Jul 10, 2022


Everything may scare you, there will be random things or people that will come to scare you, there will be unexpected events, there will be unwanted challenges that will come to your life, even a simple task or a random responsibility will scare you. Don't be scared to become scared, feel the fear, invite it to your life, welcome it and embrace it. The key here is to be aware that you are scared and maintain your composure, stay calm and collected, learn to breathe, don't panic, be in the moment, be present as much as you can and be aware of what is going on around you. You don't need to talk, move or decide fast, you can take it slowly, you can set your own pace. Never let people or things make you decide or move fast, take it slowly, be in a slow motion. Always think that nothing can push you, nothing can make you do what you don't wanted to do. Always think that it is your life, you're in control here, you will be able to make better decisions if you will feel the present moment. The key to power and control is to be aware of what's going on and accept what is happening now, don't try to resist it... just feel it, never feel anything about what you don't like or rather don't give it any energy, detach from it and focus on another thought that will make you feel better. It's just thoughts that are sacring you, it's the meaning you give to something that is making you feel uncomfortable. 


You're scared of someone, something because you think that they are big. You always think that you need to be perfect. What if you think that everything is nothing? will it scare you again. It's not that you disrespect them but never treat them special, never think that you need to give an extra effort or energy for them. Just treat everything as ordinary. Treat every opportunity, person, things etc as something common so that it won't intimidate you. Never get too excited with big names, big opportunities, big people, always treat everything as equal. Think that nothing is big, think that you can experience a better situation next time so it's ok to not look perfect today. Never try to please or impress anyone, never try to look perfect to anyone and your fears will go away. Just be  yourself, show them what you got but don't over perform, don't try to look perfect and flawless, show them your scars, show them your insecurities. You will look better if you're not trying to hide or shrink, show them how ugly or imperfect you are and they will be impressed even more.


Everyone was scared, uncomfortable and insecure too. They too were hiding their fears, some people were just good at it. If you will teach yourself how to stay calm during discomfort and stress then you will become unstoppable. Never let anything bother you, let everything scare you but never let them control you. You have to learn how to feel yourself at any given situation. Most people were not even aware that the are scared and that's why they're panicking. Always remember to stay calm even if you are scared. Just breathe and stay in the moment, everything will be fine, what will happen will happen but don't ever let fear make you stupid decisions, stop if you need to. What's the point of hurrying up? what's the point of panicking? it will only make you weak and lose your mind. Always be aware and stay present and you will become faster and move better. See yourself all the time, what are you thinking? what are you doing? why are you feeling like that? always think that nothing is big, nothing is bigger than you, you are equal to them, you are also strong, you can focus on something and be good at it. Never give anything or anyone so such importance, always focus on what you're trying to achieve in life and nothing will intimidate you anymore.


If you are ok to losing everything then you will feel invincible. Be ok getting embarrassed, rejected, laugh at, be ok with failing or defeats. If you can feel comfortable with anything despite of being scared then you will have a very strong energy that everyone will feel. A person with nothing to lose is dangerous and attractive. Take it slowly, talk slowly with better tone, breathe, pause when you need to, stop reacting to everything and just enjoy the moment, enjoy every sound, enjoy every happening, don't be afraid to feel everything, don't resist anything, just accept what will happen and focus on being present. You're here, never go anywhere, even if you feel so uncomfortable and anxious... stay here, don't fast forward the moment, don't rush to go home, stay where you are and focus on being present. The power of now is real, not trying to change the people, situation, things and just accepting them will give you power and control. Just feel life, feel yourself and you will feel incredible power, you will even feel invincible. It's such a great feeling, fear is and pain is just a reminder to stay present, keep breathing and take things slowly. Never take things seriously, feel everything, welcome everything and remind yourself that nothing can harm you. Always remember that if you're ready to lose everything then you will feel so powerful. Think that nothing is big, nothing is important, nothing can control you. The only thing you need to have is your life, everything else was just a bonus. 


Don't be afraid to express yourself naturally and get rejected, don't be afraid to get disliked. It's ok, just stop trying to be perfect, stop trying to force everything to go your way, let everything that will happen fold naturally. Detach from the outcome, stop forcing everything, stop trying to control. Let people do their thing, let them disrespect you or dislike you, just be yourself, keep loving yourself and never try to compare yourself to anyone. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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