Jul 13, 2022


Stop acting that you're not ready, stop pretending that you can't do something for whatever reason. You're always ready, you're just pretending that you're not because you wanted to be perfect. You don't want to get criticized, you don't want to fail, you always wanted to look good and perfect. But if you will just take actions, if you will just start then you will be able to come up with something. But if you will push yourself to take an action then something good will happen, you will feel confident, you will have a momentum, you will be able to figure out the next steps. Nothing can stop you, remind yourself that you're the only one who is stopping yourself. You can do something now, stop being a pussy and just try. 


Stop trying to be perfect, stop trying to feel good and just focus on the progress, focus on taking actions. You are making a progress every time you are moving so don't feel bad if you're not seeing any improvements. You already did level up a little bit every time you take an action. Forcing yourself to just do it is courage, acting like everything is alright without doing anything is cowardice. If you want to practice courage then just move, stop stopping yourself from taking an action. Anything you do is right, anything that has a positive intention will take you closer from what you're trying to accomplish. Whether you fail or succeed... you still made a progress because you choose to try. Trying will make you better, it will give you clues, it will show you the next step. So keep trying, keep doing something that is moving you closer to success. Stop thinking that you're not ready because it's just an illusion. 

No regrets after taking an action and just move forward. Stop judging yourself, stop feeling guilty, stop shaming yourself, be proud that you take an action. Just keep moving forward and look for the next step. Never stop, never doubt yourself, just focus on taking the next step and give your very best. Always remember that it doesn't matter if you fail or make a mistake, what matters is you are moving forward and trying. Feeling stuck is just a perspective, if you're moving forward then you are doing the right thing, as simple as that. Most people couldn't even start, they were so afraid to fail and embarrass themselves that's why they're stuck and depressed. 


Overthinking, planning, being afraid to start... these stupid things makes you stuck. Stop planning and just do it. Just define your goal and do whatever it takes to get it, as simple as that. Planning too much is wasting your energy and time. Just try something and if it didn't work then do some tweaks, make some adjustments. You don't need a plan if you're serious in making it. Focus on what your goal is and do everything you can to get it, stick with the basics and stop thinking too much, stick with the process and never stop. It's too simple if you will never think. Overthinking is for the losers, overthinking will never get the job done. 


Never check if you're doing right or wrong and just move forward. Always remember that if you're not killing or robbing somebody then you are doing the right thing. If you are not violating any rules or not hurting anyone then you are right. Just keep moving forward and do your best, as simple as that. You need to be fast, you need to be good in forcing your body to move even if you don't like it. Again, stick with the basics and work as hard as you can and you will be alright, you will improve, you will make a progress, there is nothing else to be afraid of. Mind your own business and stop minding other people's business. If you can have this mindset then you will be able to take massive actions, you will become unlimited. Results doesn't matter at all, what matters is your attitude and ability to detach from everything and just move forward. 


The truth about progress is you will only make it if you're making mistakes. Most people doesn't want to fail or make mistakes that's why they were stuck and always feeling sad. Make mistakes now, try something and never be afraid if you have to repeat again from the very start. Time is fast, life is so short why not put yourself on the better position to succeed? you only have one life, why waste it for overthinking? just play the game of life, focus on taking actions, focus on trying everything. If you really want to make a progress stop trying to look cute, stop trying to feel special and allow yourself to make a mistake, as simple as that. Always remember that you're not entitled of getting the results right away, stop thinking like that. There is a big chance that you will fail and make a lot of stupid mistakes but that's alright, you're just a human being, it's not a crime to make a mistake, you will not get jailed of doing it. Just try again, make the same mistake again until you realize that there is something you need to adjust. 


Always trying to be perfect leads to doubts, inaction, depression and failure. You already failed after not trying, you already failed when you're overthinking. Just do it, allow yourself to fail big time, just do it. Just show up, stop thinking that you're entitled of an easier path, stop thinking that you are a start and just do what you need to do. If you can develop an attitude of just working hard and just doing whatever it takes to win then you will win, as simple as that. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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