Jun 5, 2022

just make money

Stop complicating your life, stop thinking what you need to do and just make money. Make more everyday, make money every second. Instead of watching stupid videos in you tube or fantasizing or simping about someone, why not make money? out your life on a batter position. Instead of gossiping, instead of wasting your time complaining and whining on social media why not make money? Because at the end of the day it's all you want, it's all you need. Money will at least give you a positive perspective, just chase money legally and never do something stupid against the law. It's better to be rubbing elbows with people that you don't like, it's better than drinking and partying, it's better than doing nothing at all. Make money so that your life is much better than yesterday. 


Whatever job is available... take it, if it will give you money then take it. Don't ever think about your identity that you're graduate of Harvard or something. Kill your ego, whatever is available... take it. Just look for a better job when you already have a momentum. Remember that all you have to do is make your body move, you will just move your body and that's it, what's so difficult about that. Just show up and work, follow the protocol, follow the rules and get the money, it's that too simple. What makes it hard is because you think you're special, you think you're deserving of earning more money, you think you're some kind of a special human being that needs some respect and special treatment. But you are not, you are just a random creation with no special skills or whatsoever. And even if you really have a special talent, that talent won't go very far if you're too obsessed with the idea that you're entitled of something. You haven't prove anything yet, you're just a common person. Just work and show up, earn money as much as you can so you won't be useless forever. 


it's better than playing a video game, it's better than gossiping in social media or making comments on you tube, it's better than over thinking and blaming the world. Chasing money will give you a direction, it will give you something positive to do. It will make you responsible, it will make you a grinder. It will make you work harder. Chase the amount that you're dreaming of, may it be big or small... chase it, get it no matter what, get it even if it takes a millions of hours to do it. 


Once you have money then figure out what to do next. For the mean time you have to earn money first so you will have a lot of options, so that you will become more creative and there will be a big room for necessary maneuvers. It's all about doing, it's all about challenging yourself how to make your life a little bit better. Position yourself on the best spot to succeed, earn money as much as you can and never stop. There are millions of things you can do to earn money, stop thinking that you can only do little things. Make yourself unlimited, make yourself unstoppable, become a beast when creating money. Don't stop yourself, don't set limitations for yourself, just go out there and hustle as much as you can. 


If you want more money then don't spend your money, as simple as that, if you really want it then why the hell will you spend it for nonsense things that you don't even need. Because your momentum will die if you spend your money. Just keep it or invest it, don't burn it for stupid stuffs like iPhone or Jordans. Those brands were made to keep you poor, those brands will only make you look rich but will make you even poorer. Stop trying to look cool and flashy, people with this kind of attitude were broke. Everyone wants to look richer than become really rich. Don't spend your money, practice delayed gratification. Stop trying to look rich and respectful, never care about your identity and just focus on creating your dynasty. Don't spend, develop this attitude and you will have an amazing life. 


Name your price and do whatever it takes to get it. Stop making excuses, stop thinking that it is hard, stop thinking that it is impossible and just go and get it. You have to make a stand, you have to do whatever it takes to get it, as simple as that. You can only get something if you will push yourself to get it. You can never get it unless you use a brute force or discipline. You can have it if you really want it, the question is... do you really want it? are you hunger enough to do the hardest things? are you willing to do the impossible? stop making excuses, stop believing in your fears, if you wanted to become big then do big, make money without limitations. 


Some experts wannabes, fake gurus, financial or business advisors will tell you how to make money the right way. They will give you the right time but the truth is... there is no right time for making money, the right time is always now. When you feel uncomfortable and hesitant, when you feel you can push... that's the time you're going to do it. That's the time you're going to work. Stop acting like you always have tomorrow, the right time is now. Work as hard as you can now, look for a job, look for an opportunity and never wait for tomorrow. You always have to be hungry all the time, you always have to outwork everyone else. Be willing to get tired, be willing to operate 24 hours a day if you can. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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