Jul 8, 2022


Your RAS (Reticular Activating System) should only see opportunities instead of tragedies. Everything is an opportunity to become great, gain something, improve or live a happier life. You will get what you are focusing on, no wonder why you're getting the same shi*s over and over again because you're focused on negative subjects. What you are seeing is your mind, your mind is your reality, your reality was based on your choices of focus. If you think about money all day long then you will get it, but if you're thinking about it but there's a part of you that is worried then you will never get it. You should be a single minded individual, you should have a pure heart of getting it, there should be no fear or else the money will go away. If you're thinking about problems recession, problems of the country then that's what you will get, you become what you think about, so watch your mind because your dominant thought will become your reality. 


Just grind, just work hard, seek hard and you will find. The reason why you can't make a breakthrough is because you always see every opportunity as an adversity. You judge it by the way it looks and the way you feel about it. You're not giving it a benefit of the doubt. You must try something so that you will fully know what it is all about. Stay positive and grind, stop being negative, stop being lazy and just focus on the process. Focus on working hard every single day and never give up. Just keep going, keep fighting for what you want. Stay positive and grind, never give up... push yourself to the limits. If you can see the positive in every situation then you will get something positive too. But if all you see is negative then you will become stuck on the same place forever, stay positive and grind, always prioritize working and never feel so down, work even if you're unmotivated, you have to stay committed and never ever think about quitting. 


Just don't give up and always look for the next step, focus on what you want and believe that you're struggling now because it's just part of the process. Believe that later you will be able to get the chance you've been waiting for. Always see every struggle as a gift, it's making you tougher and stronger, it's teaching you something.  If you want to go to the next level then be fast and never stop, never feel tired even if you feel tired, always believe that every action is necessary to get what you want even if it's not making an impact at all. Hustle to get it, do whatever it takes, use all of your power and tenacity to make it happen. Don't stop, don't act like you already done enough, it's not over until you win. Because if you will not hustle, if you will not fight for it then you will never get it, as simple as that. You have to believe, you have to be patient, you have to work hard while waiting. Time will come and you will get it. Just hustle, it's that too simple. The reason why you can't get what you want is that you're too soft and slow, you're too complacent and thinking that you run everything in your life, you think that you're going to get lucky one day. You will never be able to catch a break if you're waiting for it, you have to run for it, go for it and be like a lion chasing it, you have to think that it's the only thing that matters into your life.  


You will attract more opportunities if you will choose to become positive rather than being negative. Being positive will give you a better energy, it will make you focused, it will give you a better direction. Rather than being jealous, hateful, envious of others why not focus on yourself instead of focusing on them? if you're jealous of others it means you're not confident of yourself, it means you really don't believe what you do. Always choose being positive, always choose to take actions. Never stop believing, never stop trying, you have to see every situation as an opportunity no matter how bad it seems to look like. It's hard to choose positivity but it's much much better than being negative, it's harder to love, it's easier to hate and get jealous but you will never get anywhere if you have a negative mindset. Being positive is discipline, you have to be aware of yourself if you're hating someone, stop yourself the moment you find yourself hating on somebody. You need to shift your focus into your own life and enjoy your own journey. 


Be greater than your situation, never accept that you're stuck on that level forever. Always choose greatness, always choose action over inaction. Focus on the things that really matters, it's just a matter of using your energy the right way. Why will you give some attention to people or things that will not even help you to grow? why will you even choose to do something that is putting you down? stop degrading yourself and start upgrading your life. It's simply about taking actions and nothing else, greatness means non stop, greatness means doing the smallest action even if it looks like not making an impact. Anything you're doing is working, you just need to be patient and see it as an opportunity to get better. Every action is moving the needle, every action is taking you closer and closer to your dreams, you just need to wait and be patient, you just need to work harder than yesterday, the formula is too simple, it's not working because you always got bored easily. 

For more inspiring stories, articles that will open up your mind for greatness please visit: http://ika815.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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