but it will hit you big time in the end, it will punish you, it will make you lose your edge. SO the big question is... are you willing to face the hardship of winning or the hardship of losing? If you're winning you have so much control and leverage but if you're losing then everything will try to control you, you will never have the privilege to make decisions and do it your way. But if you're winning... it is still hard but you will have a lot of options and room for flexibility, you can say no, you can impose your will, you can choose the path you are willing to take. But if you are losing... you will always say yes to what will give you a small advantage, you will be used, you will lose control, you will keep falling down, you have no options to choose the process that you want. 


It's easy, ask yourself if it is making you better, ask yourself if it is a good investment, ask yourself if is is making you productive and efficient. If not then it's time to stop it, it's time to choose a different direction that will help you to evolve. Again, it's easy to fall into these traps because they offer ease and comfort, they offer temporary pleasures but the punishment in the end is very scary. You need to practice delayed gratification. Practice making sacrifices so that you will never lose your momentum. Anything that is completely wasting your time... get rid of it and get back on track, you know what are the things that will make you better, you just need to accept it and face the pain. It's painful, boring and not entertaining but what you don't want to do is what you need to do, what you hate is what will make you better. There is no growth in comfort, there is no improvement in relaxation, you need to force yourself to do what is needed no matter how hard it gets.


It's easy to skip classes, its' easy to sleep, it's easy to quit, it's easier to just take shortcuts, it's easier not to try but it feels so depressing and weak. You will have a lot of regrets, you will question yourself everyday what could have happen if you only try. Just try, just do it, forget about how you feel, forget about winning or losing... just try so you won't have regrets in the end. Always remember that taking actions is 100x better than not doing anything at all. If you want to see how powerful you can become... always discipline yourself and focus on taking actions instead of thinking about excuses that you can use why you should not do it. It's really hard but it's harder if you don't do what you need to do. You will be punished in the end if you keep delaying things that are important, do it now, even if you're late or out of energy.. do it now and cut all the BS in your life. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...