Oct 15, 2018


You need to be happy with what you have, some people were so unhappy with what they have that's why they can't multiply it, that's why they were so stuck. You need to be appreciative, you need to feel so happy with the smallest thing that you have. Most people who fail always complain, they were not appreciative of what they have. They see negativity around them, sometimes they already have what they want but they can't still see it. They were excuse makers, they want more but they are not doing anything about it. If you can just be happy now and do something to make you move forward then your situation will change. Because it's the most logical thing to do, it's what will make your feelings lighter, it's what will make your situation better. Stop being picky, stop complaining and just look around you... there are plenty of reasons to be happy about. Happiness is simplicity, the more simpler you become the happier you will be. Happiness is not a complicated thing, you should never complicate it, just make it simple as it can be and you will never have a hard time finding it anymore.

Be happy with what you've got because it's all you have. Be happy with your unsupportive family, be happy with the rubbish government in your country, be happy with your old shoes, be happy with your crappy car, be happy with your noisy neighborhood. Because it's all you have, if you can't be happy with your own possession then your life will become a complete destruction. Everything you see will become negative, your mind will become clouded with weak thoughts and you will never be able to improve because you're complaining too much. Realize that you're lucky because it's the truth, if you're alive then you're blessed, you're so lucky because you can still do a lot of things, you can make decisions and take actions, you are in full control of your life. Stop whining and crying because that's a weak move, that will only make your life miserable.

Appreciate your life, live your life, the more you appreciate your life and the things around you the more life will become easier for you. Make your life simple, just appreciate your condition, appreciate your status now matter how low it is or how high it is. Life is going to become simple if you will not get hard on yourself, it's very simple, it's not always going to be easy but it is very simple. Make it simple, appreciate what you have and never complain if you can't have what you want. You will have it on the right time if you keep working hard and giving your best.

You have what you need so stop looking for more, the more you desire for the things that you don't need the more your life will become harder. Life is all about breathing, it's not about getting, it's not about succeeding, it's about breathing and simply living it. One day you're life is going to end and all the things that you are dreaming of will never go with your dead body. All of the properties will remain in this world while you will slowly fade away. It's not bad to look for those things, it's not bad to look for appreciation and success but if you can't have it then don't cry, don't whine and simply keep living your life.

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...