Jul 18, 2022


The reason why you are slow and couldn't even started is because you're consuming everything. You're consuming a lot of food, you're consuming a lot of information, you're so afraid of missing out. You think that not eating that, not knowing that is making you miss a lot. You're so afraid of letting go the things that doesn't serve you. Your mind was poisoned by a lot of information, your body was weaken by a lot of unhealthy food. Stop consuming everything if you want to become faster and more productive. You can optimize your brain and body by simply avoiding things that will make you slow in the future. Empty your mind and body and you will become faster than ever. Your mind will think faster and you will be able to make better decisions if you're disciplined enough to block all the information that doesn't serve you. Your body will become faster if you will eat less. Stop getting interested with food that are delicious but unhealthy, stop getting jealous with people who are posting on social media about the restaurant that they tried. Protect your mind from temptations that will only make you unhealthy. Stop consuming news, fake gossips, stupid entertainment that will never even help you to think the right way. If you can avoid these temptations then you will go to a different level. 

Be aware of what you are thinking, be aware of what you're eating and consuming. Stop buying things that are not really important. The truth is you think you need it but the truth is you will never use it, you're just attracted to marketing that was used by the companies to seduce you to buy their wasted products. The 50 percent sale is not making you save more money because you are still spending your money, it goes off outside the window. You need to be smarter these days if you want to survive. You can't be just buying something or consuming something that will put you on a worse position in the future. Stop being too emotional, your emotions is making you do bad decisions, avoid seductions and stupidity and claim your true power. You will become truly strong if you can avoid what is trying to eat your time, money and health. Subtracting your wants will make you get more. Avoid liking everything, avoid doing what other people do and learn to practice delayed gratification all the time. It's sacrifices and pain that will put you on top not pleasures and instant gratification. If you can just save your money, stop going to parties, stop buying 50 percent sales then you will have an extra ordinary life. It's the process that will give you success not the consuming of everything just because you want to. 


If you need to buy a dog, take a vacation, buy expensive foods or clothes then you will never become really happy. Happiness is easy to create if you will just live your life and stop looking outside. Happiness happens inside you don't need anything to become happy. Just live your life and follow your passion. Whether you become successful or not... just chase your goal, that's how happiness is created. You don't need a lover, approval, luxury car or a food to eat to become happy. Real strong people were ok getting zero and having nothing in their lives. 


If you need to start something... just start it and forget about anything else. Make a mediocre start, just start and never mind perfection. It's ok if you're not perfect at all, it's ok if you're not making any progress... just do it, do it over and over again until you find a way how to get things done correctly. Starting something is a very good momentum builder. You don't need to become smart or fully equipped with wisdom before you begin, just start, never mind if you're the last, never mind if you're the weakest, never mind if you feel uncomfortable... just start and keep going, never give up. Give everything you've got and push yourself to the limits. Never look for perfection, never expect an easy path, just enjoy the dirty road and learn to adapt to any kind of situation. You have to stop complaining, stop acting like a baby, stop being too sensitive with pain and just power through. It's ok if you are mediocre, you will become great if you keep repeating it. 


Go for the hunt everyday, stop looking for an easy path, enjoy the process and never stop, keep going even if the chase is very difficult. You have to enjoy every step of the way because that's the only way to make your life better than ever. Don't be lazy, start your day early and go for the hunt right away. Stop building rituals before you start, stop looking for a motivation and just hunt your dreams, hunt your goals and never look back. Never look for an easy way out once you find out that it is impossible, just keep going and do whatever it takes to succeed. Enjoy the hunt everyday, enjoy each step, enjoy the most difficult steps because that will make you grow and better. 


Believe that you can do it, believe that all of your actions and hard work will pay off one day. Your 
sacrifices will become something, your pain will gain. If you really believe in something then you will never stop it even if you're not getting anything in return. Believe that you have the power to push even if nothing good is happening in your life. if you really believe it then you will go to the extreme, if you really believe it then you will do the impossible and forget what people say, believe that you can believe, believing means you will never play safe, it means you will give everything you've got until the end. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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Discomfort means happiness, it means progress, it means you are evolving as a person and you're doing something that will make your life...