Oct 3, 2018


If you're just going to work hard and give your very best then you will be able to create your own legacy. Work hard, work now and see if you are progressing a little bit. Keep pushing, keep grinding, never settle for less, always think for more, it's time to become greedy, it's time to follow your dreams and forget all the useless things in your life. Forget the ideas and thoughts that are making you slow. It's time to become powerful, it's time to do something amazing in your life. Just push and push and push, make yourself work like you've never worked before. Be an animal, treat yourself as something amazing. Do something that the world hasn't before. Because if you will keep doing the same thing and not getting any results then you will remain the same bum forever, you will never even achieve something significant in your life.

It's all about extending the effort, it's all about giving your all every single second and manifesting your dreams. Your legacy can only be created by you, nobody will create it for you, it's all in your hands, it's all in your decision, stop acting like you're weak, stop acting like resting is the only best thing in the world. You need to push yourself like never before. Sometimes you may feel that what you're doing is nonsense but the truth is it has an impact. Everything that you're doing will give you something in the future. Just keep working hard, keep developing the habits that will make you successful one day.

It's only hard in the beginning but eventually it will become easier in the future, it will become easier as the time goes by. Force yourself to take actions, that is how to become a legendary human being. Force yourself to keep moving forward, it's all about upgrading to another level. It's all about moving forward bit by bit until you get to a place where you really belong.

Never doubt yourself, never doubt that you can't do it. Of course you can do something, of course you can make yourself a legend. Create your own legacy before you die, do something spectacular, do something that will make your works known.

Surprise the world, make it get amazed with your work. Make it say wow to all of your creations. Always think that you can become spectacular if you keep on working hard and keep looking for something that will make you a little bit better.

If you will just separate yourself from the crowd and outwork everyone then you will achieve something great, as simple as that. The reason why you're not winning is because you keep on doubting yourself and you keep on being lazy. Do something different now, do something crazy, give everything you've got and never rest until you're super tired. You will become very confident if you will keep on taking actions, if you will keep on pushing yourself to the limits.

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