Jul 12, 2022


You feel like a victim, you feel like the world is unfair because you think you deserve to have more. You think you deserve some amount of respect, you think you need to have a lot because you feel like you already gave a lot. That's a wrong mindset that is killing you and making you feel like a victim. If you want to get more then give more, if you want to become happier then don't expect something in return, you just give it because you want to give it, you feel good while giving, you feel great, you feel blessed. You don't need to get something in return, you don't need a respect, you don't need them to like you or give you more. Just let it be, give more and be patient more, if something returns then be happy, if you don't get anything then be happier. 


Getting less is all in the mind, feeling being treated unfairly is just a judgement, you have to think that it's ok if you don't get what you deserve and still appreciate the small things that you are getting. If you are thankful then you will never feel like a victim, if you are confident that you will get more in the future then you will get more, as simple as that. Abundance is how you feel, it's not what you see, it's how you feel towards any quantity may it be small or big. If you feel that you are getting more even if you're getting less then you will get more. It's alright to give more, work hard and get paid less, give more to people, be generous and expect nothing in return. If you have this kind of mentality then it means you are blessed, you feel blessed and you feel more, the result is... more things and better opportunities will be attracted to you. Look at those broke people... they were too needy, unappreciative and selfish. They always feel that their bosses are cheating them, they always feel that they need to get paid big in order for them to do better work. And that's why they keep on failing, if a person feels that he is entitled of getting more after giving less then that person will become broke and miserable in the future. You have to give more and be ok getting less, never complain, never hate, never get jealous... your reward will come in the near time. 


For as long as you feel abundant, for as long as you feel happy and satisfied... you will never feel less even if you're getting less. Always think that the more you appreciate you have... the more it will doubled. More and more great things will come to you if you're appreciative and not envy of other people's success. You should not feel bad if you got less because you still got something, it's still a blessing, be appreciative and more blessings will come to you. That's the trick for having an abundant life... always feel more even if you only have less, always feel big even if you're just small. Always think that anything is possible, never feel heavy about giving too much. Never feel bad if you're working too much and getting less, you should feel so better when you're moving and giving because it means you're contributing something great to the world. Always remember that the giver will always get more than the receiver. The receiver will get less because he is not giving and when you're not giving you're not working, if you're not working... your life will have fewer movements and cycle. It's a law, the more you give the more you will receive. 

Always see more, always count your blessings, always think that what you're getting is a lot. If you feel that you don't need more then you will have more. Being satisfied with what you have in your hands is power, it means you don't need to suffer to get a lot, it means you are not envy of other people. Feel abundant by looking at what you have and never look at what other people have. 


Never underestimate the power of patience because it is real. The more patient you are the better your life will be. Wait more, be more compassionate, understand what people are going through, understand that you need to wait and be nicer. Stay still all the time, choose stillness over anger, be patient with what's making you angry. Being patient will give you more time for thinking right and making the right decisions. Patience is powerful, use it often and you will see the impact of it in your life. Stop reacting fast, stop being angry fast, stop getting offended fast and just be patient for most of the time. Give more kindness, give more trust, give more patience everyday. It's not for others, its for you. If you are patient then it means you are taking care of yourself, it means you're not stressing yourself out. Breathe if you find yourself angry and stressed, stop talking, stop reacting... just breathe and experience life. 


If you don't want to feel less the never compare yourself to others. So what if they're richer than you? so what if they're doing better than you? never compare because it will make you feel bad about yourself, you're only making yourself poorer by doing that. And even if one person is weaker than you... still don't compare, don't feel superior, don't feel better. If you really believe in yourself then you will never compare your life to anyone. Comparing is for the weak, it's for insecure people. You have to feel that you are enough and that is no need to feel envy of other people's lives. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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