Oct 25, 2018


It's either you hit it or you miss it, it's that simple, just try, try it... don't be afraid to miss because you can always try again next time, you can always make another try. Just try for one more time, don't be afraid to try again because it's free. If you fail stand up and try again, it's an endless journey, what matters is you keep trying until you succeed. Regrets can only be killed if you keep on trying while you still have strength to move and do what is needed. Take actions, act like you're brave and try again for one more time. Don't be afraid to get embarrassed, don't be afraid to get humiliated, so what if they call you a loser? the truth is... you were never a loser if you keep trying. Forget about what people say, never mind if they are kicking you out, you can always go in whenever you want to. Nobody can stop you, nothing can stop you... just keep moving forward and you will get there.

Feel ok if you don't hit it, you can try again next time. Move on right away if you fail. Stand up and try again for one more time. Hit or miss you only have two choices, it's up to you if you will hit, it's also up to you if you will miss. Effort will play a big role to your success, the power is in your hands. You will become successful if you really want it, if you will grind and almost got yourself killed because of hard work, hard work will never fail you... ever. Get yourself addicted to hard work, never listen to fake preachers telling you that you don't even need to work hard, hard work is the only answer, it's the only thing that will make you prosper. Try to hit it hard, give your very best, use all of your willpower to get what you want and hit that target, the only question is... how bad do you want it? if you want it so bad then it will fall into your hands, as simple as that. Take your chances seriously, you have to treat it as your bread and butter, as your lone business.

If you will not try then you will think forever, you will wonder what could have happened, you will worry each day. So what if you miss? does it mean you can never try again? your number of tries will never run out, you can try later, you can try again tomorrow. Just work hard and work fast, you will get something for your life, you will make your life a little bit better. Hard work will never disappoint you, hard work has always the answer, just take it seriously and you will hit something, you may not hit the target but you will hit something that is closer to the target. There is something you can do about the situation, just do what you can do with full effort and you will become successful. Never quit, never change route, take the chosen path and die for it.

Have no regrets if you miss the target, remember that once you made an effort and try then you're already a winner. Because the truth is... sometimes the target is elusive, sometimes you will miss and you will get frustrated but if you keep going then you are giving yourself a best chance to win. Never stop never settle always stay hungry, always stay thirsty. Because life is too short to focus your life for blaming, hating and making excuses, move now while you still have some strength, move now while you can still move. It will become easier if you try... enjoy trying, get addicted to fall in love with the process.

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