Oct 30, 2018


Your pain will only get worse if you accustomed it with fear, sometimes it's not really painful but because you are so worried... the fake pain is coming out and making you suffer. It's better if you will just ignore it and not think about it. It will go away if you will not make it a big deal.

Fear will destroy you, it will immobilize you, it will make you live like a useless person. Never let fear ruin your life. It's ok to become scared a little bit but it's not ok if you will feed your fears with NEGATIVE thoughts that will even amplify the pain. Stop thinking negative because that may come true if you always think about it.

You will get paralyzed if you focus on your fears. You will feel bad, you will be stunned.. the result is pain will become bigger. Just pretend that you are brave, pretend that fear means nothing to you.

If you want your pain to stop then stop focusing on your fears, stop focusing on what you don't want. Fear will amplify your pain, it will make your wounds and disease stronger, it will make you crazy, if you focus on your fears then your life will be ruined... as simple as that.

Fear will destroy you, it's better to choose the state of neutral rather than choosing the state of fear. Face the pain, once you are willing to face the pain that was caused by anything then you will become free, you never have to worry anymore.

If you want to get rid of fear then just move, just keep moving, never stop moving if you want to become free. Once you're awake... move right away and just do whatever you can do, if you will just focus on progressing then you will never feel any kind of fear anymore, the pain will go away. Once you feel some pain... do something that will entertain you. You can rest if you need to but if you will move and experience different things then you will have a better life.

The antidote for fear is ignorance, if you don't know it then you will never feel it. You will never become scared of a strong opponent if you don't know that he is strong. The key is to focus on your own strength, know what your strengths are and also know your weaknesses.

So whenever you are hurt... don't ever think about fearful things, don't ever think about your pain will get worse. Just enjoy that feeling, absorb it, learn to become one with it... stop resisting because the pain will soon go away, pain is jut temporary, it may last for days or even years but it will go away in your system, so don;t ever feel bad and frustrated whenever you feel it, don't be scared of it, learn to process it and think about different things that will free your mind from thinking about the pain that you'tr feeling.

Some people are feeling little pain but because they are worried... that pain becomes bigger, that pain seems doesn't want to leave their system anymore.

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You get weaker because you're not in control of your mind. Something is controlling you and you're not aware of it, sometimes you be...