Oct 23, 2018


Basics will give you results, basics will show you what you need to do. It is so obvious, you just need to do the basics and you will get your momentum back again, make it simple, make it doable, make it easier, make it lighter and not heavier. Sometimes you are complicating things too much that's why you are always having a hard time, you don't need to make it complex, you don't need to make it great, just do the basics and you will be able to make it right. If you're not healthy just run or just walk, if you're broke then work hard, if you're lonely then just smile or crack a joke, if you're hungry then just eat, if you're sick then just drink a lot of water. You always knew what to do you're just not doing it, never under estimate the power of basics because it may not look complicated but it will still give you some results, it will establish a very strong momentum that will give you success if you repeat it a lot of times. The basics will save you, it will show you the right way. You don't need to study anymore, you don't need to have a lot of things or money anymore... just repeat the basics again and again and you will be able to manufacture your own success. People were very good in complicating things, people were very good in making it too hard, the already knew the answer but they were still looking for the most complicated answers, that's why they can't progress, that's why they were stuck in a mud.

Don't be too flashy, don't be too advance, you can survive by just doing the basics and living a simple life. A simple process can create a very huge success. Start now, do the basics now, you can be a one dimensional worker and still can make an impact. You can reach the top by just doing the basics. If you nee to become strong just push up everyday, if you need to become intelligent just read, if you need to level up then just take risks, it's very simple, yes sometimes it's hard but it's too predictable. Success is too predictable if you will just master the basics and never get tired doing it over and over again. You will become an advance player through repetition but for the mean time... just to the basics that will give you tremendous results.

Basics are very easy, it may not impress a lot of people but it will still give you some success, it will still make you feel great because you can do something, you can move and make effort that will bring you closer to success. Everyone knows the basics, you can even learn it in just a few minutes, you can master it in less than a day, you can have a lot of fun from it. Just be a little creative each day and you will become advance.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...