Something that powers your mind. It is about motivation, self discipline, mental toughness, success, self development, achieving goals, techniques and ways to give you advantages in life.
Jun 30, 2022
Jun 29, 2022
Jun 28, 2022
Jun 27, 2022
Jun 26, 2022
Jun 22, 2022
This is a very simple technique that anyone can do... just keep pushing until something finally work. Try and try again, use the trial and error method. Never stop, never quit, never rest... keep pushing until you finally made a break through. Because at the end of the day all you can do is try again for one more time, there is no easy way out, you really have to face all the challenges and embrace the the defeats. The good thing is... you can try a million or even zillion times and not get executed for it. That's who privileged you are, you are free to dream and chase it as long as you can, nothing can stop you, nothing ever will. You're the only one who can stop you, you're the only one who always stop yourself. Never feel disgraced or unmotivated by a series of defeats, be proud of yourself if you keep failing because it only means you're trying. Most people couldn't even try. They were scared to take the first step for unknown reasons, they were so scared to fail, they were so allergic to critics.
You only lose after defeat if you felt like you really lose. Success is all about the feelings, if you feel like a winner for simply trying then you are. You have nothing to lose if you keep pushing, you have everything to gain, you're getting better, you're learning more. DO it your way, do it now, choose action over inaction. Choose doing something over waiting. You can start something now, just don't think about the perfect details and just create something. It's ok if you fail again, just try again, time will come and you will be able to catch a break. You have to keep the momentum alive, you have to stay hungry for working, you have to be itching to make the next move. Pushing is fun, pushing will make you a better person. This is just a game, you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain. Think of it as something that is nothing to you but you're just trying to get it. Never give importance to your goal, give importance to the process and enjoy every step of the way.
Think big and always do big, shoot for the stars all the time and never give up. That's it, you only have one life so why settle for less? you can get anything you want if you don't give up. Shoot for the starts and never be afraid to fail. It's ok to miss, just try again and try again harder next time. Keep pushing until something clicks, it's only just a matter of time before you figure out what will work. Have no conscience in trying, just don't give up and you're good. Dream about anything, dream about millions, dream about becoming a start and dedicate all of your life to get it. It's not about winning right away, it's about doing whatever it takes and being very patient to get it.
When things are really stressful, when it's too hard, when you're about to give up... it means you're very close from winning, it means you're almost there. So keep trying again and think about your dreams, hold on to your vision and give everything you've got. Don't waste time, stop complaining, stop being lazy, stop making excuses and just go for the kill. Don't give up if you don't want to start again, make a stand, just do it over and over again even if you can't see any progress at all. When you're about to give up the doors will open, unexpected help will come, a miracle will happen, a sudden breakthrough or glitch will happen so don't give up, when the going gets tough... keep going. Most people can't become successful why? because they give up easily, they don't know that the only game plan that will work is perseverance and facing the pain. When it's already too painful... add more pain. Keep going until you can't go anymore, as simple as that. So if you can still move, if you can still breathe then never complain, it only means there is a long way to go. You must come to the point where you're so sick and tired of it and you don't want to do it anymore. But you still have to do it, there is no other way around. Quitting will only make your situation worse. Yes it will give you a comfort or relief but that is only a temporary feeling because you will regret it later, there will be a lot of questions in your head. You will ask yourself what would happen if you continue.
Always remember that your potential cannot be measured, you can keep improving everyday, sky is the limit for you, there are no boundaries, there are no barometers. You can become bigger and bigger everyday, you can become closer and closer from your goal, it's up to you if you want to win or fail. It's on you to make yourself a winner, you owe it to yourself. The sad new is nobody is going to help you but the good news is you can do it by yourself. What are you waiting for? start now and do something. Life is fast so don't waste it, time is fast so manage it very well. All you have to do is focus on getting to the next level and that's it. It's not that complicated, you can do anything you want to get there, you are free to become very creative. You can have an amazing life if you will focus on yourself and focus on the next push. Never mind what's going on around you, just keep pushing and never give up. Do whatever it takes to succeed, make yourself unlimited.
If you want to make something work then you need to choose work over entertainment, as simple as that. Most of the time you want comfort, you want an easy activity, you want to have fun but these activities are only derailing you. It's not making you better. If you're working for your dreams you are progressing. If you're just playing you're putting yourself on a bad position. You can drown yourself with stupid entertainment and gossips and shows that kills your time and make you forget your problems for a while but trust me... these problems will never go away, it will only get bigger and bigger. You have to face the pain of boredom now and do whatever it takes to succeed in life. You will only get better if you make sacrifices.
Jun 21, 2022
"You can live without something that you want"
Don't ever forget this quote, it's the greatest quote of all time to make you forget your misery and have some little love for yourself. You can live without your toxic and crazy lover, you can live without money, you can live without a friend, you can live with a sick body, you can live without happiness. Don't ever underestimate the power of nothing because it's the most powerful position in the world. If you have nothing then you have nothing to lose you have everything to gain, there will be no pressure, there will be no chip on your shoulder. Everything will feel like a play, everything will become easier. You can live with absolutely zero in your life, if you can still this in your mind then you will become very powerful.
You don't need respect from everyone, you don't need appreciation or attention. You don't need to know if they like you or not, you can live without their fake love, you can live without them. If you can think this way then you will become very powerful. Nothing can harm you, nothing can manipulate or control your mind. Because at the end of the day it's your attachment to everything that makes you feel bad. If you can completely detach from everything every time you need to then you will have a very good life. Detach from everything that makes you feel bad, stop knowing about it, stop thinking about it, it's ok if you don't know something from it, it's ok to know that it's there but not giving it any kind of meaning. Make it as meaningless, make it as useless, ignore it and never care if it's trying to make you react again. Don't react, don't waste time and energy for it.
Don't ever feel bad if you don't have this or have that. Don't feel sorry for yourself if you can't have what you want, don't get depressed, don't feel frustrated... be happy with what you have even if what you have looks nothing to everyone, even if your life is all you have, at least you still have something. And the truth is.. you feel like you have nothing because you're not looking at your life so deeply, you need to make an inventory of what you really have and count your blessings. You will find out that there are still things to be thankful of. Make your happiness very simple, make it general and you will never feel so empty again.
Just say thank you and you will feel good. The happiest people were so appreciative. And it's not a hard thing to do. You only need to practice it everyday. Say thank you, it can be a silent thank you or a loud thank you, you can do it in your mind. Which way you feel comfortable, do it. Say thank you everyday, look for things or people or event were you can be thankful of. It's easy to hate, it's harder to love but loving and being appreciate will give you a much better life. Just don't hate, if you don't like something just ignore it and never let it make you feel bad. Don't talk about it, don't open a discussion about it, don't gossip about it.. just treat it like nothing, treat it cold and never use a single ounce of energy for it. Being appreciative will give you a better life, abundance and security will be felt. It's not that you're coward or delusional, it's better to be in that state of mid rather than being negative and insecure.
Don't look for approval, stop chasing girls, stop chasing money... attract them. Just be yourself, give your very best and attract them, it will come into your life if you're not being needy and impatient. It will come to you, you just need to trust and feel confident with the process. Just give your best and push yourself to the limits, it's ok to want something but never cry for it, never beg for it. Always relax because it will never be yours if you're being impatient about it. Never complain, never feel entitled, just let it come naturally. Because the more you chase it the more it goes away from you. Never think that what you want is the only thing that can make you happy. You have to feel complete and satisfied all the time, you have to have a mindset of having not to need something in order to feel complete and happy. Just think that what you don't have you don't need and what you don't need you don't have. Feel what happy with what you have right now because that's the real power.
Going to the next level or trying to improve a little bit doesn't mean you need to get something. It's ignoring all the distraction one by one and focusing on the process. Ignore what you don't have, ignore all the people and events that you don't like, ignore the temptation, ignore the useless activities and just focus on trying to build yourself up. Improve day by day, take it one step at a time and don't be afraid if the process is slow. Don't be afraid if you're not progressing, just trust the process and lay the bricks one by one. Ignore what is making you unproductive, ignore the addiction, ignore it one by one and you will find yourself turning into a different animal, you will slowly turn into something special if you will ignore what is bothering you. Focus on what matters the most and never waste your energy for something that is unrewarding.
It's not about your reality, it's about your mentality. If you keep on spending time for things and people that are not helping you then your life will become like that. No matter how ugly your reality is... you can change it if you can develop a proper mentality. It's simply about knowing what you want and what you can do to get it and nothing else. It's simply about not giving up during the hard times and ignoring the distractions that are trying to slow you down, develop a mentality that is very strong and can weather any storm. Develop a mentality that focuses on the bigger picture and not on the petty things that bothers you. Always look at the bigger picture, never give any attention or focus to something that will not even give you something positive in return. Your mentality is everything, a strong and well functioning mind equals an extraordinary life. Your mind is your investment, put thoughts and mental pictures on it that will give you an easier life. Sometimes your life gets harder because of the way you think. Think better and you will become better.
Knowing what you can do and knowing that you can thrive in the end is a very powerful thing. Sometimes people get easily distracted, they always fail and come up short because they don't know what they can do. They simply give up when it is hard, they simply allow themselves to get distracted because they don't believe in themselves. If you really know who you are then small things and small problems can never shake you. No person can bother you, nothing can penetrate your mind to poison it. You will become a bulletproof of the distractions, you will succeed, you will become a winner simply because of knowing who you are and believing with the process.
Every struggle, every pain, every problem, every challenge, every failure, every defeat, every rejection... everything including success and Luck... love everything about your world. Because it's the best way to enjoy your life. Stop hating, stop blaming people. You are the one responsible for your life. If nothing good is happening now always remember that you have the power to make it better. You have to love your life first so that everything will be a lot easier. Be patient, what you want will come in just a matter of time. Just because the world isn't giving you what you want doesn't mean you have the luxury to become bitter, hateful and mean. Still be kind and loving, still be appreciative and stop being needy, stop having a victim mindset and start working on your game. Work on your mentality, work on your habits, become the best version of yourself.
It's a chaotic world that we live in then why the hell do you feel mad when something is disturbing you. This is life, it's really chaotic, don't be afraid of any distraction, don't be afraid of any noise. Always think that everything is just a game and things will be a lot easier for you. This is just a game, life is just a game and there's no need to worry. If you win you win, if you lose you lose, it doesn't matter at all, what matters is you enjoy your life, you enjoy the game, you enjoy every chaos or comfort... you basically enjoy everything. Life will become 10x easier if you will just go with the flow and still focus on what you want to happen, never try to control everything, don't complain, just do what is needed and life will become more fun, all of the worries will go away, as simple as that.
Every pain, every sacrifice, every bad encounters were all part of the process, it's all part of the play so enjoy all of it. You don't need to feel like a victim, feel like a conqueror that can manage everything and endure everything that is uncomfortable with your life. Love your life even if there is no reason to love it and it will love you back. Everything matters, everything that you see is making you who you are. It all depends on how you interpret any situation. The choice is still yours, are you going to feel bad or feel good about something? don't see everything as it is, know the reason why it is there. Everything is there for a reason, you may not know it yet but you will in the future. So don't ever think that just because you don't like it doesn't mean you need to hate it, accept it and you will feel much better, accept it so you will be able to make a progress.
Everything will become too easy if you will accept it. Accept that it's easy, accept that it's not hard. Never judge any misfortune as something ugly, accept it with all your heart. Everything can be judged as beautiful if you will look at the positive side of it. There are two sides for every story so choose the story that will make you fee much better. Trick your mind to think that it is beautiful and it will become beautiful, as simple as that. You're judging it that it is ugly that's why it become so ugly. Judge it as beautiful and it will give you an advantage. Keep staying positive because for as long as your state of mind is like that then better things will be drawn towards you. You will attract better opportunities, you will see chances and take them. If you have a negative mind then all you will see is why you will never succeed. Accept everything that happens to you with all your heart and it will no longer control you, make it as just another part of your life that has no meaning and it will never make you feel something anymore. Because at the end of the day, it's not about how ugly the situation's how feel about it. It can never control you if you can avoid giving it too much emotions. Stop being too emotional and star thinking the right way, treat it as nothing and it will be nothing.
Why will you waste your life for useless events, people, situations and things. If you can manage to accept it even if it is hard then accept it and go back focusing on your own life. Focus on making your life better, focus on the growth, focus on what you want and stop giving any attention to what you don't want, as simple as that. If you're focused on your own life and doing everything to improve it and prosper then you don't need to use energy for something that you don't want in your life. You only have one life, why waste it for useless things? why spend a lot of energy for something that doesn't make you feel happy? focus on what you want and discipline your mind to ignore everything that you don't want to see or hear. Treat something that you don't want like a ghost, think that it is not there and you will be able to save a lot of energy.
Thinking that you've been treated unfairly, thinking that people were so disrespectful, thinking that you're a victim, complaining about everything, complaining about little things, hating everything and thinking that you're entitled of something better. Stop being needy, stop having that victim mindset because it's only making you weak, it's making you look like a fool. Nobody wants a needy person, you're not a victim, you just choose to be like that and think like that. Think that you can overcome everything, think that everything is making you better if you endure and persevere. You will get what you deserve, life is unfair but karma is real, what you are doing and thinking will go back to you. It's your choice if you want to become strong or weak, having a victim mindset does is make you unproductive and negative. Why will you choose to become weak and feel weak if you can choose to become strong and happy?
You have to admit to yourself that what you're doing is only making your life sucks even more, you have to see yourself failing, you have to swallow your pride and change directions. Because at the end of the day your habits dictates what will you become in the future. If you have the right habits and right thinking patterns then you will win win life, you will live a spectacular and very good life. So make an inventory, what are the habits and thinking patterns that makes you stuck, what are the actions or thoughts that drags you down? you have to get rid of everything that is fun but is making you weak and unproductive. A lot of things are fun, pleasures are fun, instant gratification is fun nut it will lead your life to chaos and misery. Your habits and thoughts are the ones creating your life. Be careful with your thoughts and words because it becomes actions, be careful where you are focusing on because it will manifest in the future. That's why if you really wanted to change then be aware where you are focusing your energy one, what are you thinking everyday? what is the dominant thought in your head? your thoughts become reality, you have to be aware of this saying because it is 100 percent true. You will become sick if you keep thinking about sickness, you will become broke if you're scared of recession and trying to avoid it everyday, you will become a loser if you keep thinking about the past that makes you lose, you will become a winner if all you do is work on yourself and believe that anything you do is working. It's the thoughts and actions that shapes your reality and not the reality itself. You can still thrive in a very ugly place full of scumbags and losers if you're different than them and thinks better than them.
Look at yourself and honestly tell yourself if who you are right now is the person that you really want to be. Are you going to idolize yourself with your habits and attitude right now? do you really think you can succeed with the way you behave and think? if not then optimize your habits, change everything in your life. Change the way you think, decide, move and judge everything. Change the way you perceive things, change the way you life your life, change everything inside of your head that is only making you feel like a loser. Optimize your habits, optimize your brain and see what you can achieve for the next few months. Yes, it is really going to get hard but that's the only choice you have, you have to face the pain, face the stress and stop really focus on changing yourself. Eliminate everything that is of no use, erase the habits and memories that's not putting you on a better place. It's too simple, just know what you want and ask yourself... is what you're doing now helping you to get closer to what you want? if not then stop it and choose a better and useful action.
Teach your mind how to think, discipline your mind to only see the things that you wanted to see. Ignore everything that is making you feel bad and weak, ignore everything that is not helping you to prosper. You need perseverance and tremendous willpower to change your mind but it is really possible. Just be mindful all the time and watch your thoughts and words. Change the way you open your mouth, change your words, change your judgement towards people, things and different situations. Become a little bit more positive, no matter how bad a situation or a person is... never judge it according to its appearance. Learn how to see the positive or bright side of everything, learn how to become more appreciative and your life will improve a little bit. Again, it's your focus that shapes your life, what you feed your mind is going to manifest itself. So stop saying negative things against people, stop cursing your situation and start to become more appreciative. Never get bothered with petty things, never let a small and useless problem make you feel bad. It takes a lot of effort, you need to get serious in changing your mind but the result is priceless and very fulfilling.
You may not like it in the beginning, you may get bored with it but it's the real deal. Discipline is very powerful, it creates results, it creates progress, it creates changes. Discipline is freedom, it creates confidence and control. You are nothing without discipline even if you're the smartest person in the room. All you need to do is avoid the things, pleasures and entertainment that will only put you in the bad position in the future and that's it. It means stop wasting your time for useless habits and activities or even thoughts that will never give you any advantage. Discipline is preparation, it's strengthening your mind and body, it's preparing yourself for difficult challenges, it's putting you on a better position to succeed. Discipline yourself and you will become a different beast. Discipline your mind and replace all the thoughts that are meaningless and useless. If you are depriving yourself of instant gratification and easy but useless habits then you are putting yourself on the best place to become great. Discipline is the start of everything that is great. Watch yourself all the time, if you really wanted to change then guard all of your thoughts and actions and once you find yourself not doing the right thing or not thinking the right way... change your energy and get back on track. Change your focus and put it back on the right place.
Face the boredom, face the pain, change is stressful but it's only for the first few weeks. Once you were able to establish a new set of habits then everything else will become automatic, it will become very easy. All it takes is patience and the willingness to feel bad, embrace the bad emotions, it is really painful to change yourself but that's the price of asking for a new life. You want a new life right? you want something better right? then face the pain and stop complaining that it is hard. Believe in the power of making sacrifices, believe in the power of choosing the right habits. You will never see the results right away but you will in the near future. Just be patient and never give up because it's all worth it.
The bad news is most of the news nowadays were all fake news and it's poisoning your mind. It's threatening you, it's scaring you, it's making you worried and anxious. It's not healthy for your body and brain, it's not helpful to your journey. It's freezing you, it's making you doubtful and confused. All it does is make you a negative person too. The good new is you can create your own news, you can imagine subjects and happenings that will make your mind healthier and tougher. You can create images inside of your head that will make you braver and more productive. Because all the news does is penetrate your mind and make you scared, these negative news is making you weak. It's time to create your own news and believe it.
Leave these negativity alone, ignore it and never let it poison your mind, block it right away when it's about to enter. The key to have a healthy mind is to never give any attention to anything that you don't even like. You hate problems yet you keep watching fake news about problems. You hate sickness yet you keep watching news about sickness, you hate corruption yet you keep following the latest trends about the government, you even fight for your idol politician that was very corrupt and cruel. Just be fast in switching your thoughts, you must know that you need to block a negative thought right away even if it's so interesting and entertaining. Always remember that if it is entertaining then it is fake and only using your mind, it's only trying to eat your time for their own agenda.
At the end of the day all the news does is manipulate your mind and make you addicted to them so that they will have a lot of views and their ratings will go up. They will do whatever it takes to show a controversial story that will never help you to grow. They will try to destroy your own decision making skills, they will affect your confidence by their false narratives. News will never help you to build your courage, it will only affect your mentality in a bad way. So stop watching news and reprogram your mind with positivity and hope. Watch motivational videos instead of news, read inspirational books, read business books, never waste your time for stupid news because it will only make you dumb. You are the one who is feeding your mind, why will you feed your mind with nonsense information that will not even help you to grow? always remember that your mentality is the most important thing now what's going on around you, not the people around you, not the problems around you. Your mentality is the most important thing so take care of it.
You are the one who is feeding your mind, you're the one who is feeding it with gossips, negativity, controversy and useless information. Don't you know that every thought that's running in your mind is affecting your reality. You have to be mindful of what information are you trying to put in your head because it has a domino effect in the future, it will play a big part for your destination. So start cultivating the right thoughts and affirmations, filter the negativity and start feeding your mind with the positive and useful beliefs. Stop being negative for one month, start being positive and appreciative, stop hating and stop watching news and see the benefits that it will give into your life. Your life will be altered if you will alter your thoughts and change the thinking pattern.
Most people will believe so fast even though they do not know the whole story. Their minds can be manipulated easily and that's why it's easy to scare them. When you are scared you will follow what the majority does, when you are scared you can't think rationally. You will just do what is comfortable and will never even question the reality. You don't need to believe everything you hear, you need to investigate first before believing it. But if the subject was useless and will never help you, you don't need to investigate anymore, completely ignore it and focus on your own life. Don't be a gullible person, don't be someone who is very easy to convince by fake news. You have to protect your mind and make it bulletproof against harmful information that will only make you scared and worried.
It requires a lot of effort, it requires a lot of willpower to change your mind but it's all worth it. You have to be mindful of what you're thinking all the time, you have to know what kind of thoughts are helpful and harmful. You have to guard your mind 24 hours a day and never let any negative thinking go in. You really have to watch yourself and strictly filter the negatives because it's putting your life in jeopardy, it's taking away the happiness, it's taking away your chances to win. Discipline yourself now and never think wrong again, never engage with negative thoughts and fake news, never get interested with information that will only make you think but not take actions. Focus on the motivating thoughts that will give you more energy and hope, focus on the right set of information that will give you advantage. Because a person who is thinking right already have an advantage, a person whose mind is sick will never prevail and will always find a way to complain and make excuses. If you have a disciplined mind then you will become a winner, as simple as that.
If you accidentally heard a news that was scary and causes panic to people... don't panic. Always breathe, always relax and wait for it to develop first, investigate if it is right or simply ignore it and just focus on your own journey. If it is really threatening and can cause a lot of damage or pain then simply relax and never believe it right away, be aware, look around you first and list down the things that you need to do if it is real. Calmness is a very powerful thing, it can make you immovable, it can make you invincible, stay calm and stop worrying because you're only making matters worse every time you panic, stop scaring yourself, learn to breathe and never rush any decisions.
Jun 20, 2022
Success, even if you have it already your life will still be the same if your mindset hasn't change. Yo will still feel unhappy even if you have a lot of money because you will never get satisfied, you will always look for more. You will always look for a bigger house, larger pay, newer car, sexier wife etc. You will never get satisfied. So don't ever think that you already made it.
And what if you can't become successful? you become even sadder. So don't look for success too much, don't chase it because it's not the only thing that will make you happy.
Look for a process that feels like a play to you. Find something that will make you so excited. There is a process that you will enjoy that will give you some money or a little success. Find it and make it rich, make it big, that process will save you from sadness or depression. It will give you more energy, it will give you a reason to keep moving forward. That's why people who have goals live longer, it's because they find the energy and tenacity to keep fighting, they have a reason to breathe, they never take their lives for granted because they have a purpose. A system that will make you do it forever, a system that you can do everyday without even thinking about it. It's like habits, it's what you do in order to keep you sane and motivated, and even if you're not motivated at all... once this system was ingrained into your system... it's impossible to get rid of it.
This is the best system that you could ever had... keep trying everyday, don't worry about failing, don't worry about trying again, don't worry about going back to zero... just enjoy the process and keep pushing forward. It's all about giving yourself a chance to win, it's all about taking the risks and not caring about what's going to happen next. What will happen will happen, you don't need to worry about anything else anymore, for as long as you're giving your best... you will be alright. Stop overthinking, stop planning too much, stop gathering fata because it will only make you stuck. It's better to be not perfect but doing something than trying to be perfect but not doing anything at all. Ignore the past, forget the future and just put yourself on a better position to win. Everyday is a blessing don't waste it for nothing, don't ever take it for granted thinking what went wrong or what could go wrong. Just try with all your might and never give up, you will become a winner if you choose to become a winner, as simple as that.
The right path will only be revealed if you keep pushing everyday and not worrying about what's going to happen next. The clues will show up by itself, you just need to stay focused and be aware all the time, raise your consciousness and never sleep. If you will just move then good things will happen to you, even if you can't get results... still good things happened because you already have a momentum, you're already on the right track. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok if you can't see a progress, just make sure you are not stopping, just make sure you don't waste time. Always remember that wasting time for useless subjects is a mortal sin and that it's not good for your journey, it will slow you down, you will be drawn towards negativity, you are only putting yourself on a worse position by doing that. The right path is your intention, it's taking actions, it's doing small positive things that will somehow give you a chance to win. If your intention was good then keep doing it even if it's not giving you any result.
Stop asking why you can't get what you want if all you do is think about it and not really go after it. Stop complaining if you can't get what you think you deserve if all you do is exert a weak effort and look for changes after working for a few minutes. It's time to get serious, it's time to really go after what you want by pushing yourself to the limits. You can only win if you will go hard as much as you can. Never stop, never settle, if you really believe that you can win then you will take the process seriously and go further even if you're too damn tired. Work is better than procrastination. Stop wasting your time because it is really fast, what is done is done, all the time you wasted will never go back to your life, you can never reimburse it, so make sure all of your actions were in check, make sure you're doing the right things instead of burning your time for nothing. Look at yourself, so many actions that are not even needed that you're doing, so many hours and days has been wasted. If you want to turn things around then turn yourself into a machine, make yourself a workaholic. Stop checking for results, stop looking for what is wrong, stop waiting for a miracle and just take massive actions.
Don't feel bad if you work so hard yet not getting anything, you should feel proud of yourself, you should feel better because only few people can really work insanely hard. Most people will quit once they didn't see any result. Just work hard because it is the right thing, learn to focus, learn to believe in yourself and never quit when the going gets tough. When the going gets tough... keep going, keep pushing and never be scared of repeating again. Never be scared to try again, once you fail... stand up and try again and never complain, never make dramas, your life should be all about work and nothing else. You want this right? so make sacrifices and start taking actions now, don't wait for the right timing, the right time for working hard is always now.
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